Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Martyr Thiel Claims Vatican Will Soon Be Contacting All of Us That Pick on Him for Inside Dirt

The non-ordained prophet and soon to be witness/martyr Robert Thiel has sent a letter out to his minuscule group of followers today.  The prophet is really excited! It seems he has been recording his extremely BAD videos with a mono microphone.  Those who were embarrassed to listen to his preaching on speakers and who chose to listen with earphones only heard the sound in one ear.  Now the prophet is excited to let his small viewing audience know he has bought a "stereophonic" microphone.  Now that the prophet has reached the 1980's in sound quality this should richly enhance his speaking.

On the technical front, we got a new microphone as the one we were using recorded in mono, not stereophonic, sound.  This meant that those who watched the YouTube videos wearing headphones only got sound in one ear.  This was corrected and the latest sermon (not sermonette as it was recorded earlier with the old microphone) is with the stereophonic microphone.  We also got a new tripod. We still have certain microphone and technical needs, and keep working on trying to improve the quality of the recordings.

The prophet also lashes out at Meredith, Pack and Flurry for their arrogance.  None of these pussy men are doing as mighty a work as prophet Bob is doing.

Heard a comment that a minister in my former association made to a woman affiliated with the Continuing Church of God.  He told her that it was obvious that his organization was the place “doing the work.”   And while he seems to believe that, the fact is that his organization lacks the integrity, boldness, and certain other qualities to be the group who will lead to the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 (see also Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God).

His comments remind me of two other church leaders (who lead two different groups that claim Church of God, COG, ties) who seem to think that if they have certain outward signs (like buildings) that this proves that they hold the Philadelphia mantle.  But those are not the biblical criteria.
If size or buildings were the criteria, the Church of Rome would be the one that God is using to fulfill Matthew 24:14, but it is not.

Prophet Thiel is still really ticked off at Rod Meredith for ignoring the magnificent knowledge that he tried to present.  Despite many meetings with Meredith, prophet Thiel's message fell on deaf ears and Bob is still ticked off.

About a decade ago, a well known COG evangelist and I were talking and he agreed with various points I was raising about the end time work. And back then, I was able to help lead him to essentially state that in the end it would not mainly be the message of the COG vs. the Protestants, but it would be the COG basically vs. the ecumenical religion that will rise up in the end that will likely (for a while) refer to itself as “Catholic.”

In 2005, during the Feast of Tabernacles in Clearwater Beach, after a private lunch, we and our wives met at his hotel room and I also discussed various aspects of the final phase of the work with him–and I had other meetings, discussions, and emails related to that with the other evangelists through December 14, 2012.   Yet, even though this evangelist and others in his church agreed to take many steps related to the final phase of the work, few, if any, of the promised steps were taken by his group–and this is a major part of why the Continuing Church of God needed to form.

Apparently Meredith knew a lunatic when he saw it.

Prophet Bob then explains that only he and the Continuing Church of God have the balls to pick on the Catholic Church.  Pretty soon the Vatican will start getting ticked off at the CCOG and other COG's and will ”tear through" their literature.  Then persecution will start on the TRUE believers.

When the more faithful in the COG (which currently would be the Continuing Church of God and others who may somewhat follow that lead) publicly identify the final King of the North as well as continuing to report about the final Pope/Antichrist (the initial reporting about the final pope will likely get lost in the media until later as many will write about the final pope) and media coverage gets generated, the Catholic scholars (probably getting some direction from the last pope) will tear through COG literature and attempt to challenge the credibility and the integrity of the COG message–this, combined with reactions to our proclamations, will initially cause “vigilante-type” persecution, but will also be followed by more institutionalized persecution (Matthew 24:-10; Daniel 11:28-35; 7:25).

I guess all of us should soon expect a call from the Beast/Vatican because we pick on non-ordained prophet Thiel.  The prophet predicts that the Beast power will contact dissident members of the COG for informational the TRUE members which will lead to further persecution. 

Notice that the King of the North will be even further enraged by the people of the “holy covenant” and most likely try to stop the supporters of it from proclaiming the truth about his intentions and the gospel of the kingdom (cf. Matthew 24:14). The King of the North will probably attempt to learn more about how to eliminate them by being nice to apostate members (those who “forsake the holy covenant”)–apparently he attempts to get them to betray true Christians (Matthew 24:10). It strikes me as important that although a naval power stops the King of the North momentarily, the King of the North becomes apparently more enraged with the people of the holy covenant than the naval power.

