Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Europe to Sell Alaska To Russia For Helping To Invade The United States

Craig White, that strange conspiracy ridden man from the southern hemisphere has a new theory about Alaska and the soon coming invading German armies.

We all know that die hard Armstrongites love that the invading Germans who will be setting up concentration camps in the United States in order to torture Americans into repentance.  They seem giddy at the prospect of it happening.

Craig has come up with a new theory about Alaska after reading an article in an Australian paper.

Craig feels that when the U.S. is in a weakened state that Europe will negotiate selling Alaska  to Russia in return for helping destroy the U.S.

I don't know if it will be sold, but as I have been saying for so many years, I do believe that the coming fascistic German-led Europe will negotiate with Russia and offer Alaska back in turn for cooperation when Europe decides to confront the Anglo-Saxon powers.
- Craig

These kind of asinine conspiracy rantings are not isolated cases in Armstrongism. There a hundreds of these idiotic beliefs floating around out there.

That's part of the reason I do this blog.  The Church of God tries to present itself to the world as NORMAL every day Christians.  The problem is the Church of God is anything but normal!  Over 500,000 people have signed on to read about the DAILY weirdness that is Armstrongism.  I am only hitting the tip of the iceberg too!  The Church of God has evolved into an utter mess and is an epic failure in it's religiosity.  It no longer has a vision or purpose and has become irrelevant to humanity.


  1. The never-ending conspiratorial and prophetic assertions of the COG's - indeed, probably all religions through time - can perhaps best be summed up in this scene from THE WIZARD OF OZ:


    The sad part is when it happens, too many insist on carrying on in dogmatic faith as if Toto had never drawn back the curtain.

    And note that the Wizard even looks very similar to HWA!

  2. The biblical end time events (which have nothing to do with the pseudo-prophetic guesses of HWA) will no doubt be horrific whenever they actually do occur. As a Christian, I derive great comfort from knowing that 1) I will be raptured prior to the worst of the events, or 2) I will receive protection and help from God if He intends that I remain behind to assist in His work.

    This constant living in fear, and the cheap motivation to support a man's work that accompanies it is not something God intends for His people! It's time people realized that, and got on with a real personal relationship with God, and a true spiritual experience! Armstrongism or its derivatives are neither.


  3. I'm sure God agrees with you BB, because God agrees with everybody who believes in him - no matter what they happen to believe.

  4. Byker Bob, it just seems to me you have simply exchanged one set of chains (unjustifiable supernatural beliefs and claims) for another equally worthless set. But hey, if it comforts and makes you feel good, then the best of luck to you.

  5. Byker Bob said...
    The biblical end time events (which have nothing to do with the pseudo-prophetic guesses of HWA) will no doubt be horrific whenever they actually do occur. As a Christian, I derive great comfort from knowing that 1) I will be raptured prior to the worst of the events, or 2) I will receive protection and help from God if He intends that I remain behind to assist in His work.

    MY COMMENT: Orrrr, 3)It/they will NEVER happen, orrrr, 4)you will be six feet under before it/they happen. MY prophecy!

  6. I know Craig and although he may have a few odd ideas (don't we all!) he is a kind and caring soul.

  7. Anonymous, you may see me as having exchanged chains. I see it differently. More of a freeing up of the mind. As Paul joyously explained, there is great freedom in Jesus Christ. Some church groups either counter that, or fail to teach it.

    We've got to realize that our concept of God was warped by a man who emphasized the concepts which supported himself, and ignored other possibly more relevant ones.
    As an example, do you remember much ever being made of Phil. 4:7 or I Kings 19:12?


  8. Just what Russia needs: More cold storage.

    They will get Sarah Palin as a bonus.

  9. "As a Christian, I derive great comfort from knowing that 1) I will be raptured prior to the worst of the events, or 2) I will receive protection and help from God if He intends that I remain behind to assist in His work."

    I'm sure that Asshole Redneck Jesus agrees!

  10. Yeesh.

    I had to attend WWCG services when I was little and I remember singing in the children's choir for "special music" one Saturday morning. The song was "Let There Be Peace On Earth". Immediately after (no applause, of course) we got a sermon where the speaker described in vivid and creepily gleeful detail his imaginings of the war, starvation and torture that God was about to so righteously unleash upon the world, maybe this very month, and why we should be looking forward to it.

    Ah, the cognitive dissonance.

    That place was so freaking weird. :(

  11. Anonymous 1:13, do you think you are hurting either Jesus or the believers who post here? Jesus taught us to pray, "Father forgive him, for he knows not what he is doing." How can you classify someone who would do that for you as being an asshole redneck?

    Also, by making such statements, you might make the culties play the bitterness card. That would be a shame. After all, Jesus was not HWA on steroids.
