Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dennis Holds Bob Thiel Accountable - Bob Responds


See Thiel Response below

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI sent the following to Dr. Bob as well as posting here. I am not giving him a pass on his stupidity just here. I want to be sure he got another perspective personally.

I am the "human who often thought" as I personally challenged him yesterday.

Dear Robert,

You once again note:

"While humans often seem to think otherwise, (There are scientific and historical reasons why humans often, these days, think this way Bob,) God is in charge and controls the weather. (Only in the mind of a Bronze Age, superstitious and ignorant human beings) Notice the following:

17 He casts out His hail like morsels;
Who can stand before His cold?
18 He sends out His word and melts them;
He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. (Psalms 147:17-18)
Fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word” (Psalm 148:8 , RAV).
17 I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands; yet you did not turn to Me,’ says the Lord. (Haggai 2:17)......"etc...etc.....
And while tornadoes are common in the US Mid-West this time of year, weather-problems are one way that God uses to try to get peoples’ attention to repent (cf. Haggai 2:17). It seems that the severity of destruction from tornadoes has increased in the past few years.

God wants people everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). He uses weather for correction and for His mercy (Job 37:13)."

I could easily post on some blog but I wanted to personally make a suggestion to you as you go about your both theological and scientific ignorance during hard times for nice folk.

You really need to think long and hard about how you speak and to whom you attribute these common yet disastrous storms to. We all know if they fell upon your head, you'd blame Satan. When it falls on others, you, the very fake and self appointed, self-righteous prophet of sheer ignorance give God the credit as if you knew. I would suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut during such times as these for others. Or better yet, get your sorry ass to Oklahoma if you have so much time to pontificate about things you know little about and actually help another human being. After all, you are a doctor of some sort.

The Karma Fairy generally lives here with me, but I suspect you will be getting a visit from her in time. I'm not giving you a pass on your silly yet terribly ignorant views of science and your Old Testament God who you think somehow became Jesus. You're grasp of the Old Testament and the New is slippery at best.

I'll be posting this on BannedHWA just so all can see it and perhaps also not give you a pass as you sit comfortably in your home passing judgment on the misery of others in an attempt to draw others to you as gifted with special insights. You are not gifted in such things. I suggest it is you who needs to repent and not those who have not dodged the bullet this time they know all their lives is a part of where they live.

Hug you're children Bob. You're not spending the day picking them out of the rubble, bloating and very very dead, in Jesus name I suppose according to you.

Why not give up being a fake OT prophet and try the Sermon on the Mount Jesus for a bit. Creepy for you, I can imagine ,along with those of LCG, Gerald Flurry and of course Dave Pack who you are really not much different from at all. All of you have problems with ego and none seem to be able to be able to work with others preferring rather to have the final say.

Being around any of you guys in the Kingdom of God would give most others cramps and gas...

Warm regards, with highs in the 80's and the chance of thunderstorms at 90%
Dennis Diehl
May 21, 2013 at 9:30 AM

 Dennis' comments in blue:
Dear Dennis:

"Various portions of your claims are wrong. I am not fake nor self-appointed as a prophet. Hands were laid upon me as you should be well aware, yet critics like you discount that. Paul and Jesus had similar critics."
From what I can tell and what others have noted, you only perceived the "double portion" aspect of the comments made during being anointed for something else had much more meaning than intended. It was obvious from your comments after the fact you simply did not feel listened to and appreciated in LCG and packed up. All well and good I suppose but the claim to being some kind of prophet is simply silly. I pastored 14 congregations in 5 states over 26 years and as I have noted, have met 23 of the Two Witnesses and countless prophets, some complete with scripture robes and hoods and they were all deluded and misguided mere humans. Theirs and your biggest mistake is in reading the Bible like a newspaper, out of context and sensationalized for our times. You hurt people with this prophecy baiting and use fear to motivate which only leaves you with brain dead minds slaves as we see in LCG, PCG and RCG.
"Based on what you wrote to me this week, it is clear that you no longer agree with what the Bible teaches, and hence you and I will disagree on many matters. You seem to hope that people who do believe the Bible will accept your conclusions about weather, me, etc."

