Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dave Pack: My God Is Ready To Strike Down Ministers Who Disagree With Me

Dave issues a veiled threat to all COG ministers who do not come over to Dave's group:

Elijah presented a stark choice to Israel, shortly before putting to death in the people’s presence the 450 prophets of Baal: “Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word” (I Kgs. 18:21). The question applies: Will you copy ancient Israel, and “answer God not a word”?

The decision that will soon face you is the same one Israel (the Old Testament type of the New Testament Church) faced over and over, and that many thousands before you have faced since Christ built His New Testament Church. God tells you He does not accept indecision—that you cannot serve two masters—that you cannot halt between two opinions. God does not permit you to “answer Him not a word.” To make no choice is to make the WRONG CHOICE!

In other words, be prepared to die!  What a self serving jackass Dave has turned into!


  1. Well, that's like the old saying: "If sex is a pain in the ass, you'd better roll over". All it means, Dave, is that your anthropomorphic "god" is purely imaginary. The God of the Bible has never unconditionally backed any human other than Jesus Christ, and that is because, as Jesus put it, "I and the Father are one".

    Better check your shorts! God is described as hating, and striking down human ego throughout the Bible. He seems to favor and lift up the humble and the lowly.


  2. Wait!


    Dave Pack is going to personally kill 450 ministers of the ACoG?

    Isn't that a prosecutable criminal offense even to threaten it?

  3. "...turned into?"

    A little inadvertent humor there, NO2?

  4. Looks like the Pope has caught the Dave Pack and COG disease of corrupting scripture. He claims that even atheists go to Heaven. This is clearly in direct opposition to what Christ and the scriptures say. See http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/24/pope-francis-suggests-atheists-good-deeds-gets-the/#ixzz2UFEV7VRj

  5. Dave Pack is going to personally kill 450 ministers of the ACoG?

    Isn't that a prosecutable criminal offense even to threaten it?

    At this stage, probably not. However, if an unstable RCG member takes Dave's words as a "command" or even as a "hint", then it will be really interesting in court when the survivors of Flurry or Meredith or Kubik or whoever drag Dave in as a conspirator who allegedly put the murderer up to the act.

  6. Dave has always been a "self serving jackass." It is not a recent development.

  7. In all seriousness...

    People who commit suicide often speak about it before doing it. People who commit murder often speak about it before doing it too.

    Should you have a known loyal Pack member show up at your church, keep and eye on them. And if Dave Pack shows up in the parking lot, dont even let him near the door.

    Davey is exhibiting some extremely dangerous warning signs.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  8. I agree that saying things of this sort, that specific people are going to die, could be interpreted as threats and are definitely warning signs that could indicate Dave Pack is descending into mental illness that could turn criminal in the future. Sometimes people try to make their "prophecies" come true by their own hand. Stranger things have happened.

  9. Davey is exhibiting some extremely dangerous warning signs.

    Does that mean he is a danger to himself / others?

    If so, we could arrange for the men in white coats to come and whisk him off to the mental hospital until he normalizes (like that would ever happen -- there's no know cure for narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths).

  10. In all seriousness...

    People who leave the UCG over a few errant cows often speak about it before doing it.

    But ministers usually don't speak about it before jumping ship, because that's what they learned from their "Council of Shitheads" who lied and plotted in secret while planning to create a church that would ensure their retirement plans.

    Should you have a known loyal UCG minister show up at your church, keep and eye on him. And don't even let him near the door, since he's a lying sleazebag.

    Thankfully, UCG ministers are exhibiting some extremely sleazy proclivities- warning signs that they are dangerous assholes.
