Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dave Pack Threatens All COG Splinter Group Ministers: "...you will be OUT of the ministry by your own choosing. God’s duly appointed government will REMOVE you from office."

Dave is getting ready to remove all sinning, liberal heretics masquerading as ministers when they jump ship to him.  God's government has nothing to do with it. Dave is a jealous  guy who cannot stand to have anyone looking better than him.  If you are a minister in a splinter group your ass is grass! Either they toe the line or they are never heard of again.  God will spew them out.


A statement to all MINISTERS: God WILL reunite His people, and soon. Ministers for decades have been “scattering” them—and working “against” Christ (Matt. 12:30). Read what follows Matthew 12:30. Now comes a powerful word of caution to those men who at all fear God and want to remain in His ministry. Men who are known to have tried to thwart the active work of God’s Spirit to reunite His people need to know they have chosen to END THEIR MINISTRY! The government of God’s Church will make diligent inquiry with brethren now under your charge.

Most of you grew liberal in the 1970s—this was “strike one” in God’s sight. But you were forgiven by a loving and merciful God and given another chance. However, many of the same men grew far more liberal and heretical in the second “go-around” through the 90s, and all the way to the present—this was a very great “strike two” in God’s sight. But His plan is to forgive you AGAIN, upon repentance. If you fight His Purpose NOW—read “God’s People Back Together—SOON!”, and other recent announcements—the result will be “strike THREE,” and you will be OUT of the ministry by your own choosing. God’s duly appointed government will REMOVE you from office. You are STRONGLY counseled to at least remain NEUTRAL in the face of your headquarters asking or even demanding you to resist what “RCG is teaching”—when God’s Spirit in you should be making clear that what we are announcing is GOD’S teaching. Tell your flock you are “waiting to see,” and if circumstances so require, tell your headquarters that you are going to follow God not them when push comes to shove. Tell them you are “sitting this one out.” Do not trust that your current leaders will be able to save your ministry. They will NOT! Only you can do this.

Now aware of God’s awesome purpose, you should in fact desire to “get out front” of what He is doing in order to help the maximum number of people. Other ministers and deacons already have. In any event, if you are not strong enough to do this, do not permit yourself to be coerced or even threatened into a position where you are soon sorry—DESPERATELY sorry!—for your actions, much like Esau found himself when he “was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears” (Heb. 12:16-17). Esau could not turn back the hands of time on what he had done. Some mistakes “go too far.” You are warned not to repeat Esau’s mistake! Time in this age is almost gone. You stand at the crossroads of history, prophecy and DESTINY. Humble yourself in the eyes of God and He will exalt you in the near future beyond what you can now imagine. You will soon be serving more of God’s people—larger congregations. DO NOT BLOW A PRECIOUS CALLING!


  1. What is Plan B, Dave, when every single minister chooses to call your bluff in favor of their paycheck, AND no god comes forth to honor your prophetic utterances, once making you appear to be the fool and false prophet that you are? If you really believe that Plan A is going to work out, you're an even bigger fool than I thought, and I think you're a damn colossal fool.

  2. Dave warns:

    "You are warned not to repeat Esau’s mistake! Time in this age is almost gone."

    Time is so almost gone you are building a physical empire using the resources of others?

    You are advised by history, Mr. Pack, not to make the same mistakes of:

    Herbert W Armstrong
    Saddam Hussein
    Mohamar Kadafi
    Adolf Schnickelgruber
    Kim Jong Un
    Wylie Coyote
    Brutus of Popeye
    The Joker
    The Penguin
    Mr. Freeze
    and of course....The Riddler.

    Childish threatening of others is probably one of your most telling talents. The more tale weaving and appropriating scriptures to yourself, the worse this is going to end for your Church and whom I suppose are sincere people believing you until they don't.

    These symptoms of warning and delusional end time thinking sound exactly like Ron Weinland's view of himself in all it's mistaken glory. I think this may be because both share the same defective way of being and thinking.

    Threatening others as if you knew, is bad ju ju. Personally I think your mind runs like a runaway train, you get bored with the real boots on the ground work of a man with the heart of a pastor and you make stuff up to keep it interesting and centered around yourself and a runaway ego. IMHO

    One of Herbert Armstrongs greatest failings was to lose touch with reality and the actual skills of a pastor. Actually he had none anf his ego centric world was eventually hauled away in trucks. Finding work as a Prophet, Priest, King or Self-Appointed Apostle is risky stuff that tends to end badly. Wizards don't do well either or Coyotes.

    PS For the rest of RCG lurkers, Dave is butchering the meaning of both Haggai and Zachariah and has no background in their real intent or to whom they were written, when and why. You'll get more out of the book if you just look up a good Jewish commentary on Haggai.

    Given enough time and awesome insight, Dave may be able to turn the Prophet Amos into Andy.

  3. "That's right, Mr. Martini. There is an Easter Bunny."

  4. Dear Pack:

    You can hold your breath, stomp your feet, have a temper tantrum and not eat your vegetables...


    Now, shut your mouth, and go to bed , before I spank your ass.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  5. Dave Pack: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

  6. "What is Plan B, Dave...?"

    Dave's plan B is to run away with the money. That is also his plan A.

  7. Well, Dave, that one cuts two ways. I forecast that it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy for you, as well!



    wtf ever...

  9. "You can hold your breath, stomp your feet, have a temper tantrum and not eat your vegetables...BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET YOUR CHILDISH WAY! Now, shut your mouth, and go to bed , before I spank your ass."

    That message should have been given to UCG's board of elders while they were throwing their infantile temper tantrums over a few cows!
    But they didn't heed Joe Moeller's advice, so nearly half of the UCG's membership left amid their leadership's tantrum-throwing!
