Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 16, 2012

Apostle Malm Quitting His Work Job So His Acolytes Can Support Him

Armstrongism's latest apostle is taking the high road and quitting his job so that members can support his earth shattering ministry to the apostate Churches of God. With his KJV Bible in one hand and open hand extended towards you wallet this mighty apostle of god is ready to bring his ministry into it's triumphant glory. Time is so short that there may be no reason to continue in a regular job. The vital urgency of getting his message out to the apostates in the COG necessitates working full time on beating people with the law till all hell breaks loose at the end of this year.

I do find that I am overwhelmed with all this work and I have decided to take a working holiday away from my contracting business  to devote myself full time to this effort.  I have a couple of days of work this week and after these jobs are completed I will not take on any more outside work until or unless my financial situation becomes desperate.

I hope to do this full time at least through until after the fall Feast.  How long I can continue to devote myself full time, will depend on events and the level of support that comes in.


  1. the next step is he will go on welfare and food stamps so that we all will ultimately end up supporting his lunacy

  2. Boy, I'd hate to have to live or work in one of his buildings! Bleeding eyes, Armstrong weirdness, and who knows what else might be affecting his judgment!


  3. Malm lives in Canada so only the Canadians will support his lunacy.

  4. Too bad. I have really liked most of the Canadians I've met throughout my lifetime. Too bad he's around to tarnish their rep.


  5. I'm guessing that he's gotten enough $ coming in from people to guesstimate he can he can do OK without working a real job.

    When he complained about needing food, I actually offered him tomatoes from my garden, but he never responded.

    Byker Bob mentioned he has "bleeding eyes"
    Is this a condition he has? If so, I don't think I read the relevant post.


  6. When I saw the headline, I thought it meant he was quitting "The Work." Like ususal, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.

  7. Yesterday, BB wrote acomment about James Malm: "Boy, I'd hate to have to live or work in one of his buildings! Bleeding eyes, Armstrong weirdness, and who knows what else might be affecting his judgment!"

    What might be affecting James Malm's judgment? Envy? Lust? Another spirit? Well, let another James tell him!

    "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5

    And that spirit does dwell within!

    What might be affecting James Malm's judgment? God? Or mammon?

    Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    One thing is for sure! James Malm has discovered, like so many others, a way that seems right to him, but there is more accompanying those words:

    Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

    What might be affecting James Malm's judgment? His own ignorance/unawareness of how God imputes righteousness to those He uses as the workmanship of His hands. In other words, James Malm will continue to establish his own righteousness. The Apostle Paul says this better:

    "For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." Romans 10:3

    BB, I'm confident that other things also affect James Malm's judgment but... and time will tell...


  8. And just when I was telling him not to quit his day job.

  9. I thought this guy has complained in the past that not enough support comes in to cover the expenses of the website itself and that even with his dayjob he was burning through his savings or something like that. But now he can afford to quit his dayjob? Something doesn't add up...

  10. John, I think you nailed it. I'm sure Malm wouldn't want to think those scrips apply to him, but from our perspective I believe they do!


  11. Norm,

    Several weeks ago, Gary published a lament Malm had written about his failing health. Apparently, bleeding eyes were one of the symptoms.


  12. Oh, ok, I just saw the reference, from mid-April, to Malm's complaints of retinal bleeding and that he was almost too blind to continue his blogging.
    He said he was treating that diabetic condition by taking "supplements", which "will take several months if it works"

    Treatment for advanced diabetes usually includes insulin.
    However, in Malm's "Healing" article, he rails against insulin treatment and sees it as a scam, so his paranoia may be causing him to deny himself something that would be very helpful.

    Awhile back, Malm was complaining about people who were blind to his truths.
    Wouldn't it be ironic if even Malm himself ended up joining the ranks of people "blind to Malm's truths"?


  13. Oh well, Malm's website is blocking my country, I think.

    Guess my 'type'/'race' is not 'righteousness enough' to even look upon the 'apostle's' scriptures.

    [Translation: doesn't have the tithe/offering capabilities of US/CAN. ]

    Too bad for my people. ;p

  14. Malm has repeatedly stated, when the SHTF he will hand over his blog to the two witnesses. Talk about an overestimation of one's own importance. I hope the two chaps will find the time to tell him to GFYS.

  15. Oy Vey! These guys and their two witnesses!

    Just to point out profound differences, there are mainstream Christians who believe that the reason Enoch and Elijah were translated and did not die is that they are going to be the two witnesses. Imagine that! There are actually Christians who are humble enough not to claim that ministry for themselves!

    72 cesgote
