Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Prophet Thiel/Official LCG Spokesman: Germany Building Up It's War Machine

Bob Thiel, the official spokesman for the Living Church of God, and world renown authority on end time prophecy, is all a twitter this morning about Germany's plan on building their own particle accelerator project. 

Prophet Thiel feels that Germany sees the large hadron collider in France as too puny for them so they need to build a larger one.  Of course, in Armstrongite scatology/mythology there is only one implication for this.  It will be used to build nuclear weapons that will be used to destroy the United States.

Apparently desiring to build upon and surpass what has been discovered with CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Germany has decided on its own particle accelerator project...

I believe that it, along with the LHC, will help the Europeans produce military weaponry to fulfill certain end time prophecies (e.g. Revelation 13:4).

The understanding of the Living Church of God that the Europeans will be able to attack and takeover the United States and its Anglo-descended allies (cf. Isaiah 10:5-11; Daniel 11:39) is correct and will come to pass. And it still appears, to me at least, possible that the past and likely future successes of the CERN LHC and also Germany’s FAIR may assist in the fulfillment of those prophecies.

Give it a rest Bob, you are starting to sound as stupid as Ron Weinland.


  1. Stupid is right. Under NATO nuclear weapons sharing, Germany already has nuclear weapons. Also, nuclear weapons are 1940's technology. You don't need to do novel research to figure out how to make them. Is Iran building a particle accelerator? No. CERN spent $10 billion US equivalent to build the LHC to search for the Higgs Field. It has no immediate implications for defense or any kind of weaponry. If you wanted to build nuclear weapons, dropping $10 billion on another LHC would be a colossal waste of money that could be better spent on, oh I don't know, enrichment centrifuges?

  2. One of these days the RSTBO (Relatively Simple Truth of Biblical Origins )Collider is going to be used to smash up LCG,RCG,PCG,PKG,BB&T, and LMNOP particles up into their even smaller and more insignificant particles. From the rubble, we will learn the plain truth about COG particles and the origins of silliness.


  3. Bob is really missing out on the vision of Weyland Industries.

    We have a bright future ahead of us.

    Just watch out for the Xenomorphs.

    And maybe amoral androids.

  4. When readers check the documentation cited in a text, they expect to see things that clearly relate to the topic. However, neither Revelation 13:4 nor Isaiah 10:5-11 nor Daniel 11:39 mentions Germany, the United States, or the British Commonwealth (even under its new name of United Kingdom). No Large Hadron Collider. No CERN. No nuclear devices.

    Those of us who grew up hearing this kind of stuff know it fits standard Armstrongist COG thinking, so we will not necessarily diagnose Thiel as personally insane.

    But step back a bit and look at what he says. Any ordinary reader comparing Thiel's text to his documentation would note how they fail to match up and would naturally conclude that the author is schizophrenic. In other words, the whole Armstrong framework for viewing the world is insane.

    COG members counter, of course, that ordinary readers are blinded to the truth by the devil, an excuse that to a psychologist would simply confirm the diagnosis.

  5. "But step back a bit and look at what he says. Any ordinary reader comparing Thiel's text to his documentation would note how they fail to match up and would naturally conclude that the author is schizophrenic. In other words, the whole Armstrong framework for viewing the world is insane."

    Douglas, you must have this mental illness entered into the DSM V.

  6. Retired Prof said, "COG members counter, of course, that ordinary readers are blinded to the truth by the devil, an excuse that to a psychologist would simply confirm the diagnosis."

    MY COMMENT - Agreed! Herbert W. Armstrong taught that truth was revealed to the very elect. Knowing The United States was a descendent of ancient Israel was the "Key of David" by divine revelation.


  7. Douglas, you must have this mental illness entered into the DSM V.

    It is coming... slowly (and there are going to be some real and new surprises!).

  8. Douglas,

    Please don't give Bob any ideas for he will start claiming that the Mark of the Beast is having an Alien Facehugger attached to your face.

    Paul R.

  9. Ridley Scott's ALien/Prometheus according the Bible:

    Leviticus 65 v12: "And Lo, the Lord spoke to the children of Israel, saying:

    v.13 Thou shalt not permit a Xenomorph to live, nor shalt thou eat of its flesh* for The Lord has called thee out of Egypt and thou shalt be a separate nation.

    v. 14 Thou shalt not strike a Xenomorph with the edge of thy sword, for it shalt spew its blood which will melt thy flesh.

    v. 15 If the blood of the Xenomorph spills onto thy flesh, and thou surviveth, thou shalt be unlean for seven days.

    v. 16 If thou find within thy dwelling place the eggs of the Xenomorph, the High Priest shall set thy dwelling place alight, for the eggs are an abomination unto the Lord.

    v. 17 If the egg of the Xenomorph hatches, and the Abomination springs forth and attaches itself the face of thy wife, thy children, thy servants, or thy livestock, thou shalt burn him and the Abomination together for it is unlawful for the children of Israel to carry within their bosom the seed of the Abomination.

    v 18 If thy wife, children, servants, or livestock carry the seed within them and the Xenomorph bursts forth from their bosom, the High Priest shalt burn the carcass and the dwelling place within the carcass was found.

    v. 19 If the young Xenomorph escapeth, the children of Israel will gather together at the Tabernacle, and every dwelling place shall be burned with fire.

    v. 20 If a chariot fall from the heavens, thou shalt not enter into this chariot, for it is the dwelling place of the eggs.

    v.21 If thou meetest the Fallen who are giants with blue skin**, thou shalt put them to death for they are an abomination in the sight of the Lord and thou shalt burn their flying chariots."

    * Gibberly Goober's Biblical Commentary states that while this is clearly a ceremonial law, some Christian sects such as The Holographic Garner Ted Armstrong Church of God and Rod Meredith the Eighth's Undying Church of God continue to persist in the belief that this injunction was given as a health law, not one of ceremonial purity.

    ** Refers possibly to the so-called "Engineers" first discovered by the crew of the ill-fated USC PROMETHEUS in 2093. This discovery of a highly advanced humanoid alien species who shared 100% homology with human DNA resulted in the dissolution of much of Christianity; however, certain sects such as The Super-Duper Church of God and Herbert's Children still cling to the belief that these beings are in fact demons and eschew all technology from the Engineer culture.

    Paul R.
