Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 1, 2013

50 Million Demons Are Flying Space Ships Around The Earth Right Now

More fun from my favorite Church of God moron, Neville Stevens.  One year ago this March Stevens hung up his prophetic shield to prepare his sword for the end times.  One year later not a thing has happened.  His blog is still up promoting his filth.

One fun fact about all the demonic spaceships flying around the earth right now was too good to pass up. This is a great example of an Armstrongite mind going off the deep end.  Kind of like what we see prophet Thiel doing right now

Satan and all his demons live on earth.  They travel around in their own space ships, which we call UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects).  By this means they have the power to fly through the air, hence the title of ‘rulers of the kingdom of the air’ (Eph 2:2).  It’s only in the last century that human beings have been able to fly in the air, and the aircraft of human beings are inferior in every way to that of the rulers of the heavenly realm.  Our technology is primitive in comparison.  We speak today of ‘stealth aircraft’ which are undetectable to radar.  The demons have craft which can be invisible to the human eye – and they can switch this capability on and off at will.  This is real stealth capability.  Nothing that humans have ever devised can match these UFO’s for speed either.  Also, their ability to hover noiselessly is way beyond the capability of human technology.  And neither is there any human device that can match them for acceleration.  These craft can accelerate out of sight in the blink of an eye.  The bodily stresses of such acceleration would kill a human being.  The creatures that fly these are decidedly not human beings, even though they’ve lived among us for six thousand years.  In fact, they were already exiled here before human beings were created!  Furthermore, they actually rule over this planet and its inhabitants.  In fact, all the human inhabitants of this earth belong to the devil and his demons – with the only exception being the Saints who belong to God. 

The spirit world has a vast arsenal of airborne craft, and in the final days before the end, they intend to make use of them – which is actually predicted in the Book of Revelation.  They intend to attack the huge dwelling-place where God lives – which is itself a huge space ship capable of housing millions of angels.  It also has a Temple and Altar where the Lord Christ serves and worships the Father (Heb 8:1-2).

The angels of God commute in spacecraft and so do demons.  Demons commute in these ‘UFO’s’ which so many people have seen, and likewise, so do the mighty angels of God.  It was one of God’s spacecrafts that guided the shepherds to the birthplace of Jesus at the time of His birth.  This is what the shepherds followed, and it stopped over the manger where Jesus and Mary were.  Sure they described it as a star; after all, how else would they describe it in those days?  Try following a real star to arrive at a certain destination.  All that would happen is you would travel due west, but you would never know when you reached your destination.  So what the shepherds actually saw was a bright shining light which was a flying vehicle and manned by an angel of God.

There are 50 million demons living on earth, and every one of them is a master of deception.



  1. He'd better be careful. Lucas or Spielberg might steal his idea and make a movie out of it.

  2. 50 million. Just like the bible where "in that day 180,ooo died. Always such round numbers. Is there a demon census every four years?

  3. Swamp gas.

    Science rocks!

    So does well done science fiction.

    Armstrongist doctrines are neither.

  4. Mr. Spock , put 100% power to forward shields...

    Mr. Sulu , lock in on the enemy demon spacecraft and lay down a full spread of photon torpedoes, and lock phasers on Satan's bridge.

    Bones... give me another stimulant!


    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  5. PS---

    Yeoman Janice Rand...

    Meet me at my quarters for a personal "debriefing" immediately after we destroy the demon spacecraft.


    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  6. do demons have to signal their turns?
    What company makes Demon Craft?
    Maybe General Demonics?
    McDemon Amongus
    Take me!

  7. If you're going to have a psychotic break and go mental, don't waste it: Get followers and demand money!

  8. If you're going to have a psychotic break and go mental, don't waste it: Get followers and demand money!

    Unfortunately, those who do get money don't put it toward their much needed mental health treatment.


  9. "It was one of God’s spacecrafts that guided the shepherds to the birthplace of Jesus at the time of His birth. This is what the shepherds followed, and it stopped over the manger where Jesus and Mary were."

    Actually it was a Midrashic tale meant to give Jesus an amazing birth story which the Apostle Paul never heard of and died in ignorance of.

    Neither Mark nor John ever heard these birth stories either and Matthew's is cobbled wholesale from Old Testament sciptures and was master at making them mean what they never meant. Luke's account was written with the author oblivious to what Matthew had written. Both stories were inserted in the original texts which read just fine without them. They were inserted to fight the "Jesus born of fornication," problem which arose in the early second century.

