Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 21, 2013

Knockers Church of God Holding Fast To Deceptive Propaganda

Those fun loving folk over at Christ Knock (Knockers Church of God) want to subliminally seduce you into thinking that the waters of life came to you through Herbert Armstrong.  Why else would they have a picture of the water fountain in front of Ambassador Auditorium?  

According to COG mythology the "truth" was restored on earth through Herbert Armstrong after 1,800 years because God was too impotent to keep it safe.  Your salvation now rests on the acceptance or rejection of Herbert Armstrong's person and message.

Return to the truth once delivered and soak up the waters of life.


  1. Oh God, not yet another group of HWA-worshipping lunatics!

  2. Went to the website. Looks like yet another one-man operation trying to give the impression of being a larger group. Who the hell is L. Frank Maschio, the apparent mastermind behind the Vigilant Church of God? Never heard of him before.

  3. There it is again.

    So it seems there is yet ANOTHER group that is not able to let go of the past. That fountain does not belong to Herbert Armstrong and the Church now.

    That fountain belongs to HRock Church, a charismatic Church out of Pasadena, California. The old Worldwide Church of God as they knew it is GONE.

    I guess since they posted a picture of Harvest Rock's Church property, that they are saying the fountain of life is charismatic Pentecostal, aye?

  4. I knew a guy once out in Pasadena who eagerly believed God was going to raise up the then living Garner Ted Armstrong and place him back at the head of the WCG. This was in 1998. But GTA died in 2003, so it seems the delusionists are slowly running out of options to restore their fantasy.

  5. Anonymous 12:01, don't be so sure to assume it's a group. Generally, upon closer investigation such websites and their audio messages prove nine times out of ten to be the product not of a group, but instead of some lone nut who imagines that God has raised him up to carry on the mantle of HWA. Their audio messages attempt very poorly to give the impression that they are addressing live audiences, but virtually always you can tell just by the sound quality that they are only some guy speaking into a microphone and recording it as if he's speaking to an audience - "Well, good afternoon, Brethren!" and so on. This is so deceptive, and so entirely typical of the fantasy world these jokers live in. HWA wannabes these days are truly a dime a dozen, and the production quality of their work is almost always at a very low level!

  6. Here's a sample of "Seize the Hour!" - the Vigilant Church of God's (i.e. L. Frank Maschio's essentially one-man operation) cheap knock-off of the old World Tomorrow radio broadcast.


  7. Good news for Armstrongism - the pathetic public school system in America is assuring that there will be plenty of future lunatics to recruit from, as the following humorous video portrays:


  8. Things don't look too bad for the future of radical Islamists either:


  9. L. Frank Maschio is a former member of PCG and RCG. I am guessing that Pack must have made him a deacon or elder and that makes it okay to go out and start his own church. Of course no one ever leaves Pack...except nut cases lke this. I lie.

  10. Not after the dead rat in the pool.

    And we're wondering when it will be in a Microsoft Surface commercial.

  11. When you test the waters that came from HWA, you will detect the overwhelming presence of urea.


  12. When I saw a picture of Dennis's dog Chewy wearing a Hooters shirt, I thought Chewy might be a member of the Knockers Church of God.

