Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Turn 100 In The Kingdom and Presto-Chango!

The Apostle knows exactly when you (well, maybe not YOU, since you are a backslidding law breaker) will be changed to a spirit being in the kingdom of God.  The minute you turn 100 you will be changed to spirit and will marry Jesus Christ.

The breach between Israel and her God shall also be healed; and a New Covenant shall be made with Israel Jer 31 and she shall be betrothed into the Bride.  As they reach the age of 100 during the millennial kingdom, the chosen shall be changed to spirit and grafted into the bride.

So how does the apostle arrive at that date?

Hosea says that humanity wil be betrothed to Christ during the millennial kingdom and Isa 65:20 says that they shall be changed at 100 years old. We are told very specifically that satan shall be loosed AFTER the 1000 years and not during it; and we are also told very specifically that he shall decieve the nations of the far east and NOT Israel. James


  1. Grafted into the bride? Ewww....sounds like a mixing of metaphors Either be grafted into the tree or married to the bride, but you shouldn't be married to the tree or grafted into the bride.


  2. What utter nonsense.

    And I suppose the Apostle hasn't read Revelation 20 very carefully either.

    Just like Weinland and May 26th, it just isn't going to happen that way.

  3. You know: With Armstrongism, there's a lot of graft.

  4. I'm just not too sure any of these things are going to happen. The bible is just a collection of short stories that were written a long time ago. I'm not sure it's any more authoritative than an anthology of Shakespeare. In 2000 years from now, I wonder what significance will be attributed to the collected works of Hemmingway.
