Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 27, 2012

UCG: Feast of Tabernacles Rap

A reader here just sent me this. This is sure to get the conservative Armstrongites in a tizzy!
Will Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry make their own version next?  
How about Dave in his speedo and Gerald with his prayer rock.  
What a sight that would be!  
Snicker, snicker.


  1. I'm beginning to think that the guy is either the UCG version of Garner Ted, or Bob Thiel. Reality is that he's probably currently attracting more attention than Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, or Rod Meredith. But, then again, Sesame Street is of far greater value than any messages from those three!



  2. The (Dis)United Cult: Heading back into the World to show the World how to really sin grievously.

    Not much new here with this rap crap. Everything else that the UCG ever came up with so far was always just so much stupid noise too.

  3. Fucking desperate for money.
    A legalistic rap cult!
    What a hoot!

  4. Wow, that was a genuine WTF moment. I can see James Malm blowing a gasket if he sees this. That's assuming he doesn't die on the spot.

  5. "Get those excused absence forms in..."

    "Pack that one-piece..."

    You can't make that stuff up. Oh, brother.

  6. "Away with the NOISE of your songs!" (Amos 5:23, NIV).

    Prophecy for today for the UCG?

  7. This will be my last Feast ever with UCG. If I could go to a different COG site this year I would. They have gone too far and make a mockery of the Feast with this stupid video. Too many in UCG practically "worship" the organization and can't see anything wrong with whatever they do. It's time to wake-up folks!

  8. Since videos are causing so much violence lately, there should be a protest at the UCG headquarters. This is repulsive as Hilary Clinton would say. Its not funny, cute, or entertaining. Its a sick example of losers whallowing in their loserness.

    The whole idea of going away for the Feast is bizarre. They don't do that in Isreal. They all build little "booths" and hang out in them. But then you would have a mass cult movement of people if you did that.

    Insan !

  9. Anonymous said...
    This will be my last Feast ever with UCG. If I could go to a different COG site this year I would.

    MY COMMENT: Why? They're all cut from the same cloth.

    Too many in UCG practically "worship" the organization and can't see anything wrong with whatever they do.

    MY COMMENT: It's that way with all of them. People are where they are because they can't see anything wrong with their own flavor of organization. They shell out money to the "ordianed minister" bosses who wear nice suits, drive nice cars, live in nice houses, send their kids to nice colleges all paid for, etc, etc.

    It's time to wake-up folks!

    MY COMMENT: You can't tell someone else to wake up if you're still asleep.

  10. Starting to see that you are all out of it here. This was made last year, as in 2011 (for those of you so out of it that you still think its the 60's). Way to go on reporting on old news.

  11. I have to say , this is breathtakingly stupid and inane. What kind of member of church would be left not to get up and just walk out?

    It's not just stupid, it's disturbing. Has Denny Luker given up on the whole bunch? In can't imagine in a private moment between us he'd think this was nothing less than hideous.

    Maybe every has really changed a lot since last I knew them.

  12. Anon said: "Starting to see that you are all out of it here. This was made last year, as in 2011"

    In other words, if you think last year, which you just now discovered was stupid, wait til you see this year?

  13. Anon Dude: It doesn't matter if it was made this year or last year. It's still a load of crap!

  14. Give me a kscribe video not this crap.


  15. Are the guys with the pink glasses the gay ones?

  16. I liked it, this guy is very talented and the photography is good also.


  17. Rap noise is the World's noise. One guy said that he liked hip hop, which he said was rap only without all the swearing. Words can be stretched somewhat, but to call this rap noise "music" is too much of a stretch for me.

    The UCG guys behind this video did not invent this stuff themselves. They were simply copying the worst of the World's noise, which they were attracted to for some wrong reason.

    The UCG is where people went after the 1995 apostasy of the WCG under Joseph Tkach Sr. when they wanted to pretend that they were standing up for the truth but also wanted to be free to do as they pleased. And it pleased them well to behave very badly.

    The UCG is full of crazy and wicked people running wild and totally out of control. Any attempt to restrain them would be considered harsh and unloving in the UCG's way of doing things. They want to do all the evil they can while keeping one toe in the Church, thinking that will save them.

    In the end they might find that God was not mocked, but rather was mocking them by letting them keep a toe in a Laodicean group that was heading back into the World or into the Great Tribulation (whichever comes first).

  18. I don't know who all here might watch PBS, but I've often found information presented there to be well-researched, accurate, objective, and enlightening.

    On the Religion and Ethics program this week, there was about a five minute segment on Sukkot. For two years, my family lived in a largely Jewish community, and I don't recall having Sukkot even mentioned when we made our notifications that we would be traveling to the South to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. But, apparently, there are certain Jews today who as a group follow what was commanded of the Jews in the Torah.

    During this season, they build a temporary dwelling, often on their own property. While some sleep in this, the rabbi interviewed said this is not commanded in Torah. It is primarily for eating and fellowship, and commemorates the 40 years of sojourn in the desert. It directly contrasts with Yom Kippur, in that the emphasis is on joyful physical activities such as eating, and rejoicing with family.

    PBS programs are often played and replayed, so you might catch this when it comes to your own area. It's about the last five minutes of a half-hour program.



  19. Is that guy wearing pink lipstick to match his pink glasses? What a fashion statement!

  20. Does anyone else besides me find it beautifully ironic how this UCG video is glorifying rappers and hip-hop, which is a genre of entertainment dominated by the very race UCG preaches (via British Israelism) will be subservient to the white race??

    I think this shows, among other things, just how out of touch the youth in UCG are with the official teachings of their church. Yes, UCG still officially holds to British Israelism, although they try very hard to not talk about it. Hypocrites.

  21. Next week's episode of Up-Beat Boys: Bananas Cross Swords with Jelly

  22. this isn't a UCG film. Just a few guys having some fun.

