Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Apostle Malm: "I stand with Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Paul"

The apostle Malm is going overboard in trying to legitimize himself in the eyes of his acolytes.  He has predicted the endtimes to start later in this year.  That the current Pope will die and will be replaced at the end of this year with a mean old nasty Pope that hates the US and who will then walk onto the Temple Mount triggering the end.  Apostle Malm sees his ministry as so earth shattering significant that he is now comparing himself to Paul, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Apparently apostle Malm is getting really ticked that his followers are not supporting him as much as he thinks they should.  He compares himself to Paul where Paul felt the need to correct his followers that they were not doing their fair share.  The apostle also uses this to compare himself to the man who was supporting Paul so much that he became ill.  Apostle Malm is suffering horribly from diabetes and is wearing himself out begin such an important apostle.  So get off you butts and support this magnificent man who is the only person on the face of the earth who has the balls to preach the truth.

Phillipians 2:23, “Him therefore I hope to send presently, as soon as I shall see how it will go with me. But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly. Yet I suppose it necessary to send unto you Epaphroditus, my brother and companion in labor and fellow soldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants; for he longed after you all and was full of heaviness because you had heard that he had been sick. For indeed he was sick and near to death, but God had mercy on him. And not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.”
This person was very ill, and when he recovered and he found out how much his illness had distressed others, he himself was very distressed over that..
 “For indeed he was sick and near unto death, but God had mercy upon him and not on him only, but God had mercy upon me, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. I sent him therefore, the more carefully that when you should see him again, you may rejoice, and that I may be the less sorrowful.”
That is, when I know that you see him recovered, you will be happy and that will also make me happy, that you are happy.
 “Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation because for the work of Christ he was near unto death, not regarding his life to supply your lack of service toward me.”

This is a very important statement here. Paul is saying that this man was serving me to the point where he became so ill that he nearly died because he was making up for your lack of help and your lack of support.
This is a very special person and notice here very carefully, how Paul is a very carefully and very diplomatically pointing out to these Philippians that they were not giving him the support they should and that one fellow was acting to support him, to help him in every way and that one person made up for the lack of support from this whole group, and he was trying to inform these people and shame this people into realizing their lack of boldness in Christ and their fearfulness that being associated with Paul and supporting Paul, the prisoner.

This is about Paul being imprisoned and in bonds and these people in Philippi, being afraid to support him and being afraid to boldly stand up and preach the Gospel, lest they also be imprisoned.

Paul is very carefully and diplomatically pointing out to them that they need to be bold for the things of Christ. They need to be bold for the Gospel. They should not be afraid. They should be fearless and with great courage, stand on the Word of God. Stand on the rock of Jesus Christ because it is God and Christ who are able to save them ultimately from destruction. And men cannot do anything to them unless God permits it and God can save them, and if he chooses not to, he will raise them up on that day.

Go and see what I have published today at the News Site.  Jesus Christ did not shrink back from telling the truth to power and neither will I.  If we speak what God has commanded us to preach; we will have our problems, but God is backing us up.  If we do and teach what we think is right; God will NOT back us up and we are on our own.

I stand with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego;  It is better to die serving my God, than to live serving any other!


  1. "It is better to die serving my God, than to live serving any other!"

    So says the Apostle Malm, from the relative safety of his computer console, in his air-conditioned home with a refrigerator full of food in a country where is absolutely free to practice his beliefs, and free from physical persecution. I wonder how long he would stand fast if he were to be induced (you would have to drug him to get him on the plane, ala Mr. T) to spread the Gospel at the top of his lungs in someplace a bit more challenging, like the Sudan, or North Korea.

    Paul R.

  2. "If we speak what God has commanded us to preach..."

    When, exactly, did God issue this command to them? Or is he basing this on a personal interpretation of something he's read?

    Big difference, Jimbo.

  3. Belief in British Israelism means he is a false prophet.

    Deuteronomy says he should die.

    What's the issue again?

  4. This is obviously his attempt at a co-worker letter. He's very carefully and very diplomatically pointing out to everyone that if you're not making yourself sick supporting him, as he has been making himself sick, then you're not standing with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He's trying to shame everyone into sending him money.

    He is so self-righteous that he believes that he can do no wrong, can make no mistakes and cannot become misguided. No, in his own little mind, god has to be backing him up no matter what he does. If he were to encounter problems because he is on his own and god isn't backing him up, well then that would be called "persecution" and would be converted back into proof that god is backing him up. The most likely scenario is god doesn't even know this little man exists.

    His "news" is a laughable conglomeration of misconstrued current events twisted to suit his biases combined with strange interpretations of biblical prophecy, all smooshed together.

    Malm is such a buffoon.

  5. NO2HWA said, "Apostle Malm sees his ministry as so earth shattering significant that he is now comparing himself to Paul, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego".

    MY COMMENT - Don't you mean comparing himself to Moe, Larry and Curley?

    "Hey Moe/Hey Larry!!!!"


  6. I sense the beginning of a meltdown. Not only this guy Malm, but others outside this group.

    The excessive amount of anger (when these prophecies fail) gets projected onto others who oppose them. It become our fault for their willingness to suspend their dis-belief.

  7. I read this kind of stuff, and that of the Packs and Flurrys of the world, and wonder how long it will take the disciples of UCG, COGWA, LCG and elsewhere to finally comprehend that this is the sad pit of darkness where Armstrongism inevitably leads.

    Not harmony. Not joy. Look at UCG. It split. Look at Rod's first go-round. It split.

    "We're right." "No, we're right."

    That all starts with "I'm right," and "God called me" -- and that, for the current COG era, started with HWA.

    I hope Malm keeps spouting off like this. Pack, too. Flurry, too. Perhaps over time the cumulative effect of their insistent rantings will enable people to see clearly the sad fruit of it all.

  8. Perhaps the bigger headline from Malm's post today is the oblique claim that he is a better apostle than HWA was.

    At the bottom he criticizes HWA, calling him a self-appointed apostle and not a real apostle because he was ashamed to mention the name Jesus Christ, saying instead a strong hand from someplace, and therefore didn't really preach the gospel. By asking the question where are the Daniels, Moses, and Elijahs today, he's really pointing at himself, saying how he's a real apostle instead!

  9. Anon:

    I saw his comment about HWA. He has been saying that for months now on what a coward Herb was for failing to say the name of Jesus. Yet Malm is too blind to see he is acting just like Herb.

  10. Malm saaaaaaaaay

    "This is a very special person and notice here very carefully, how Paul is a very carefully and very diplomatically pointing out to these Philippians that they were not giving him the support they should and that one fellow was acting to support him, to help him in every way and that one person made up for the lack of support from this whole group, and he was trying to inform these people and shame this people into realizing their lack of boldness in Christ and their fearfulness that being associated with Paul and supporting Paul, the prisoner."

    Whew...truly the longest sentence in the history of the the Epistles!


  11. The reason people aren't leaving these ridiculous ACOGs is that the figurative "frogs" are already cooked! There is no other possible explanation as to why some of these buffoons could continue to maintain flocks of tithe-paying followers!

