Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Prophet Thiel Still Miffed That LCG Did Not Want To Teach Deification of Humans as Gods

The non-ordained self-appointed prophet/Overseer of the Continuing Ed Church of God did his first "offertory" sermonette this week.  It is 17 minutes of more bumbling back-slapping "look at how wonderful we are" silliness.  The crooked bookcase and worn and tattered books are still present but at least the belching demons are not to be heard!

Thiel still is is filled with bitterness with towards Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God. He still cannot fathom why Rod did not listen to him and implement all the things he felt LCG needed to change.

One thing he wanted LCG to start preaching was the deification of humans.  LCG did not want to do it and the non-ordained prophet had a hissy-fit.  That just added more fuel to the fire to cause false prophet Thiel to start his own personality cult.

The non-ordained self-appointed prophet brings this up around the 12-13:00 minute mark.  Get ready for Thiel to soon start proclaiming, just as the Mormons do:

"As man is now, God once was.  As God is now, man will be."

This is the very "doctrine" that HWA took from the Mormons.The non-ordained prophet will soon start preaching this in order to mock Rod Meredith and the LCG.


  1. At 11:30 in Thiel's video, he says that in 2002 he considered LCG's Statement of Beliefs "pretty lukewarm."

    What kind of ethics does this guy have, if he admits that for10 years he considered LCG lukewarm but stayed there anyway while condemning other groups as lukewarm?

  2. At 7:10, Thiel says it costs $9 to send one of his magazines to New Zealand.

    Since Thiel has in the past condemned Dave Pack for refusing to send literature to people who weren't already donors, I am sure that if, say, he received a few hundred literature requests from New Zealand he would feel duty-bound to fulfill them. Maybe if some kind soul in New Zealand would put a small ad in a New Zealand newspaper, this could help Prophet Thiel practice the way of give to New Zealand?

  3. Bob teaching humans are Gods? The scriptures stipulate there is only one God! If he teaches there are multiple Gods then he is a polytheist, which is against scripture.

  4. "As Bob is now, Rod once was. As Rod is now, Bob will be."

  5. Why is he so focused on reaching out to computers? We are supposed to save people, not computers! Also, why is he bragging about how many people he is reaching? He will never reach anywhere near the numbers of any of the small churches let alone mainstream churches. Using his logic, they are better than his church. Then he brags about how many copies of his books are being sent out for free. He is so childish. I wish he would grow up and stop trying to be a Jew when in fact he is not, never will be and should never even try to be according to Acts 15.

  6. What is Thiel's thing about GTA? He says that his church will reach more people than any "non-GTA" Church of God in its first 30 days. Seems he's referenced that before, too.

    UCG's split in 1995 was far larger than Ted's in '78. Why the obsession over GTA? Despite his name recognition, Ted sputtered along for 25 years after his departure. Not surprisingly, he received far more publicity for his personal pecadilloes than he did with his preaching.

  7. Caution: Always UNPLUG your computer members before baptism. When in KY, I knew of several baptist ministers who went up in smoke being handed a microphone in the pool...


  8. Computer Members:

    Don't fall away....they crash
    Don't Tithe........they use bitcoin
    Don't keep the faith..they store it
    Don't come to church...they save it
    Don't fellowship....they Face Book
    Don't believe all you say..they Google
    They don't repent...they reboot
    They don't resurrect...they restore

    Did I say they crash?

  9. Someone should explain to Bob he is such a fake. He should cut out his pretentious nonsense and either become an atheist or a real Christian and stop pretending to be a Jew.

  10. Well, didn't HWA preach that the incredible human potential was to become "God very God"? I suppose that was for people who couldn't accept just living forever and ever as themselves. No, they want to be God too.

    Maybe some have forgotten that HWA preached that man had the potential of becoming God - in the God family, along with Jesus. God is a family not just one person - so said the great man.

  11. Interesting, Thiel's "Why Bob Thiel Left the LCG" document on his website has been changed. He edited out the prior statement about how a prophet is a higher rank than an evangelist, prolly bc too many people were picking at him for acting like LCG should have just handed him the keys and bank accounts once he decided that somehow LCG had anointed him as a prophet.

  12. Of course, we have LCG to thank for this silliness anyway, since they indulged the guy for a while.

    Odd - during my time in WCG I met quite a few mentally-unbalanced types in multiple congregations who cared a little too much, or fancied themselves as great teachers, prophets, apostles, disciples, etc. Surely so did the guys running LCG right now - were they really stupid enough to egg this guy on?

