Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ron Weinland Daughter Audra: The Money Shuffler

Mike has another great entry from Juror 215 that convicted Ron Weinland recently.  The juror is telling about Ron's daughter Audra being examined by the lawyers.

The church had, during the time in question, about 10 bank accounts at 6 different banks. There were three persons authorized to access those accounts:
- Ronald Weinland
- Laura Weinland
- Audra Weinland

The Weinlands, during the time in question, had about 8 domestic bank accounts at 5 different banks. Again, there were three persons authorized to access those accounts:
- Ronald Weinland
- Laura Weinland
- Audra Weinland

The Weinlands had about 6 credit card accounts from 4 different credit card companies, each account with a $50,000 credit limit. In some cases, for a single account, there were separate cards for both Ron and Laura.

Audra’s testimony is where the accounting process to pay the bills was revealed. The bills for the card would come in, or Audra would check the balance online. Audra would transfer the full amount of the bill from a church account into a Weinland account, and then would pay off the card from a Weinland account. This was the process that was established by her mother prior to Audra’s employment by the church, so she just went along with it. Audra made no attempts to audit the credit card statements for the nature of the expenses, she just kept paying them off monthly.

Read the rest of the posting here:   Audra Weinland: A Little Testimony


  1. I wonder what Audra did with the many many envelopes she opened which had cash inside.


  2. BMW? Again, I have to wonder why I spend time actually working for a living when I could just start my own COG-let. I would never make as much as Ron, but enough to allow me to stay at home and play video games.

    I just have to think of an angle....hmmm...since I was a GTA-zombie, I wonder if I could start preaching to those who were dissatisfied with the ICG split. I could claim that Mark Armstrong is NOT following the faith once delivered by GTA, that is, a more liberal version of HWA's ideology. I could lambast the COG's for being overly legalistic and rejecting Christ.

    Need some hair tonic. I could record weekly sermons from my laptop. I have a bookcase that I could sit in front of.


    Paul R.

  3. Good point Norm!


  4. You don't need many followers to be a successful cult leader. As long as the few you have are dedicated and give much of what they earn to you.

  5. "You don't need many followers to be a successful cult leader. As long as the few you have are dedicated and give much of what they earn to you."

    Good point. Of course, you want to live better than the average, so you need to have a few hundred giving at least ten percent so you will have enough left over for a healthy salary and expense account after the inevitable expenses are deducted. One does need some office equipment and computers, a good car, etc.

    Some of the con artists out there have done as well or better than old Herb. It takes a bit of cheek and a slick tongue but salesman types have plenty of that.
