Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Book: John Morgan "Paris-London Connection: The Assassination Of Princess Diana"

Anyone reading here for the last three years will have heard of John Morgan.  He wrote the book

Flying Free

Amazon:  Flying Free thoroughly covers the background of the Worldwide Church Of God (WCG) cult - its history, leadership, doctrines, beliefs and its membership. This book contains never previously published research explaining Herbert Armstrong's Holiness Quaker upbringing. It also includes extensive research on the WCG's comparison to a cult, and the characteristics that actually define a cult. Flying Free documents the impact of the Armstrong teachings on individual lives, but then goes on to show a priceless freedom - found in life beyond fundamentalism. Flying Free is a valuable, practical resource for ex-WCG members and for relatives or friends attempting to come to terms with the reality of loved ones joining a cult. It should serve as a warning to those contemplating entering a fundamentalist church. The book also includes a balanced assessment of the origins of the Bible, the authority of the Bible, and an appraisal of organised Christianity's influence on the individual Christian.

John has anew book out on the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed.  The synopsis of the book from Angus and Robertson Books has this to say:

Paris-London Connection is the most shocking yet factual book written on the 1997 Paris crash that took the lives of Princess Diana and her lover, Dodi Fayed. This fast-moving but authoritative narrative covers the events leading up to and following the tragedy. The book is a short, quick read - 200 pages - but is a bombshell because it closely follows the evidence and forensic analysis included in the 5,000 pages of the Diana Inquest book series. That series draws together the evidence from the French investigation, the British Operation Paget investigation, the 2007-8 London inquest and hundreds of British police documents not shown to the inquest jury. Members of Britain's royal family, MI6 officers and agents, senior French police personnel and Western intelligence agencies all played a role in the events in Paris.

Exposed for the first time is the specific role of the key senior MI6 officer, Sherard Cowper-Coles. The book reveals the people who ordered the assassination of Diana and Dodi and those who carried out the operation and how they did it. It also shows how the authorities covered up what occurred and the significant connection between events in France and the UK, both before and after the crash. 27 inquest witnesses - both French and British - who committed perjury at the London inquest are named for the first time. Paris-London Connection reveals the level of coordinated state-authorised corruption in the conduct of the French and British police investigations and the inquest headed by Lord Justice Scott Baker.

This is the long awaited book that uses the actual witness and documentary evidence to reveal the who, how and why of the assassination of Britain's much-loved Princess Diana. John Morgan is author of the Diana Inquest book series. Prominent British QC, Michael Mansfield, who served at the London inquest, has said: I have no doubt that the volumes written by John Morgan will come to be regarded as the 'Magnum Opus' on the crash ...and the cover-up that followed. Mohamed Al Fayed, who lost his son Dodi in the crash, has stated: I believe that John Morgan has done more to expose the facts of this case than the police in France and Britain.


  1. Sounds intriguing! Might be worth a look since I too, like many others, have wondered whether it was just an accident or there was much more to her death...

  2. This sounds to me yet another conspiracy-oriented piece of trash, which COGer's gullibly lap up. Conspiracy is rampant in the Muslim world, and widely used to "explain" all sorts of events, so the fact that Mohamed Al Fayed buys into Morgan's revelation doesn't surprise me at all. I know a former WCGer whose mind is now completely saturated with all sorts of conspiracy crap, including that belief that Grays and Reptillians - alien-type creatures said to be the spawn of Satan mating with human women - walk among us.

    "Get a man to believe in an invisible god and you can eventually get him to believe in anything."

  3. Everything is ultimately a "conspiracy" if you dig deeper eg Who let the serpent into Eden?

  4. Sounds like the guy lives in fairytale land. Making it all up as he goes along