I no longer agree that the Bible is an up to date, scientifically and historically accurate document. Humans don't really come for Adam and Eve and mythologies cannot be made into realities. I only ever wanted and still want in life to know the real truth of things and that is never going to be achieved living the Bible Box refusing to upgrade from 2500 years ago. It's a very long story of course and takes an open mind and a fearless curiosity letting truth take you where it actually goes and not where one wishes it would lead.

"You attempt to associate me with people like Gerald Flurry and David Pack suggests that you simply do not pay enough attention to the facts about me and them."

I pay more attention than you can imagine.

"But that is common for many at the Banned site, including the fact that a lot of false, misleading, and inaccurate information is regularly posted there by those who have insufficient love of the truth."

It's not difficult to do this Bob. You sound like them and you think like them. Many on Banned love the truth so much they are willing to investigate what others merely told them in the past was true, and come to different conclusions. Not loving the errors, inerrancy and origins of both OT and NT is not, not loving the truth. It is just being honest and doing one's homework over time. There is more truth than Bronze Age or Hebrew truth in this Universe.

Thank you for your response



  1. Dr. Bob's response to me 10 minutes ago and mine to him.

    The bold did not translate to here so I will put my comments in (brackets)

    "Dear Dennis:

    "Various portions of your claims are wrong. I am not fake nor self-appointed as a prophet. Hands were laid upon me as you should be well aware, yet critics like you discount that. Paul and Jesus had similar critics."

    (From what I can tell and what others have noted, you only perceived the "double portion" aspect of the comments made during being anointed for something else had much more meaning than intended. It was obvious from your comments after the fact you simply did not feel listened to and appreciated in LCG and packed up. All well and good I suppose but the claim to being some kind of prophet is simply silly. I pastored 14 congregations in 5 states over 26 years and as I have noted, have met 23 of the Two Witnesses and countless prophets, some complete with scripture robes and hoods and they were all deluded and misguided mere humans. Theirs and your biggest mistake is in reading the Bible like a newspaper, out of context and sensationalized for our times. You hurt people with this prophecy baiting and use fear to motivate which only leaves you with brain dead minds slaves as we see in LCG, PCG and RCG.)

    "Based on what you wrote to me this week, it is clear that you no longer agree with what the Bible teaches, and hence you and I will disagree on many matters. You seem to hope that people who do believe the Bible will accept your conclusions about weather, me, etc."

    (I no longer agree that the Bible is an up to date, scientifically and historically accurate document. Humans don't really come for Adam and Eve and mythologies cannot be made into realities. I only ever wanted and still want in life to know the real truth of things and that is never going to be achieved living the Bible Box refusing to upgrade from 2500 years ago. It's a very long story of course and takes an open mind and a fearless curiosity letting truth take you where it actually goes and not where one wishes it would lead.)

    "You attempt to associate me with people like Gerald Flurry and David Pack suggests that you simply do not pay enough attention to the facts about me and them."

    (I pay more attention than you can imagine.)

    "But that is common for many at the Banned site, including the fact that a lot of false, misleading, and inaccurate information is regularly posted there by those who have insufficient love of the truth."

    (It's not difficult to do this Bob. You sound like them and you think like them. Many on Banned love the truth so much they are willing to investigate what others merely told them in the past was true, and come to different conclusions. Not loving the errors, inerrancy and origins of both OT and NT is not , not loving the truth. It is just being honest and doing one's homework over time. There is more truth than Bronze Age or Hebrew truth in this Universe.

    Thank you for your response

  2. Paul or Jesus? Gerald Flurry or Dave Pack? You actually assume you have more in common with Jesus or Paul?!?!

    Get help Bob!!

    another seekeroftruth

  3. Lol I said:

    I am the "haman who often thought" as I personally challenged him yesterday"

    I mean the HUMAN! LOL I bet he does think I am the Haman (Ruth) who often thought!"

    See..the Karma Fairy lives with me and loves poking me.

  4. ok...so Dennis has joined Dr. Bob in going over the edge.


  5. With such a loose interpretation of "hands were laid upon me", I could ordain myself to offices all day. Geez.

  6. I consider Bob Thiel to be a misguided fool, if not worse. The following remark by Dennis has proven himself to be just as much a fool by rejecting the Word of God. I no longer wish to visit this blog of a man who hates God. In fact I rather follow Bob if that was the only choice, but fortunately it isn't so I follow the true God of the scriptures.

