Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 24, 2013

Gerald Flurry: God Reveals The Most Startling Prophecy To Me Ever - There's A WHIRLWIND BUTT COMING!

Here’s one definition of that word, that “whirlwind.” It says: “Sweep away,” 
but a better definition is: 
“WHIRL away.” It just WHIRLS away!

Gerald Flurry has always been known to be several watts short of bright, but this article by him from May 1st shows just how delusional his mind works.

Gerald starts out his video by telling his viewers on the PCG has been predicting that Germany was going to invade Iran and conquer it.  It was more speculation than anything else.  Now, Lord Six-Pack has had revealed to him the most astounding revelation regarding Germany.  Even God's most superfantabulous Dave Pack is willfully ignorant on this prophecy.  Poor Dave, he's been made a fool of again!

Transcript here.
Greetings, everyone. We have taught for about twenty years that Germany was going to conquer Iran and its allies (or radical Islam), but we’ve never taught you HOW it wasgoing to happen, and today we’re going to do THAT. We’re going to show you HOW it’sgoing to happen because UNTIL now, we never taught you THAT. The Bible reveals how it’s going to be done.

So how did Six Pack get to this magnificent discovery?   Supposedly his god revealed to him the meaning of the "one" word in Daniel.

Now, there’s just one little word in a prophecy of Daniel that shows us HOW it will happen. Now, Germany has had a decade or more to prepare for this clash that they have expected to come. They believed it would someday come, and this prophetic word tells you HOW they’re going to come against Iran and radical Islam and how they’re going to destroy them, and it’s one of the most startling prophecies, in a word, that I think I have ever had revealed to me. But I want you to think about this and think about this prophecy that we’ve covered so many times.
But it is just one prophetic word and yet it reveals the STRATEGY that Germany is going to use, and they’ve almost completed that strategy ALREADY. It’s a strategy that is I think a MASTERFUL stroke by the German people, who are very strategy-minded and love to prepare for battle when they think there’s a war. But also I’m going to show you FACTS from a map that REVEALS this strategy so clearly that is prophesied in the book of Daniel. It’s right there in your Bible, and this one word reveals a lot more than we have  realized in the past.
The most startling prophecy, in a word, is actually a word. That magical word is "whirlwind."

No, I am not talking about the tornado that recently struck Edmond, OK because they have allowed a cult in their midst.  This is a whirlwind from Scripture that Six Pack has interpreted to be Germany.  That whirlwind is circling helicopters, planes,and ships.

Notice verse 40 of Daniel 11. “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind,” LIKE a whirlwind, “with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships;” MANY ships, air and sea, “and he shall enter into the countries,” plural, “and shall overflow and pass over.” So they come at them like a FLOOD against Iran and their allies. So it’s a HUGE attack; it’s not some SMALL attack, and obviously it would have had to be PLANNED very meticulously for them to IMPLEMENT this plan. But it’s LIKE a whirlwind. It is a  military attack, but the emphasis is on the STRATEGY; it comes at this radical Islam LIKE A WHIRLWIND, like a whirlwind. It is a VERY revealing word if you look into it

Six Pack wants you to know that HE, and he alone, knows exactly how Germany will conquer Iran.  He knows it in MASSIVE DETAIL!

Now, this reveals to you what is going to happen in the very near future because this plan is almost completed, and I’m going to just map it out for you and let you see what is happening and how it is all prophesied in such detail that it’s just SHOCKING! It is truly SHOCKING if you understand these prophecies, and if you don’t, we certainly have material that we will give you and it costs you absolutely nothing. We want you to have access to these prophecies so that you KNOW what is about to happen in this end time.  It’s all prophesied in MASSIVE DETAIL

So I’ll show you a map today that will illustrate something that I know you’ve never seen before, and you need to keep it in your mind because it IS telling you what kind of a future we’re going to have and how it’s ALMOST upon us. Because that CLASH between Germany and Iran is going to TRIGGER World War III. It is that significant!  Notice what the word “whirlwind”—Gesenius Lexicon, what it says about it: “To sweep away in a storm, terror-stricken,” it’s really something that strikes great terror in MANY, many people, and it says they “shiver with fear.” Another one says: “The creeping of the skin of a person terror-stricken.”
BUT there’s more to it that you need to see here. Let me read to you the Moffat
translation of that verse 40: “When the end arrives, the king of the south shall BUTT at him, but the king of the north shall STORM at him like a WHIRLWIND.” All of them say it’s like a whirlwind, “with chariots and cavalry and large fleet, air and sea, and invading his lands and flooding into them,” just FLOODING into them, “like a whirlwind,” it’s whirling round and round and round, and that is the SIGNIFICANCE of this if you understand it fully. I mean this is a carefully-planned strategy, and Iran and its allies are caught up INSIDE a whirlwind, and you know how a whirlwind whirls round and round and round.

Skipping a lot of sheer stupidity you coemto this as justification that Germany is goignto invade Iran:

Well, they have 4400 soldiers, roughly, in Afghanistan. And why would they want to keep those soldiers there? Well, Afghanistan JOINS Iran on its eastern border. To the Germans, that is a very STRATEGIC area because they’re thinking WHIRLWIND, they’re thinking about a circular attack on Iran and its allies. Let’s be honest. If things build to that, and they feel confident they will. I mean anybody with a little common sense knows that nothing’s going to stop Iran but war! Just look at the way they conduct themselves! A little power by comparison, and yet they’re terrorizing the world in many ways. Nobody’s going to stop that unless they can stop their military.