The prophet is still ticked of that many in the COG are picking on him for using "pagan" prophecies and writings to support his beliefs.  He continues to roll out the example of WCG ministers who did the same.  Prophet Bob has taken a lot of heat for whoring himself out to the Mayan's, Fatima and other end time loony predictions. "If David Jon Hill and Apostle Paul could do it, why can't I?"

Without going into to all the reasons, let me state that the Church of God has long also cited non-biblical sources to support gospel proclamation when appropriate (Acts 17:28; Hill, David Jon. Will you be deceived by Antichrist? Good News magazine of the Radio Church of God, October 1964, pp. 9-12,18; Hill DJ.  Christ or Antichrist. Good News magazine, Radio Church of God, April 1961, pp. 10-11). The that the Apostle Paul referred to pagan writings to reach his audience at times (cf. Acts 17:22-34; Titus 1:12), and since real Christians are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), those who actually believe the Bible more than their own “traditions” should realize that knowing how Satan has planned to deceive the world is an important aspect of being able to complete the final phase of the work (as doctrines of demons will be part of it, cf. 1 Timothy 4:1).  Dealing with false prophecies has long been something that God’s leaders (cf. 1 Kings 18) and prophets (e.g. (Jeremiah 28:15-16) have had to do.  And this week’s sermonette Will Pope Benedict’s resignation lead to the prophesied Antichrist? (and even to a degree, this week’s sermon) attempts to deal with those type of matters.

Spreading false prophecies has long been a tradition in Armstrongism and continues to this day.  Every single one of them have been proven to be liars.  Non-ordained prophet Thiel is no exception to this.


  1. If you read church history from the first, second, and third centuries, you discover that both Sunday keeping and Saturday keeping Christians were being martyrred side by side throughout the Roman Empire, depending on the demeanor of the particular Caesar in power at the time.

    I think Bob Thiel could be in for a big surprise if indeed the sprouting branch in the Olivet discourse refers to the rebirth of Israel as a nation, and the generation "not passing" as the baby boomers. It is possible that the followers of Mohammed and followers of his methods of converting non-believers will be beheading huge numbers of Catholics along with small handfulls of ACOG splinter members such as Thiel, who refuse to believe in Allah, and refuse to convert to Islam.

    So, Bob, I wouldn't be too quick to be condemn your Catholic neighbors, your local diocese, or regional bishop just yet! You might find yourself seeking mutual sanctuary with them, in fact one of them might even save your life in the future!


  2. "but it would be the COG basically vs. the ecumenical religion that will rise up in the end that will likely (for a while) refer to itself as “Catholic.

    How about NO. The Catholics are definitely down in the polls, thanks to Ratzi the Nazi proving what a lying scumbag he was (I still say he resigned before something WORSE than the sex abuse cover-uos came out), and the next best contender is, unfortunately for those of us still in the actual Church, the National Association of Evangelicals.

  3. LOL, I love the fact that Thielogical Bob's "proof" that the Church quoted secular/worldly sources, all came from the early days of the Church (i.e., Radio Church of God); and then he has the gall to turn around and say HE is the next "progressive revelation" of the Church

    I forget which splinter group it is, but there's one out there that says anything taught by Armstrong himself after 1956 is invalid; needless to say, this conveniently eliminates progressive revelation.

  4. The "end time" and "these last days" and "this generation" was nearly 2,000 years ago. And, no, prophecy isn't "dual". That theory was invented because of all the unfulfilled prophecy.

    "The end of all things is at hand" predicted nearly 2,000 years ago is written in stone and can't be changed.

  5. So let's see..."the Apostle Paul referred to pagan writings to reach his audience..."

    But the idea of the early church converting pagan holiday traditions into Christian celebrations is unacceptable to God?

    Hmm, methinks another discrepancy in COG logic has been exposed.

  6. I forget which splinter group it is, but there's one out there that says anything taught by Armstrong himself after 1956 is invalid; needless to say, this conveniently eliminates progressive revelation.

    I remember, but if I tell, I will be threatened by a lawsuit... again.

    This same group (which is now transmogrified into another, sans their erstwhile leader still stewing over it, accusing me of doing him great damage) also claims that the Vatican is investigating his website for truth every day with thousands of hits.

    It isn't clear to me if the new spun off church with 70% of his former members has their website mined by the Vatican. Probably not, because the original boast was bogus. Anyway, they're pretty much happily off the grid anyway.

