Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Ghost of College Past


  1. That's just as creepy as those Young Ambassador videos from the 80's!

  2. Well, if you watch it without sound, it appears to be a jubilant celebration that 1975 never happened, and all of the technology we were told would never happened is readily available.

    You have to laugh, though, because probably there are some ACOG members out there who feel that this video is some sort of desecration of hallowed ground.


  3. It makes me sad.

    I was there for 3 years of my young life in the WCG. And it was mostly a happy time. Only later did the great shock and disppointment come to my door.

    All those souls who gave to God (they thought) made the beauty possible. But in an odd way, perhaps it can at least serve as a legacy of beauty to the community of man, after the faslehood is long gone.

  4. Interesting title for this post. In fact, there is bound to be a "ghost" if not "ghosts" -- as it were -- remaining.

    Places do retain energies and vibrations of people and events. Haunted homes are not just fiction for movies. Seems to me, this place probably retains both negative and postive and maybe it comes out a wash.

    But I would posit that those folks were not dancing in "blank space". Rather they were, indeed, dancing with the "ghost of a college past." Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Harvest Rock "church" that bought the auditorium believed that there was evil energies left from WCG and the college. The had people going sround the property anointing the sidewalks, rocks, grass, etc with anointing oil. The threw salt in the auditorium lake to cast the demons out. Apparently demons don't like salt. The prayed over every room in the suditorium the the evils of the church be cast off and truth be restored.

  6. Sorry for the garbled words above and missing letters. The joy of posting with an iPhone to the blog.

  7. Isn't it ironic that this is an ad for the technology that helped to expose Armstrongism for what is was. This was recorded on the grounds of the headquarts of the mind control and religious abuse of the WCG. By contrast the internet is all about the free flow of ideas and free speach.

  8. Speaking of the Harvest Rockers, I'm curious what activities they'll resort to now that the heathen Taoist Buddhist Chinese outfoxed them and got the Hall of Ad property...

  9. Christians go through the processes that NO2HWA described to purify any areas in which they work. The preparations for Promise Keepers events always included systematically going over the grounds in such manners, with a team annointing and praying.

    I can certainly understand, considering the history of WCG, why Harvest Rock would be concerned about evil energies and demons. They probably assumed that WCG had disintegrated and lost their campus for some profound reason.


  10. I see someone found a use for that god forsaken shit hole. They should have demolished it and turned it into a graveyard.

  11. It IS a graveyard. All those ghosts are the dead souls of the people who got screwed and tattooed by the Herbster. The female ghosts are the ones who got laid by Ted. He screwed more babes than Ricky Nelson.

  12. Maybe if Microsoft comes out with a Mini-Surface, they can film it at the "Mini-Me Auditorium"!


  13. Looks like a modern day Young Ambassador film, with the little girls in school uniforms looking like the Young Imperials (young imperialists) LOL
