Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apostle In Urgent Need For A Used Vehicle

The apostle's hands are open once more for his acolytes to fund him. Being an apostle is rough.  I guess sitting home all day doing proof-texting studies doesn't allow one time to have an actual job.  So please heed the call of the apostle and open your wallets.  PS  He does not want to hear any coin clinking, silent money only.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:   My 1995 Astro van radiator and cooling system has died and the cost to fix it is now much more that the van is worth, as it also has several other major problems.   Your prayers and help would be much appreciated as even a used vehicle is very expensive here.   


  1. Sure, he's whining about not having new wheels, while simultaneously dreaming of a Gulfstream G650. These false apostles come up with an original thought, once or twice a decade; and think they've reinvented the merry-go-round.

    If I had a fiver for everytime Gerald Flurry retold his "little yellow pick-up" story, and sense enough to skip his church. I'll be swapping my ride, for an Audi.

  2. Well, there ya go, James! Looks like you're being guided to a new hobby! Go to trade school, learn some basic automotive mechanics, and you'll never need to worry about your transpo problems again! I'm thinkin' there's a nice ol' '50shoebox Ford in your future! Unless, of course you butcher the Chilton manual like you do the family Bible.


  3. Faith: God will provide for your needs.

    Just ask in faith -- ask Him.

    But if you don't have the faith, I guess you have to go whine to anyone who might listen to you.

  4. I can't wait until the apostle announces the building program. Of course he might not live that long, but if he does, it's inevitable.

  5. Dude! Ask fucking Jesus to fix it for you.

  6. Malm should read theTrumpet.com's narcissist article of the day, entitled: Entitlement Spending Creates a ‘Nation of Takers’

    Does he not know, or care, that the COG empire cannot survive on a bunch of bottom-feeding moochers.

  7. I have a 2001 Honda Odyssey with 187,000 miles on it. It needs a new transmission, catalytic converter and pollution control valve. Total cost to fix is $5,000. Already totaled due to hail damage. Will consider trade but would really appreciate it if folks would send me $15,000 US so I can buy a decent car to drive to work.

    Side of the Road

  8. Hasn't Malm heard? The vintage Astro, is the new retro.

  9. Anoint the vehicle with 10/40, lay hands on it and pray over it in faith for the healing of the sick auto.

  10. Douglas,

    Regular 10-40 oil might not do it.

    Why not use Marvel Mystery Oil?
    And while he's at it, he can clean the upholstery with Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap!

    If those don't work, there's always the "Miracle Transmission from Jesus"!


  11. I had an 2000 Astro van for awhile, and what a problem prone vehicle it was. One major problem after another. Plus everything is hidden inside a hard to remove dog house. I think Jesus would advise him to be more careful in his selection of another vehicle, even if one if donated it is not worth taking a lemon.

  12. Eddie Murphy sees Nick Nolte's Cadillac for the first time in the excellent movie "48 Hours". He laughs, and asks, "Jack, did you get this car after the brothers were finished with it?"

    Not necessarily directly related, but somehow it seemed appropriate, and I just couldn't resist!