    We can all scan our copy of the DSM-IV to ascertain the particular mental disorders of Robert Thiel -- it will be fun -- but be warned: The same ones apply universally to the other swindlers of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong.

    Do it only if you have a driving interest in abnormal psychology.

    Mostly though, if you have a life, go do something more amusing and useful.

  7. Thiel states: "About a decade ago, a well known COG evangelist and I were talking and he agreed with various points I was raising about the end time work. And back then, I was able to help lead him..."

    Bob Thiel is constantly saying things like this in order to puff up his status and make himself look far more influential than he ever was in the past, or currently is. I should think the title "Unofficial Counselor to LCG Bigwigs" would stroke his massive ego and be acceptable for such imaginary exploits. The more this guy says in his pathetically ineffective videos (stereo microphone or not)and writes on his website, the more his motives reveal themselves. What an absolutely empty blowhard this bloke is.

  8. This crap is Game of Thrones, COG edition.

    Which evangelist is the one with the baby dragons?

  9. I hope that when the Catholic Church comes calling
    me that they do not use my land line.

    Despite how many times I have registered for the "Do Not Call List", Im still getting telemarketing calls, lately from solar panel guys and a carpet cleaning company.

    Sick , sick , sick of telemarketers, and when the Catholic comes and calls me, I will rudely hang up like I do with all the others.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  10. You continue to take pleasure in ridiculing Bob, an easy target. While amusing, the real joke here is Meredith. Sometimes I wonder if Rod is paying you.

  11. "And back then, I was able to help lead him to essentially state that in the end it would not mainly be the message of the COG vs. the Protestants, but it would be the COG basically vs. the ecumenical religion that will rise up in the end that will likely (for a while) refer to itself as “Catholic.”"

    Waitadamnmin. Maybe my memory is fuzzy, but I thought that WAS the usual line of speculation in the old WCG?? Is he going to claim he's "restoring that truth" now?!

  12. Most Catholic Priests and all real Catholic scholars, such as a Raymond Brown, could make mincemeat out of Thiel.

  13. "the generation "not passing" as the baby boomers"

    How convenient....For you, Bob.

    I will only remark, as I have often remarked before, that we are in Tevet 5774 by the Hebrew calendar...and since the Jews have preserved the Oracles of God (minus the can't-celebrate-a-double-Sabbath and new moon stuff), everyone now living on this earth who thinks they'll see the Apocalypse in their lifetime needs to sit down and shut up.

  14. "I remember, but if I tell, I will be threatened by a lawsuit... again."

    *blinks* That was them? I do remember thinking when I read through their website, that their doctrinal beliefs were nuttier than a fruitcake...but oddly enough, the only one that stuck in my mind was the fact they think duck is not kosher, despite ducks having gizzards and feathers, like all other clean birds.

  15. "Bob Thiel is constantly saying things like this in order to puff up his status

    1 Cor 5:6-8

    "Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

  16. "Maybe my memory is fuzzy, but I thought that WAS the usual line of speculation in the old WCG?

    That's what I remember -- but JPII was really pushing the "ecumenical" thing at the time, so that's what they based it on (the Church was wrong, by the way). Ratzi the sex-abuse-covering-up Nazi, not so much.

    However, if you read the book "The Family" by Jeff Sharlet, there IS an American "shadow cabinet" within both the National Association of Evangelicals, and in highly-placed positions of power (often dictators, and post-WWII these Evangelical scumbags got Nazi war criminals released from German prisons), whose sole aim is to try and create a one world political government under trinitarianism and enforced Sunday-keeping.

    Now where have I heard that before? Can't quite place my finger on it.....

  17. Once you wake up to the fact that the "time is short" prophecy in the NT was a failed prophecy, you can let go and relax. The NT is a history of hope gone wrong and lives adapted to "the end times" for nothing. So it is today. Wake up before you get hurt

  18. A stereo microphone AND a tripod!

    It's a good start, but I won't be convinced until he gets a lectern made of Steuben crystal. God likes quality stuff.

  19. no need for Steuben until you get the Gulfstream

  20. oh no...it's the last Pope again...

  21. Clément Ader began the first stereo sound transmission in 1881.

    Calculating SEVEN 19-year time-cycles since then brings us to the year 2014!


  22. Gotta luv the mystical numerology of Armstrongism! Ah, how I long for the good old days, counting 19 year time cycles, and singing kumbayah-now destroy all my enemies-to the catchy tunes of Dwight while camping in a suit and tie, just like the ancient Israelites!