    But we knew that by now.

    I bet if demons accelerated like a bat out of hell as noted, they' not have the guts to do it twice:)

    But, nice yarn here...probably it was one of these craft that the Russians got a lucky shot in on last week that entered the atmosphere and exploded.

  10. Yeah, the place is literally swarming with invisible demons.

    Anybody know the difference between visible property and invisible property? Okay, I'll tell you, invisible property is called fraud. It may exist on paper but unless it actually exists you may get into a bit of trouble when you sell it.

  11. I'd think a god that needed a vehicle to get around in was not a real god

  12. Why doesn't this guy just become a scientologist. Everyone will accept his ideas there.

  13. Uh oh I think I see one outside my window right now!! What do I do?! What do I do?!

  14. not uncommon for christians to take at least the line that the UFOs are demons. That was posited back in the late 80s early 90s that the only ones seeing them were those into magic, seances and other new age stuff. Not sure how true THAT all is, however, although very odd how he promotes it nothing really all that new.

  15. "not uncommon for christians to take at least the line that the UFOs are demons. That was posited back in the late 80s early 90s that the only ones seeing them were those into magic, seances and other new age stuff. Not sure how true THAT all is, however,"

    I'll be the second witness to verify that, I also heard this from the pulpit in the '80s-'90s. I can also verify this independently, as after my family fell away, my parents got involved with a lot of people who were into all this newage (rhymes with sewage) stuff -- and I can absolutely verify that every single one of them was clearly demon-possessed.

  16. So every single person that leaves the COG is demon possessed? What a load of crap. Thank God I left when I did so I could maintain my sanity from this kind of absurd nonsense!

  17. "I can absolutely verify that every single one of them was clearly demon-possessed."

    I can absolutely verify that you are clearly crazy for making such a statement, asserting that something can be verified as a fact when everyone knows, including yourself, that it cannot be verified.

  18. whoa Velvet, you just blew your credibility

  19. new age doesn't rhyme with sew age . Typical WCG...close is good enough

  20. new age doesn't rhyme with sew age . Typical WCG...close is good enough

  21. I can't see this as generating the type of massive credibility which would translate into retirement moneys for Neville. It's just too weird.


  22. Sharon said...
    So every single person that leaves the COG is demon possessed? What a load of crap. Thank God I left when I did so I could maintain my sanity from this kind of absurd nonsense!

    Ain't that the truth. Amen. But, you know, sometimes it's good to have someone on the inside to point out the absurd nonsense by being an example of it. Just sayin...

  23. Nice to see no one here has any reading comprehension whatsoever; none of these people my parents became involved with were in the Church; this was AFTER MY FAMILY FELL AWAY. Have I clarified that enough?

    As for the people themselves, let's see; there was the commune leader who believed the UFOs were going to come and take away her special chosen crowd in Dec. 99; she also advocated that her followers inject themselves with sub-lethal doses of formaldehyde, to destroy their mitochondrial DNA so the aliens could transmogrify them during Y2K.

    There was also a steady stream of folks who if they weren't saying "I see dead people!" they would go on long delusional rants summed up as "I WAS dead people!"

    As this was pre-Scientology days, there was also one guy who proselytized Eckankar (and a few of hois cronies) which is actually crazier than the UFO therapy cult (they were astral plane rourists, see, and they would recount at length their recent trip to see the Face on Mars, for instance).

    The only ones who really gave me pause (and who give me the heebie jeebies since I have subsequently read up on them) are the Bahais....who say THEIR prophet has set himself up in God's seat, and he will bring about the Universal (i.e. One World) religion.

    Hmmmm. Seems to me there was a Church that warned the world about that....

    Then there were the Spiritualists, who ran church "services" like the folks in the Anne of Green Gables books...only they "channeled" dead people, aliens, and "astral records" while they did so.

    Then there were the folks who believed FOR SURE that the Celestine Prophecy was going to come true.

  24. ...and I guess everyone is going to say I blew my credibility with the typos. So be it. My parents got involved with a lot of demonic things AFTER we left the Church, and for the most part, we never really saw any Church members on a regular basis again.

  25. ....then there was the B&B owner who believed in the healing power of crystals and that in a former life she was Josephine the great.

    There were also the potheads, who had the combined intelligence of a piece of cardboard because they had fried their brains so badly with drugs, and nothing short of resurrection will give them back an IQ higher than a rock's.

