Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dave Pack Says All Salvation and Hope Is Lost If You Are Not Part of the RCG

Did you know that salvation and access to God is only available through Dave Pack and the Restored (sic) Church of God?

If you are not IN God’s Church—however this might have come to be—you are headed toward losing God’s Spirit and eternal death! All hope of salvation is lost to you if you do not break free from confusion and return to the only Church built by Jesus Christto become a branch reconnected to the Vine (John 15:1-2, 4-5, 7). 
So there you have it folks!  There is no salvation outside of the Restored (sic) Church of God. No eternal life, no millennium of peace and happiness, no hope, no joy, no talks with Jesus Christ on how things really are, no mingling with the resurrected saints, there is not one damn ting you can look forward to.


  1. At the rate things are going, only Pack and his late-converting second wife will inherit eternal life.

    At which point, God the Father, God the Son, God the Dave and God the Mrs. Dave will probably, as was once speculated about the Father/Son, still be lonely being the only Gods, and therefore do this all over again.

  2. Absolute and total rubbish.

    Anyone who believes that salvation only belongs to a puny, small, tiny and actually insignificant little group like Pack's - I would seriously have to question their perception of who and what the Church is in the worldview. I can tell you what it is not, at least according to what I believe. The Church is not a small group in a tiny town in the middle of NE Ohio that pressures their core group of members to give them every penny they have to construct a huge building complex for what is reportedly less people than can fill a modest theater.

  3. Well, maybe not EVERY penny. But looking at the Clarion Call transcript, i'd say it's a ton of them.

  4. "All hope of salvation is lost to you if you do not break free from confusion and return to the only Church "

    Good. Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Better to die than to suffer for eternity with dave pack and what little company there will be with these losers!

  5. And let us understand world history in this theology version. So God the Father sent Jesus Christ to be born of the Virgin Mary to die on a stake to build a church with the 12 most famous men in religious history - The Apostles - but somehow in just years lost the Gospel for 1900 years to raise up Herbert Armstrong to build an empire in California that would completely collapse and get sold off and have next to no impact in the grand scheme of religious history - just so the focus of all of church history and the rest of the book of Acts in this 21st century can center on one man in a little Ohio town to center all of the spiritual efforts on Earth on a little town in NE Ohio building an office complex and a half hour cable program headquarters next to some transmission lines and a four way intersection near some retail stores? Oh, how the people of that town must completely miss the shining beacon of all of salvation? Oh those people getting gas at the gas station, how sorry I feel for them! They miss the amazing, incredible center of all the action of the Universe - right there! Oh, but you might get called on for trespass to approach it and talk to the most Important Man In The World without an invite maybe and possibly, so it's been reported? What a strange universe Armstrongism is it seems? But it seems less then 2,000 people get it? Right? Is this how it is? ;)

  6. If I had any inkling to be a groupie in any of these groups, I'd be more concerned these days about the miniscule number of true Christians who would be supposedly be joining me in the Kingdom, than I would with what my particular Apostle had to say.

  7. Dave Pack sayeth:"So there you have it folks! There is no salvation outside of the Restored (sic) Church of God."

    Dave Pack the Saviour: Which is better, eternal happiness with me or a ham sandwich?

    a humble peasant: A ham sandwich.

    another seekeroftruth
    Dave Pack the Saviour: What?! NOTHING is better than eternal happiness with ME!!

    a humble peasant: Well, a ham sandwich is certainly better than NOTHING!

  8. whoops! no way to edit that?

    another seekeroftruth

  9. you can delete it and repost it and I can delete the old one. If I delete it it is gone. I cant edit comments.

  10. Dave Pack the Saviour: Which is better, eternal happiness with me or a ham sandwich?

    a humble peasant: A ham sandwich.

    Dave Pack the Saviour: What?! NOTHING is better than eternal happiness with ME!!

    a humble peasant: Well, a ham sandwich is certainly better than NOTHING!

    another seekeroftruth

  11. Wow, he just oozes and defines self-idolatry, doesn't he! Statements like these pretty much prove that it's the people who he manages to deceive that are the lost ones.


  12. Just reviewed Acts 4:10-12 again. It still says there's "none other name.... whereby we must be saved" besides "Jesus Christ of Nazareth."

    Not David C. Pack of Wadsworth, Ohio.
