Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 6, 2012

$10 Credit Hour Fire Sale at Living University

Imagine the quality education you will be receiving for a mere $10.00 a credit hour at the worlds most important school of theology that holds fast to the truth once delivered!  Living University, the pretend school of higher learning at Living Church of God's Charlotte headquarters, is looking for new students.

High school/secondary school students interested in taking LU courses may do so by enrolling in the Dual Enrollment Program. To do so, students must be entering grade 10 or higher. Dual enrollment students can take courses in the Certificate of Biblical Christianity program, along with their regular high school curriculum, at a greatly reduced cost (the equivalent of US$10 per credit hour, plus fees and textbooks).

Reading the above makes you wonder if they are resorting to recruiting high school kids because they are not receiving the number of adults that they had anticipated.   LCG may also be hoping to rope these kids into getting this "training" with the hope they will remain in the church after they leave for a real college.  All the COG's are having a youth drain right now as young adults are leaving in droves.


  1. You get what you pay for. Anyone today can go online and educate themselves in the history, origins, contradictions and background of the Bible without the spin. Free. If I had had the Internet as a kid, I'd be one the world's foremost authorities on Neanderthals and looking for one to wash out of a melting icefield in Europe.

  2. Yeah, they're right in there with Universal Life Church in terms of value and influentialness.

    After two years of Embarrassing College in the 1960s, it occurred to me that why would I even want a degree from a cult?


  3. Sorry, I think it is a great opportunity. I have a BS from Brown and a MS from Columbia and I still wouldnt mind courses from Living.
    Nice to see someone not gouging the people like most institutions do.

  4. Sorry Ann, but you get what you pay for. Shopping for an education is not like deciding where to shop. WalMart or Costco. Hmmm.

    To get an education from a cult implies leaving your brain at the door.

    What were you thinking?

  5. "...students must be entering grade 10 or higher."

    Why not just open it to toddlers and throw in a free spiral slicer?
    Now that the Alatot 12-step program for toddlers no longer exists, there may be some toddlers running around looking for an alternative culty experience.


  6. Let's see. What will you learn?

    That Herbert W. Armstrong was the ultimate revealer of truth.

    That God created the human race 6000 years ago.

    That a worldwide flood actually took place about 4000 years ago.

    That the books of Daniel and Revelation are the keys to understanding the future and all the dumb prophetic pronouncements that have occurred in the last two centuries and are still being uttered.

    That god's people are dumb sheep but you can become their inspired leaders if you just memeorize all the BS they give you and don't ask rebellious, bad attitude based questions.

    Been there. Done that. Learned the lesson well.

  7. From their website comes this slogan: "Where All the World Is Our Campus."

    If they were truthful, it would actually say: "Where All the World, Though Deceived, Is Our Campus."

    But they'll take their money, anyway.

  8. Wow. What is Dr. Germano doing mixed up with this bunch? Unbelievable.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Wow. What is Dr. Germano doing mixed up with this bunch? Unbelievable.

    Yes, it is like oil and water. Less than 3 years before LCG hired Germano as a fully-credentialed elder, he held many beliefs that were abominable to LCG. Yet, they hired him anyway! Did LCG tell the membership about Germano's past? No, instead Germano carefully expunged his bibarch.com website. Or so he thought. Leave it up to the crack researchers at Gavin's old site to find page after page on web.archive.org to embarrass LCG and Germano. LCG's red-faced response? "Oh, he's repented." Given the depth of Germano's beliefs, that must have been one whale of a repentance. Funny how we never heard of any such repentance until the truth of Germano's past came out. Why would Meredith compromise his beliefs and hire such a guy? Apparently worldly credentials trump Godly credentials. Why would Germano compromise his beliefs and go with LCG? Apparently $$$$. I don't have a link for the 1995 Worldwide News where Germano wrote a letter that praised Tkach and the doctrinal changes. I do, however have these links:

    Germano wrote with authority that the Christians are not bound to obey the Ten Commandments, Holy Days, Sabbath, tithing or unclean meats (last paragraph):

    Further, he supported the trinity:

    And he questioned the Identity of Britain and America as Israelites:

    I really like this quote:
    "Stay away from diploma mills displaying themselves on the WWW claiming that some accrediting association has accredited them. Avoid them like the plague."

    -anon43 (sorry, couldn't hotlink the sites in these comments)

  10. I thought LCG and Armstrongism considered themselves part of the world, but not OF the world. If that is the case why is LU's motto declaring that the world is their class room? More hypocrisy.

  11. Anon43 is mistaken. He wrote:

    Yes, it is like oil and water. Less than 3 years before LCG hired Germano as a fully-credentialed elder, he held many beliefs that were abominable to LCG.

    Germano's website didn't have to be searched on web.archive.org to find his Trinitarian, anti-Sabbatarian beliefs. He kept much of that stuff on his site for several months after coming to LCG.

    Of course, since Rod Meredith doesn't really believe much of what he preaches, either, this wouldn't be a "red flag" for him as far as hiring Germano. I'm sure that when they are in private, together, they laugh at the suckers who support their lifestyles.

    Here, by the way, are live links to the items mentioned in the above post:

    Germano wrote with authority that the Christians are not bound to obey the Ten Commandments, Holy Days, Sabbath, tithing or unclean meats (last paragraph)

    Further, he supported the trinity

    And he questioned the Identity of Britain and America as Israelites

    Stay away from diploma mills displaying themselves on the WWW claiming that some accrediting association has accredited them. Avoid them like the plague.

  12. Germano pivets as fast as a weathervane.

    A couple years before the changes, he was well into writing a book on early church history that presented what he called "Jewish Christians" as the only true Christians. I read the manuscript when it was about half complete and was impressed by the scholarly level of his writing and his heavy footnoting from leading journals. This was not a Dr. Hoeh style history largely made up out of whole cloth; it was a serious work.

    (By the way, about the same time I encountered Dr. Hoeh in the parking lot of the Big Sandy post office and had to bite my tongue while he told me how fortunate we were to have a man of Dr. Germano's ability. Germano is smart and capable but you don't want to get in his way.)

    Shortly after the changes were announced, I heard that he had completely revised his book to paint the Greek Christians as the true church and the Jewish Christians as a dead-end, legalistic group. That would have been a complete rewrite. I don't know where he found the time.

    That he is now on LCG's payroll says a lot.
