Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Exciting Life of Herbert W Armstrong College Students

Reading this is like being in a time warp.  Does ANYONE have "turnabout" dates in College anymore? Only in COGGERland?

Check out that world class educational institution in the middle of Oklahoma that is training the next generation of Herb-bot's

HWA College Volunteers Keep "Turnabout" Tradition Alive

Seven Herbert W. Armstrong College student and graduate ladies kept the HWAC “turnabout weekend” tradition alive on November 8 when they hosted a group date for the 10 HWAC men at the men’s residence, known as Bethel.

Semiannual turnabout activities in Edmond are some of the students’ favorite activities of the year, and range as far as the HWAC ladies’ imaginations. Though the men do the planning and asking of dates the vast majority of the time, the ladies are known to seize the opportunity and pack several weekends’ worth of expenditure, time and effort into the occasion.

Obviously at one point in HWA's college career he had a "turnabout " weekend and it impressed Lord Six Pack so much that he has to have it too!  I will now ask the same question that I have asked repeatedly about the COGlets: "Why can none of these splinter cult leaders or splinter groups EVER come up with ANYTHING original??


  1. I had to laugh myself at this:

    "Why can none of these splinter cult leaders or splinter groups EVER come up with ANYTHING original??"

    and later in another article:

    "The inner workings of a brain entrenched in Armstrongite mythology is an interesting thing. It is capable of all kinds of wild scenarios whether it be with prophecy or every day life."

    Ha ha! HWAers are not creative when it suits your need, or creative when that suits.

    The blind blindly hating the blind. Hilarious.

  2. Less than 20 people total. I can guarantee you that is a nest of drama and I can say this from experience.

    Also, pretty sure the activities do not reach as far as the ladies' imaginations.

    This is sad.

    And for Anonymous, "creative" and "wild" are not synonymous. But for what it's worth, my experience of 40 years in WCG is that there were creatives and there were "wilds" and there was everything inbetween.

  3. Not that any of it matters. The couples that end up together in PCG are carefully constructed if the man is anyone they deem important. The rest of the group is shipped around the country to be representatives of the church in their declining congregations. If a lady is not lucky to be entangled by graduation, she can wait back at home until some disgusting old man is deemed worthy to receive a young bride.

  4. I'm sorry to be so "out of touch" with WCG-land stuff, but what is this HWA College (a joke in and of itself when you think about it) function called a "turnabout"?

    Do the ladies really "seize the opportunity" in every sense of the expression?


  5. I'm sure the evening will end with an exciting viewing of Oklahoma or How the West Was Won.

    Actually, schools and approaches like this with young impressionable minds are , in fact, mid life crisis factories. Long after the Flurrys are gone, young people, grown older will be struggling with how they could allow themselves to be so duped and not given the life skills needed to cope in the real world.


  6. I don't remember this tradition from AC. We used to have Sadie Hawkins' Day while I was attending a public high school, and it was the one time a year when a girl could ask a guy out on a date without appearing "forward".

    I think that in a lot of cases, WCG/ACOG splinter teaching on dating caused shyness in young people.


  7. Don't be too hasty to write off church girls. They've got some pent up dirtiness that just NEEDS to be let loose. All they need is an outlet and I'm happy to oblige!

    Your Local PK


  8. Malachi's Message to Gerald Flurry

    The biblical book of Malachi says, "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse" (Malachi 4:5-6, NIV).

    In contrast, Gerald Flurry and his "no contact" rule order PCG members to completely cut off parents and grandparents, and children and grandchildren, and not even talk to them.

    One of the Ten Commandments says, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12, NIV).

    But Gerald Flurry has a fine way of setting aside the commands of God for the sake of his "no contact" tradition.

    The biblical book of Malachi also says, "'I hate divorce,' says the LORD God of Israel, 'and I hate a man's covering himself [footnote: Or his wife] with violence as well as with his garment,' says the LORD Almighty. So Guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith" (Malachi 2:16, NIV).

    In contrast, Gerald Flurry has his PCG members divorce and remarry for no good reason.

    One of the Ten Commandments says, "You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14, NIV).

    But again Gerald Flurry has a fine way of setting aside the commands of God for the sake of his divorce and remarry for no good reason tradition.

    The biblical book of Malachi says, "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' In tithes and offerings" (Malachi 3:8, NIV).

    In spite of this warning, Gerald Flurry and his PCG cult continue to deceive people and steal God's holy tithes and offerings.

    One of the Ten Commandments says, "You shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15, NIV).

    But yet again Gerald Flurry has a fine way of setting aside the commands of God for the sake of his tradition of diverting God's money into his PCG impostor cult for his own evil purposes.


  9. Anonymous said...
    "If a lady is not lucky to be entangled by graduation, she can wait back at home until some disgusting old man is deemed worthy to receive a young bride."

    In the PCG it was even worse than that. Some truly disgusting old women wanted young guys a fraction of their age. Yuck!

  10. Young men, beware the Cougars in your congregation.

    Or maybe, if they are rich and you become gigolos, you can rip them off for all they are worth until you find a beautiful young woman who has just gotten a modeling contract in New York, marry her and move off with her to live on her beauty and money.

    And don't worry if you are totally selfish and spend all your time playing video games, she can go out with her girl friends and then afterward you can have Apostle Malm type fun.

    [This actually happened, so you young handsome guys have hope!]

    And don't worry about the Cougars... they will always find more prey, especially with the attitude of the ACoG ministers being what it is -- and after all, it isn't about the capture, it's about the hunt that makes it so exciting.


  11. The PCG is a mirror image of the truth. They believe the United States to be Manasseh and the United Kingdom represents Ephraim. In actuality, the exact opposite is true.

    This confusion and clouded thinking is the result of idol worship.

  12. "The PCG is a mirror image of the truth. They believe the United States to be Manasseh and the United Kingdom represents Ephraim. In actuality, the exact opposite is true."

    Frying pan, meet fire.

  13. Just for the record: My comment on Flurry's new article 'Who Are the Two Witnesses?' is still "awaiting moderation".

    So much for sharing my 2 cents with the COG world.

  14. It goes without saying that the main problem with dating in Armstrongism is that one couldn't date outsiders, not even other Christians (mostly because they taught us there weren't any!)

    It would have been a gas and a blessing in most of the local church areas if at least one could have dated 7th Day Adventists, COG-7 members, or Messianics. I don't think they'd go for members dating non-sabbatarians, but the three groups I mentioned would have broadened the horizons phenomenally.


  15. "The PCG is a mirror image of the truth. They believe the United States to be Manasseh and the United Kingdom represents Ephraim. In actuality, the exact opposite is true."

    (Citation needed.)

    Clara Fyer

  16. Anon: I don't moderate comments. It might have went into spam, but I checked and it is not there. If your comment was that important repost it!

  17. Out of the frying pan, into the bright fire; whatever it takes to refine me.