    I am forgetting to mention, of course, the conspiracy theorists/survivalists who had moved themselves way out to the boonies because the US Gov't was hiding the evidence of aliens, and there was going to be a soon-coming interstellar war (this was in 1998) as predicted by (wait for it) Nostradamus.

    So, yeah, people on the Internet going on and on about how terrible the Church was and how crazy our beliefs were? You people have seen literally NOTHING.

  26. ..then there were the folks who believed all doctors and medical experts were involved in this global conspiracy to do I-never-really-understood-what (Google Big Pharma for what those whackjobs believe) and there was an underground railway of "alternative health specialists" who were fighting it, and THOSE doctors (nearly all of them either unaccredited or discredited) were viewed by their followers on the same level as the saints in Foxe's Book of Martyrs (when they were really all snake oil salesmen).

    I should also add, my parents didn't actually BELIEVE any of these crazy things; these were just all the folks that my father grifted from, over the years after he left the Church.

  27. " new age doesn't rhyme with sew age . Typical WCG...close is good enough"

    Sewage as in excrement. And actually, the quote is from Penn & Teller.

  28. "So every single person that leaves the COG is demon possessed?"

    That is NOT what I said, in fact that is not even close to what I said, and I trust I have made that abundantly clear by this point.

  29. Okay, Velvet, so Sharon misread your comment. The weirdos you describe were not lapsed Armstrongites.

    I get the feeling, however, that she called your comment "a load of crap" less because of WHO was involved and more because of WHAT you said about them: that you "can absolutely verify that every single one of them was clearly demon-possessed."

    The two comments that follow Sharon's ("everyone knows, including yourself, that it cannot be verified" and "you just blew your credibility")express similar shock and disbelief, yet show no sign that their authors misread you.

    It is bad enough to diagnose people as harboring undetectable parasites to explain their unconventional, often antisocial behavior. Claiming those parasites definitely exist and that you can verify their identity as demons places you squarely in the same category with the weirdos you described with such well-placed contempt. Not demon-possessed. Just grotesquely deluded.

  30. First of all, before I read the other comments/replies to my comments, I want to apologize to Sharon and Leonardo/Gary (the guy who runs the blog, in case you were wondering) for flying off the handle.

    I don't lose my temper nearly as often I did when I was younger, but I guess yesterday's fiasco proves that it is not something that has been removed from me quite completely yet.

  31. Prof,

    I think it was a tragedy of errors; Sharon misread my comment, two others agreed with her misinterpretation, I saw red, and sought to correct the situation by explaining some of the people I was forced to be in contact with, after my family fell away (I was still living at home at the time).

    So, yes, I lost my temper. For which I have apologized, and I do apologize.

    The flip side of this being none of you can verify that I can't verify all these people were demon-possessed.

    Though I should clarify, I don't mean demon-possessed in The Exorcist sense (Y'know that's a movie I still haven't seen?) but more in the sense of, because they believe what they believe (and they absolutely, sincerely believed, the things that I outlined), I see it as clear proof that they were (as so many are) influenced by the powers and principalities of the air. Which brings mass confusion and a plethora of strange beliefs into the world.

    To be brutally honest, I don't think I would be very far off the mark in saying that the members of the splinter groups are equally just as influenced by the powers and the principalities of the air.

    The above, and my above rants, all being my opinion, and my opinion only, and regardless of my losing my temper in the earlier comments, I have still never said that I might be wrong; I might very well be wrong, perhaps these people were not being influenced. Although they certainly seemed to me at the time to be influenced by something, as I considered myself an agnostic, I could no longer see that influence for what the Church had always taught me that it was.

    Not pea-soup-spitting, levitating or object-throwing-with-their-minds-hormonal-teenagers like on TV or in the movies. It is far more subtle than that.

    Like the way the error crept into the Church: Ross Jutsum injured his back, and the physiotherapist who treated him daily (yes, I am assuming at the Church's expense, and I don't agree with that), hammered away at him and hammered away at him to accept her foreign gods and false idols...and when she had converted him, he went on to bring the heresy into the Church.

    Jutsum even admitted himself that it was a long, slow, process (this was the Baptist-like "testimony" Jutsum gave at one of the Feast sites in the UK in 2011), and that it took time for him to be turned away from God. (Although he now considers the god of this world to be the living God.)

    You can boil a frog to death simply by raising the temperature slowly.

  32. Velvet, you might want to take a step back. Clearly you're passionate about something, and that's fine, but...

    You've written nearly 1/3 of the comments on this thread and done nearly 2/3 of the writing. So, maybe just consider taking a step back.