    "I no longer agree that the Bible is an up to date, scientifically and historically accurate document. Humans don't really come for Adam and Eve and mythologies cannot be made into realities."

  7. uh oh....you called Dennis a "raca."
    You're in big trouble now..

    Matthew (5:22:)

  8. How does not seeing the Bible as literal in places and recognizing metaphors and myths end up as "hating God"?

  9. To Bob, your an asshole. I have a good mind to also scrutinize your bullshit on the Painful Truth.

    I always saw you as a loser and still do. Your protege Rod Meredith has mastered the insane lies and you follow his footsteps. Your a fool among fools. You had your chance to do something of a higher moral value than RM but you chose the easy and ignorant road.

    Tell me Bob, are you going to publish your income for all your associates to inspect? Is this cult of yours all about money and prestige or are you doing this out of some misguided zeal because of your foolish tendencies?

    Dennis, thank you for what you wrote. Very nice and to the point. These people need help who were hurt by this random act of nature. But then again...Thiel don't do crosses...or anything else that the bible would describe as Christian works. I would say Thiel does the work of Satan.

  10. WARNING!

    Keep Thiel away from any "nuclear button" or "missle firing" control mechanisms.

    He will push them to see his damnable "prophecies" come true.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  11. "How does not seeing the Bible as literal in places and recognizing metaphors and myths end up as 'hating God'?"

    Well, I think for religious literalists, it's binary, so you are either extreme in your "devotion" and all the outward accompanying proofs of that devotion, or else you "hate god." There's no middle ground or gray areas. And if you don't happen to be a literalist, then you know which bin a literalist will put you in. For the extremist, everything and everyone is extreme.

  12. I know Dennis does certain things because he cares a lot, and it is all too easy to simply dismiss one who has indulged in such incessant and unthinking posturing such as Bob Thiel as just being another loud mouthed Zombie. So, we need people like Dennis.

    Maybe at some point, something will unlock Bob's mind and bring him back to reality. In a way it's slightly easier to feel empathy for him than it would be for Ron Weinland, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, or James Malm. But, it's all a matter of degrees. There are dogmatic people, authoritarian people, mean spirited people, and ultimately Hitlerian people. There is probably the most hope for the ones with a less severe infection.


  13. Wallace noted:

    "Rather, when God lovingly fashioned and molded His world, He called it “very good”(Genesis 1:33"

    And then a few chapters later destroyed the whole world of humans because they were so bad.

    This is what you get when you have two or three different authors writing under one name in one book telling different stories. You'd think they'd at least take the time read the other guys story and keep the story line credible and consistant.

  14. Bob thinks that because he is sincere, whatever thoughts pop into his mind must be true.

    Motivational speaker Jim Rohn says, "Measure sincerity by the sincerity scale and truth by the truth scale."

    This advice would save Bob and his handful of followers a world of hurt.

  15. Dennis, God destroyed the word because mankind turned their backs on God. You obviously haven't studied the Bible correctly.

  16. "Hands were laid upon me..."

    Yeah...so what?!

    Did you suddenly speak in tongues Bob?

    Did you suddenly prophesy the future?

    Was there a cloven tongue of fire on your head or did those around you at the time "hands were laid on" you see a dove descend on you and a voice from nowhere say He was pleased with you?

    THNIK Bob!

    So many people in WCG (and its splinters since!) have had "hands laid on" them following the baptismal formula of HWA but it was NEVER recorded and confirmed by believers or unbelievers alike (as it was in the early NT Church!) that not even one of them was baptized with the Holy Spirit! In fact, many habe come out and confessed they felt NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER after being baptized and having "hands laid on" them according to the WCG formula! And their "conversion" didn't prevent the majority of them to forsake Armstrongianity when HWA died. BTW don't forget HWA didn't even have "hands laid on" HIM when he was baptized by a Sunday observing Baptist minister!

  17. Obviously if someone else has read the bible but drawn a different conclusion than I did, it can only mean that they were the one who did not read it correctly.

  18. "God destroyed the word because mankind turned their backs on God."

    Sounds like God made a bad "mankind" invention!

    It's time to call the law firm of Heeb and Heeb to initiate a class-action lawsuit.

    Herbie, Pack, Hitler, the entire UCG Council of Stalkerhelpers, and Charlie Manson can all be plaintiffs!
