Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bible Sabbath Association UK Founder Hearing Voices From His Computer

For some strange reason Armstrongism attracted a lot of really weird people.  These people were deeply into conspiracy theories.  They were into the Protocols of Zion, chem trails, Fema camps that were really concentration camps, black helicopters, the Illuminati, Masonic conspiracies and much, much more.  All of this useless balder all was used to further support many of the racists and totally absurd prophecy teachings of the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert Armstrong.

With the implosion of the WCG in the mid 1990's hundreds of groups formed to carry on the "true" mantle of the end time Church of God.  One of these groups was the Bible Sabbath Association UK started by Robert Taylor.

Like many who expected the Church to tell them what to believe and how to do it, the church implosion left many without any stability.  With the rejection of the Sabbath and other things they thought were commanded, they sank deeper and deeper into legalism.  Armstrongism could no longer fit the bill.  They sometimes wandered over to Judaism as their next step. Others jumped into Messianic Judaism.  This is what Robert Taylor did.

He maintained a blog for several years dealing with Messianic Judaism.  Then all of sudden last year it went silent.

It seems that he was messing around on his computer one day earlier this year and checked out the UK Government Communications Headquarters web site.  Apparently this was a VERY bad choice. According to Taylor, the UK government started spying on him and laughing at him through his computer speakers.  All of a sudden his computer mouse would have a mind of it's own and start moving around the desk.  Freaky!

A few months ago, I decided to visit the GCHQ website, this was during the time that they were in the news over a former spy who had been found dead in a box.

Little did I realise at the time, this would seemingly change my life for the worst. It was about a week later that I noticed things starting to change. My computer would act up, get even slower, the mouse would move on its own, and even began hearing voices coming out of the computer speakers. Sometimes, I would hear, "he's asleep" or just plain laughter.

At this time, according to Taylor,  the UK Communications HQ started bombarding his brain with microwaves and other mind control tools that started causing him headaches.and migraines.

To gain some peace of mind he would go for drives in his car. But, voices started coming out of his car speakers.

Several months later he has another entry where he says this:

Five months on, and the electromagnetic or satellite surveillance is in full swing, with increasing electronic pulses being sent to my brain, though many may think this is the world of craziness.  A new computer was bought, and again, the mouse moves on its own, and interference continues with the computer, with websites disappearing or changing etc.  
The UK Government was even mocking him on Passover. After celebration the Passover, the government was talking to him through his computer speakers.

And what was really upsetting was that during the Passover Service, I had an audience from the government agencies listening in the Passover Seder. They are able to hack into computers even when not connected to the Internet, since, I heard them say, "he's asleep" after resting after the Service from my computer speakers. 
Robert apparently is a prime example on what happens when a persons mind is destroyed by a cult.  He called up the UKCHQ to complain and a wise man there had this to say to him:

Some might assume that I am crazy, in fact, I rang up GCHQ to complain about this intrusion, the man belonging to public affairs stated that he thought I might need to see a doctor. 

 I couldn't agree more! Another mind destroyed by legalism and Armstrongism.


  1. schizophrenia perhaps...Whole religions have been founded on hearing voices, seeing bright lights that no one else heard or saw depending and falling off your ass.

    I'd say the Doc option is good advice

  2. This is really, really sad. It's incredible how movies can accurately depict mental illness since Taylor's dogged belief that he's being spied by the UKCHQ reminds me so much of "A Beautiful Mind." I sincerely hope he has some sort of support network be it family or friends who will be able to help him get the proper medical attention he deserves to help him through this ordeal.

  3. It's a rare soul that can spot mental illness in themselves. One has to step outside the problem as an observer and most have them all tangled together.

    We might be able to say, "Hi, and I am a Mormon," but it more difficult to say, "hi, and I am bi polar," or schizophrenic or a narcissist. Some have that ability to see it in themselves and become good teachers of it all.

    I wish him well actully separating the religious views from the man. How often religion gets caught up with mental illness. I suppose we use it to calm the beast at times or give meaning to it all.

    Compassion trumps criticism.

  4. If you are a pilot and you hear voices in your head or through the radio, they ask you to step down

    If you are highly religious and you hear voices in your head or through the radio, you get to step up and lead.

    go figure.


