Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 8, 2012

Jehovah's Witnesses and Halloween


  1. Would you rip apart Islam too? Or are you afraid to do that?

  2. So Joe are you saying we shouldn't poke fun at the inconsistency, illogicality or inanity of religion in general and religious cults for fear of retaliation?

  3. Herb got all of his holiday doctrines from the JWs. That's where he learned of Alexander Hislop"s The Two Babylons book also.

    Really, I don't think the man ever had an original thought. Certainly not an original doctrine. But he claimed to have restored all that "truth" all on his inspired and god led own.

  4. Is Joe suggesting that Muslims go door-to-door, or is his question inherently irrelevant?

  5. I was going to answer him but knew you guys could do it better! :-)

  6. I guess Joe failed to notice this is an Armstrongite board and not a Muslim board. Apparently Joe has an issue with Muslims. Perhaps he could share?

    Herb stole some of his doctrines from the JW's, some from the Mormons and others, so that is why the JW post was here (and a few others back over the years.)

    In HWA's house in the basement there was an old walk in safe. It was filled with old books. There were quite a few that were JW books that HWA hand underlined and written comments in the corners. They sat on the shelf next to Mein Kampf.

  7. "They sat on the shelf next to Mein Kampf."

    Not surprising that he had a copy of Mein Kamf. He certainly put its principles, especially about propaganda and the big lie, to work. Next came his ruthless and steady grabbing of absolute power. He was our fuhrer and we were dutiful little goose stepping automatons.

    At least some of us tossed it off. Others learned well and put the same tactics to use, however, in a much more ineffective way. None have been able to duplicate what he did. There is only so much "corpse" for the vultures to feed on.

  8. Mein Kampf, indeed.

    I wonder how many people in the WCG, and now the COGs, were unaware of HWA's fascination with that tome.

    Signs, signs, everywhere a sign...

  9. Mein Kampf was recommended reading at Embarrassing College. I admit, under their tutelage, I went for it. Actually bought my copy at the campus bookstore in Pasadena, where wide margin Oxford KJV Bibles and Rapidograph pens were featured and all the rage.

    Also, lest anyone forget, films about the holocaust, the Neuremberg Trials, and depictions of the aftermath of thermonuclear war were regularly shown to all of us impressionable minds as SEP campers, and AC students. And, then, of course there was the idiocy of Strauss's visit to the campus the year after I left!

    Also, I'm not afraid to rip Islam. Darn those stiff-necked Israelites for not following God's instructions as they took over the promised land. If only they had been obedient, we wouldn't have all the problems in the Middle East which we are suffering today!