  13. William Dankenbring has gone full-blown Jew, or is it irritable old man syndrome.

  14. The old HWA doctrine that the destiny of man was to become a member of the God family was what attracted me to the organization in the first place. It made more sense than going to heaven and standing around singing praises to God all day. It still makes more sense and seems more biblically correct than mainline Christian dogma. It was not escaping the Germans or keeping the holy days or ruling over people that attracted me. It was the idea of becoming part of the God family, rebuilding a good, fair society, and wiping away all tears that attracted me. If I were to choose a belief today that would comfort me (instead of seeking to know the truth) that is what I would still choose to believe.

    Glenn Parker

  15. "It was the idea of becoming part of the God family, rebuilding a good, fair society, and wiping away all tears that attracted me. If I were to choose a belief today that would comfort me (instead of seeking to know the truth) that is what I would still choose to believe."

    Eh, I'm not much for "looking ahead to the Kingdom and not seeing what's in front of your face" anymore. Obviously, I believe this is what will happen, but I don't obsess over the details anymore. All in God's time. Although I will add that groups like the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and some of the more liberal Mennonite groups, are trying to build a good, fair, and just society in the here and now. They can't and won't succeed 100% in the here and now, but it strikes me their approach is a much more balanced one than ,most members in the Church tended to have.

    "...the destiny of man was to become a member of the God family was what attracted me to the organization in the first place. It made more sense than going to heaven and standing around singing praises to God all day. It still makes more sense and seems more biblically correct than mainline Christian dogma."

    I completely agree. :-)

  16. Watching COG leaders desperately try to convince their followers and gullible tithe-payers how great their particular "Work of God" is, well, it's becoming so bland. OK Bob, you reached 100,000 computers in your first 30 days, you reached "millions" via radio interviews, you gave away thousands of free books, etc.

    So what? How many people are actually responding to these attempts? That's what I'd be interested in knowing.

    You say that your extremely low-quality Youtube videos are getting "thousands" of views. Again I ask, so what? This video of some dude passing gas has gotten over 906,000 views.


    So really, I can't quite understanding your point. Numbers are meaningless unless you have something to actually show for them. So where's the beef, Bob?

  17. If Prophet Bob, Apostle Pack, or any of the other splinters were really doing such earthshattering "works" then how come their stuff isn't going viral, like PSY's original Gangnam Style video which now has nearly 1.5 billion views?

    OHhhhh, that's right, because satan has deceived the whole world and god has also ganged up on them to "darken their minds." Mankind knows "the truth" when they hear it, but they intentionally reject it because they're rebellious and would prefer to do their own thing. Which is to say, all of mankind is so irresponsible that they just want to have fun and pleasure in the moment with reckless disregard for their future. At least, that's what I heard over and over again when I was growing up in WCG. All of this is god's doing, but you can't hold god accountable because he's perfect. He doesn't want mankind to be deceived, except that he does. Because god is all powerful he can have his cake and eat it too. And so can his amazing true ministers, apostles, and prophets.

    So, yeah, we're earthshattering, not as earthshattering as PSY, but that's because god doesn't want us to be THAT earthshattering, because he's got a noncompete agreement with satan not to undercut him as "prince of the power of the air." So we're EXACTLY as earthshattering as we're supposed to be. NOW do you see how special we are? THAT'S how we get to have it both ways.

    So much nonsense and silliness.

    Eventually I realized that adults didn't know everything, and they certainly didn't know "the truth" when they heard it, and the world was full of people who were a lot more responsible than the church members I knew. It's just that they didn't BELIEVE, because, rather responsibly, they had every reason not to!

    Armstrongism has such a history of lying for the purpose of mind control.

  18. Mind control and money - that's what religion's all about!

  19. "OHhhhh, that's right, because satan has deceived the whole world and god has also ganged up on them to "darken their minds." Mankind knows "the truth" when they hear it, but they intentionally reject it because they're rebellious and would prefer to do their own thing. Which is to say, all of mankind is so irresponsible that they just want to have fun and pleasure in the moment with reckless disregard for their future. At least, that's what I heard over and over again when I was growing up in WCG."

    I heard the same thing. I don't agree with that kind of insular attitude now, (though I am guilty of it, so I guess there's a lesson in that), but yes, I remember hearing the same thing growing up, as well.

  20. Black Shirt and Black Tie? Come on Bob you were raised better.