  5. You say: "For some strange reason Armstrongism attracted a lot of really weird people. These people were deeply into conspiracy theories. They were into the Protocols of Zion, chem trails, Fema camps that were really concentration camps, black helicopters, the Illuminati, Masonic conspiracies and much, much more."

    I was there, for years, in the 60s until early 70s. I was very active in Akron, Ohio. NONE of what you said above was ever mentioned. I attended Spokesman Club, regular services and all Bible studies. NONE of it was even hinted at. NEVER a word by any minister at the Poconos' Feast site. For years we socialized with other members and NEVER heard any of this.

    Since leaving I have come into contact with these items and studied them. But, NEVER while in the Church. Maybe some other places taught this, I don't know - buy seriously doubt it. Akron did not. David Antion did not. Bryce Clarke did not. Carl O'Beirn did not. Donald Waterhouse did not, Gerald Waterhouse did not and HWA nor GTA ever mentioned anything like that while I was there.

    That is a pretty wide cross section of the Church's "best" preaching and teaching over the years for me to believe they somehow taught these things only when I was not around!

    Otherwise, I agree and contend that people who hear voices are rather crazed!

    Gary G.

  6. On the other hand, maybe it's time to get an antivirus to deal with the malware.

  7. I'd have to say that in almost 30 years, I heard none of more current conspiracy theories. I had a couple members in Ohio into Spotlight Magazine etc but really nothing of the other stuff.

    It has taken a few decades to get mainstream about UFO's, JFK and now 911 and the NWO. Sometimes I don't think they all that conspiratorial as much more facts of what really happened or certainly may have.

    Conspiracy theories, UFO's, HAARP, Illuminati help explain in the same way but differently what religion does in our nutso world.

    What's going on and why and what is one to do about it all....

  8. PS Part of the phenom seems to be that unlike times past where Church, Government and Banks were seen as the "stable" elements in a meaningful society, today they have become the very root causes of skepticism, doubt and cynicism and rightly so.

  9. And yet... Herbert Armstrong was the "Watchman to the House of Israel" (he was not such thing, it was a lie).

    Strange he never went to big Corporations, oh, I don't know, like Goldman Sachs, to WARN THEM ABOUT THEIR SINS!

    If he were some kind of "voice in the wilderness" to "tell the people thier sins" instead of a pompous, narcissistic, egotistical know-it-all blathering out blowhard preachments of nonsense, you would have thought he would have made his way to the leaders who were behind the 2008 meltdown and told them that judgment would be apon them if they carried out their nefarious plans started after they lost their jobs when the Cold War ended.

    I was surpised that "Inside Job" was narrated by liberal Matt Damon.

    What's the world coming to.

    I'm glad there are no conspiracies to control the world....

  10. Let it be known that this Taylor individual is not associated with, nor has been, with the Bible Sabbath Association of Battle Ground, Washington and who publish the magazine "The Sabbath Sentinel".

    His "Bible Sabbath Association UK" is a totally separate entity.

  11. "Another mind destroyed by legalism and Armstrongism."

    Doubtful. A mind falls apart if the person has inherited a susceptibility to schizophrenia. It's possible the influence goes the other way. A vulnerable person, perceiving a loss of personal control, may glom onto a legalistic system for the sake of its apparent order and stability.

    It's true that schizophrenia may be triggered in a susceptible person by stress, and that legalism may be one of the stressors, but it must not be the whole answer. If it were, there would be very few sane Armstrongists and even fewer Hasidic Jews.

  12. I recently heard Dr.Oliver Sacks (the neurologist and author) speak about his new book on Hallucinations. He says up to 50% of us have auditory hallucinations. I have to admit I have on a few occasions, as I heard things which all those around me said they didn't hear. Plus once I saw my pet rabbit running around enjoying freedom. When I went to his cage he was in there -- same rabbit. I didn't let this unsettle me as I know these things happen from time to time and I was a child able to accept strangeness.

    It becomes problematic when the hallucinations become paranoid.
    Then there were my psychedelic experiences using various substances in my youth. It did lead me to understand that all these things are in the human mind and just need the right trigger or chemical imbalance to activate, and were probably nothing to do with demons as the Church had taught.
    Then I remember the scripture somewhere in the Bible saying something like your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. So I am a little more open minded about such happenings, but when it becomes paranoid in nature that is a bit of a warning sign that maybe a little dampening of awareness is a good idea.

