Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 19, 2012

United Church of God: What's Wrong With This List?

Look at the list of names below and see what you can see out of the ordinary.  These are the men making the decisions in UCG.

  • Doctrine Committee: Scott Ashley, Bill Bradford, John Elliott, Darris McNeely, Don Ward and Bob Berendt as chairman.
  • Ethics Committee: Carmelo Anastasi, Gary Antion, Mark Mickelson, Robin Webber and Mario Seiglie as chairman.
  • Education Committee: Scott Ashley, Gary Antion, John Elliott and Don Ward as chairman.
  • Media Committee:  Carmelo Anastasi, Scott Ashley, Bill Bradford, Mario Seiglie and Darris McNeely as chairman.
  • Strategic Planning Committee: Bill Bradford, Mark Mickelson and Robin Webber as chairman.
  • Roles and Rules: Carmelo Anastasi, Bob Berendt, John Elliott, Mark Mickelson and Gary Antion as chairman.

What's that? You see nothing out of the ordinary? You are correct.

It is 2012, well over 15 years since all of these men were WCG employees kicking people out of the Church for not following Tkach's new teaching.

Fifteen years later and these very same men are STILL in charge. No new blood has entered the picture.

The same corrupt power structure is still running UCG.

It's no wonder the UCG is losing members and not growing.

Is anyone on that list under the age of 50? Where is the new blood coming up through the ranks with new ideas and new focus?

UCG is aging out, like all the other 700 some harlot daughters of Armstrongism.


  1. There are also other problems as well.

  2. A game of monopoly anyone...?

  3. Maybe Battleship would be better than Monopoly, as in, "You sank my battleship!".

    Now in 3D RPX, and if we are to believe the critics, like Roger Ebert, a surprisingly good movie, though you wouldn't think so (more like an extinction event for 3D movies). From Hasbro.

  4. Each of these men is tremendously corrupt and arrogant, this coming from personal experience. How can anyone look up to them as even being good people, much less "righteous" ones? It's mind-boggling.

  5. It's not an issue of whether they're nice guys, or intelligent, or sincere.

    The problem is they refuse to acknowledge reality.

    Their belief system is precisely what produces the Flurrys, Packs, Weinlands, and so on.

    The members aren't responsible for those frauds. Herbert Armstrong is. And the UCG leaders hold fast to what Herbert Armstrong taught. It protects them and appears to validate who they are and what they've promoted for decades.

    It also allows them to pretend that they're above it all -- that they have no responsibility or culpability in the development of these cult systems that dominate and ruin people's lives.

    Their soothing words may reach itching ears here and there, but look at what it's all coming to. Splits and more splits, disagreements and broken friendships, and, worst of all, broken families. The fruits of Herbert Armstrong's system are so opposed to the teachings they claim to uphold that it's laughable.

    Yet people are supposed to be impressed by the "harmony" and "unity" that exists in this group or that group -- and, seemingly, most of all in UCG. To use a favorite term of one of their forebears, "balderdash."

    Disharmony and disunity have been more the hallmarks of Armstrong's system than anything else. People of sound mind have been willing to acknowledge it head on. These guys can form all the committees they want. Until they're willing to be honest about Herbert Armstrong and his broken system, their self-serving discussions will lead people further down the road to nowhere.
