Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 30, 2012

Rod Meredith and Those Damned Crosses!

Poor Rod.  He has been running a 10 part series in a Nevada newspaper about the horrible end times ready to destroy this nation.  The latest installment leads off with three crosses next to his article.  Given how much the Living Church of God hates crosses I am sure this is not a pleasant thing for Rod and crew to be enduring.  Or, maybe they deliberately included that picture in order to make non-LCG believers think that LCG is Christan.

Jesus Christ gave a series of signs that must occur before He returns. Evidently, the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy would happen within the lifetime of one generation—once the signs relative to that specific prophecy begin. So Christ is coming back to this earth, but not right away. Not until these signs have occurred! People who go running around mouthing their own ideas and predictions about Christ’s return “tonight” are false prophets. They are not heeding the words of Jesus Christ. The signs listed in Jesus’ words must occur first.

Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history—called, in biblical terminology, the “Great Tribulation.” “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive]; but for the elect’s sake [for the sake of God's repentant, obedient people] those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21–22).

We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. “Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined [God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His Word], but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:10, NRSV).

Do you understand that our degenerate, corrupt nations are headed for a big fall? Do you fully realize that America’s national debts are almost out of control and that, proportionately, Canada’s indebtedness is even greater? Can you grasp the full meaning—in God’s eyes—of the spiritual and moral toboggan slide of our entire Western civilization?

LCG seems to take almost orgasmic delight in wishing destruction and annihilation on the United States. They want to see death and destruction happen to all who disagree with them.  It will  legitimize 70 some years of failed prophecies.


  1. "People who go running around mouthing their own ideas and predictions about Christ’s return “tonight” are false prophets."

    Boy there's a diversionary tactic if I ever heard one! No one says "tonight." Most say soon and RCG tends to be in the "soonish" camp. Soonish as opposed to "my Lord delays his coming," which of course he has the last 2000 years since those word were uttered.

    This keeps you off the hook with just enough vaguery (a common approach in the COGs) to keep it all rolling along.

    ALL the statements in the NT about Jesus coming soon, the day being far spent, it being the last hour and this generation shall not pass...was for them...not us. It proved untrue and the Apostle Paul was as much a false prophet as are the Churches of God who promote themselves with failed prophecies now 2000 years out of date.

    "This generation," meant that generation 2000 years ago. They never would have thought it meant 2000 years into the future. Every generation looks at their own times as the end and has all the ingredients in it to convince them this is so. The idea that 'this generation " is the one that see the signs is just a phoney Christian apologetic meant to keep the failed prophecies alive for yet another generation.

    ""Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers." --Bruce Calvert

  2. Rod Meredith wrote: "...We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. “Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined [God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His Word], but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:10, NRSV)..."
    Why is it that Rod describes God as though He were an idiot that just watches and tests us?

    What does Rod mean: "...God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His Word..."

    Has Rod ever read the following verses?

    "Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world." Acts 15:18

    Not only does God know that, but He foreknows and predestinates as follows:

    Romans 8:29 "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
    30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

    That sounds like soup to nuts, and if that weren't enough God says this about the workmanship of His hands:

    "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Phil 1:6

    So, why would God have to watch and test? I think God is trying to scare us! What sort of a God does he worship anyway?

    Also, the 7 Vials don't happen until after Satan comes out of that bottomless pit and what a mess the earth will then become!

    And although the verses are true, without Rod's added comments, God already knows that this entire creation was MADE SUBJECT (Romans 8:20) to VANITY and human beings without God's Spirit will NOT obey God and go God's way!

    Rod writes a book about a bunch of signs regarding Christ's coming to reign on earth, but he misses the boat big-time as Christ will remain at the Father's right hand until all enemies have been subdued. And the last enemy is death!

    Has Rod not read that after the 1,000 year "Mickey Mouse Millennium" that Satan exits the pit and there is again world war, lack of world peace and lots of death? Has Rod not read that Jerusalem is taken over after that 1,000 years? Where will Christ be? Why didn't Christ prevent the takeover?

    Those following Rod will see the "...70 some years of failed prophecies..." have more years added, because Rod is ignorant of the Bible's timing for world events and God is not the moron that Rod makes God out to be.

    If God is watching and testing, then He is wasting His time, because we all fail daily, me included, and Rod stands out front as just as big a failure.

    If I could ask Rod one questionabout one of God's Commandments, God's Law, it would be:

    "Rod, when in your entire life have you ever once, one Sabbath day, kept it perfectly for one straight 24-hour period?"

    So much for God's watching and testing...

    We'll later learn how God fulfils the following:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:19

    Oh, and one last bit of advice for Rod and his followers:

    "That no flesh should glory in his presence." 1 Corinthians 1:29

    And Rod is not the presiding exception to that verse!


  3. "So Christ is coming back to this earth, but not right away."

    MY COMMENT: Well, that let's Spanky off the hook, doesn't it?

    "People who go running around mouthing their own ideas and predictions about Christ’s return “tonight” are false prophets."

    MY COMMENT: Do you know how many times Spanky has yelled "wolf" in the past 50 plus years? Hey, Spanky, you want us to pull out all those old letters and articles that you wrote about "the end is TONIGHT!"? Come on, Spanky, you're as guilty as the other false profits!

    "We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed."

    MY COMMENT: Oh, really? First you say, "not right away", now you say, "that time is approaching, and these things are being revealed". Which is it, Spanky, and what is being revealed? I bet whatever you say is being "revealed", you said it 50 plus years ago as well.

  4. Maybe it's tomorrow night, or one of the soon nights after.

    Satan is tricky!

    (I actually saw Satan trying to trick Kirk Cameron today, but Satan was no match for Kirk's totally awesome Holy Spirit!)


  5. Heh Heh. Probably God inspired that the pictures of the crosses would appear next to Rod's false prophecies. If so, it's a nice little reminder for Rod, but I bet it totally went over his head!


  6. i am sure by now that Dr. Thiel has fired off an indignant letter to the newspaper telling them how pagan those crosses are.

  7. Why believe Rod Meredith? He is not a theologian.

    He was trained in the ministry by a former soap salesman that molested his daughter for years and years.
    Unless of course God chooses sexual deviants to do his work....

  8. I think the exact opposite is true of Living and many. They worry sick about America I think.

  9. Earth to Everyone--they've been looking for the return of Jesus for 2,000+ years--guess what?
    It ain't happening!
    To everyone that seeks the security blanket panacea that Jesus is coming back and this is the age I say--suck it up.deal with life and all its challenges--don't waste your time looking for some rescue based on scripture that is so disjointed, suspect and questionable that it's a joke.

  10. I agree with Dave! Instead, look to the blessings which come today in the here and now as a result of living the Christian life (the real one, not the HWAcaca). We should all enjoy the life which Father God has given us!


  11. I agree with Byker Bob!

    We should step away from the lying crap that mainstream Christians spew, and enjoy life.


  12. Amen, BB and Norm. I have been enjoying life even more than usual, now after turning 70. Since threescore and ten is one's alloted life span, I am no longer at risk for premature death.

    All those things people always told me to avoid because they would lead to an early grave? They can't get me now. Yippee!

  13. Retired Prof,

    Heck, my dad just turned 90. I have to remember to paypal my sister the money for the pants she bought him as a gift from me. He's a little mixed up with Alzheimer's now, though.
    I told my sister to tell dad that the retirement community he's living in now is "The Kingdom"