  13. Dennis said: “What's going on and why and what is one to do about it all....”

    Good question! I personally am watching, waiting, and praying to see what unfolds and how the present generation untangles this mess.

  14. Actually, some of us here used to interact with Robert. He was a regular contributer to Gavin's first Ambassador Watch blog, and at one point, he did mention that he felt that even all of the "washings" commanded in Torah were still in force, and to be kept today.

    I've always cautioned my fellow participants on the blogs and forums to the effect that we can't really know what condition some of our fellow posters are in. Some could be perched on the very edge, just ready to tip over, and some careless advice, or a cruel comment could be all that is required to tip them over.

    I hope Robert follows the advice of his government, and does at least have himself checked out by a doctor. He didn't seem any different by his postings from any orthodox Jew, or extreme Messianic. I disagreed with his direction, but he certainly appeared to be basically sane.


  15. Someone in the comments noted that Robert Taylor is not now nor has ever been connected with the Bible Sabbath Association in the US, that publishes the Sabbath Sentinel. I was assuming the same thing at first ... but no, there he is on their website! http://www.biblesabbath.org/tss/513/bsauk.html - And the May 2005 issue of the Sabbath Sentinel has an article about him by Richard Nickels, welcoming his efforts on behalf of the overall BSA, and "looking forward to working with him." http://www.biblesabbath.org/tss/513/tss_513.pdf He distributed the Sentinel in the UK. Yes, his "incorporation" was separate from the US org, but he was definitely representing their interests over there. I have no idea if the relationship is current as of today, but if so I hope someone gives the US BSA a heads-up on his problems.

  16. Gary G's comments about Akron skirt the issue a bit. It took time -- in some cases, years -- for the nutty stuff to filter its way out from Pasadena or Big Sandy to the local church areas. But there was a definite underground network of people who bought into the conspiracy stuff and promoted it heavily.

  17. Growing up in Pasadena, yes, looking back on it there was plenty of "nutty stuff" that seemed "normal" to me at the time, plenty of which would still seem normal to someone whose mind remains entrenched in a splinter group. So, that stuff didn't take time to "filter out to local church areas." I don't remember hearing from or coming in contact with anyone who had any clout whatsoever, to my knowledge, buying into any conspiracy theories. But I do concur that Armstrongism has always seemed to appeal to and attracted a really weird demographic. As long as they paid their tithes, I don't suppose that anyone higher up cared.

  18. Having worked in Letter Answering, I encountered the wackos regularly. We used to get these long diatribes written with no paragraphing on the craziest of subjects. They got deleted fast. The writers were only interested in putting out whatever filled their fevered brains, and I suppose they hoped Herb read it.

  19. My father was a wacko that the church would not put up with. He wasn't a conspiracy theorist; his ideas were nearly all in line with HWA's. His wackiness was that he saw himself as a prophet on a par with HWA. He spent hours studying the Bible and writing out interpretations, which he sent in to headquarters. Al Dexter might have read some of them. My father claimed that very often, after he had proffered his commentary on Ezekial or Daniel or some such, HWA or GTA would say the same thing on the radio. So he figured he was right in there with the big boys contributing to The Work.

    Gerald Waterhouse interviewed him for baptism and turned him down even though his theology was orthodox COG. I'm sure (my father never discussed this) the reason was his inflated ideas about his own appropriate rank in "God's work" and his future role in Armageddon and the Great White Throne judgement.

  20. Sounds like HWA and your dad were two wacky peas in a pod...except there's only room for one wacky prophet per pod. Let me offer my sincerest apologies.

  21. Because HWA used conspiracy theories to "prove" some of the pivotal doctrines of his church, the minds of many members were softened up towards conspiracy theories in general. You never could prove British Israelism, and you certainly could not prove that Simon Magus started the Catholic church.

    Once people had accepted that the conspiracy theory was a perfectly normal part of "God's Church" and had been endorsed by "God's Apostle", silly season began. For some, even decades after they left WCG and splinters, the conspiracy theory has continued to seem perfectly rational. There was much more evidence supporting the theory of evolution than I ever heard offered up to support Armstrong's wacky theories!


  22. The Bible Sabbath Association UK website is back on the internet again. Go to www.biblesabbath.org.uk