So you can see on this map how that Iran and its allies are SURROUNDED. They’re surrounded! And that’s the ONLY REASON and the ONLY WAY that Germany and the Holy Roman Empire could come against them like a WHIRLWIND! I mean on every SIDE it’s just a WHIRLING DEVASTATION of violence and bloodshed, and frankly, Iran won’t have a chance. They may think they do, but they won’t because this is ALL a carefully-laid plan that’s going to shock the world. But we’ve just been following the history of Germany throughout the years and telling people what was going to happen in this end time. And it is happening!

And let me just read you one last quote and show you what they're doing today. This is from a secret meeting the military was having, and I believe it’s in Cologne, Germany. I’m pretty sure that’s where it was, but the germanforeignpolicy.com reports that the secret meeting was held under the title of International Symposium on Ballistics, and “dealt with explosives and projectiles, as well as armoring.” Media representatives were refused access to the Urban Congress Center under threat of using force. I mean, they told the media, “OK, you come in here, we’re going to use force. You don’t come in here!
Stay out of here!” Now, this is what an intelligence unit says INSIDE their own country!

That’s how close this is and how urgent this prophecy is. And we need to look into our Bibles and see that all of this IS leading to wonderful news of hope and joy. That’s terrific!
Yep, blood, guts, death and destruction certainly does bring joy and hope to Armstrongism.  Without the bloodshed the belief system cannot be validated.


  1. Oh, you know, if this alcohol disabled imbecile would just read a commentary like Gill, this could all be settled.

    This stuff happened B.C.

    To try to make this fit the 21st Century (shall we try for the 22nd or 23rd?) is absurd rubbish.

    Not many brain cells now are called....

  2. What is "radical Islam"? There is only Islam, and it's all radical.

  3. "Whirlwind Butt"???


    Oh man that made my night. I read that and went "WHAT?" and then I looked at it again and said "WHAT?" The headline is about a WHIRLWIND BUTT? Forgive my seemingly juvenile giggles, but this struck me funny.

    Not that there's anything at all remotely funny about whirlwinds and tornadoes. Many this week are still coping with the horrible tornado that struck in Oklahoma in Moore, and everyone knows there is absolutely NOTHING funny about that. They are highly destructive and powerful forces to be respected, and sadly, they changed a lot of lives this week. All of our hearts go out for them.

    BUT. When it comes to Armstrongism. Reading his context of his article, and the title, I can only shake my head at this incredible, shocking, and INCREDIBLE news about the Great Prophecies from God About The Whirlwind Butt. Oh man. This is the best. LOLOL

  4. Flurry is as full of shit as a christmas turkey. He's has his dick in his hand like Packass when they make these prophecies/pre"dick"tions..

  5. It is excruciating to listen to this guy. He stammers as badly as Thiel. Can't even spit out a complete sentence without halting and hesitating and struggling to find the right words.

    Maybe that's because there aren't any. He, Package and Thiel have somehow managed to outdo HWA when it comes to making stuff up out of thin air. It's getting more bizarre by the day.

  6. Oops, looks like Germany's strategy is out of the bag. So much for plan A...

  7. They need to quit picking on Germany and shift their prophecy to China or North Korea or some other country that is at least a threat to the world. The German threat ended in 1945, someone please inform the CoGers that Hitler is dead.

    Germany is not Assyria - Assyrians don't even have a country of their own anymore, and haven't had one for over 2.500 years. Not that Assyrian people do not exist, but they only since WWII have finally migrated into Europe.

    Armstrong was an ignorant 6th grader folks - like Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies - how much do you think he knew about ancient history?

  8. What we are witnessing are the last few brain cells in his head, misfiring causing him to struggle with each and every sentence.

    He realizes that he must do something for Pack is receiving too much attention and may draw away some of the sheep.

  9. From: Exit And Support Network

    Letters From Those Impacted by Philadelphia Church of God

    Fear and Dread in PCG:

    May 24, 2013

    I felt I must write and speak out on some of the horrible abuses that are happening to members in Ohio (and other areas).

    Here in the North West Region there is much fear and suspicion in the congregations. I have had more than one member come up to me privately and tell me they now dread to come to services. They are so afraid of saying the wrong thing or ticking off the wrong busybody or snitch who will run straight to the minister and turn them in. One man came up to me last week and said "If you see Mr. Culpepper come in that door, expect heads to roll." What kind of Religion is that? What kind of life is that? Living in fear of a minister of God?

    There is a little heal clicking Gestapo-like informer in Cincinnati/Dayton area. He is a relative newcomer to the PCG--but by hook or crook has insinuated himself into the sound duties, Spokesman Club, and apparently the good graces of the ministry. He has personally turned several people in to the PCG ministers. Not only gossip but downright falsehoods and exaggerations. More than one of his victims was suspended because of this weasel.

    Yes these good Christian informers will smile and shake your hand at services and then turn your posterior in at the soonest opportunity. What about that admonishment that we read about in the Bible? If your brother offend you, go to him in person. Then with a witness. Then go to the minister? (Matthew 18:15-17) Odd how the Bible gets in the way things are done in the PCG.

    There have been many in Ohio suspended and disfellowshipped without any hope of coming back. They have had (and have) no counseling, no mercy, no hope. I know first hand from some of them that they were told that they are out permanently with no hope of re-admittance. They have tried to talk to Cal Culpepper but he has simply refused to counsel them or even return their calls.

    Have any of the victims in Ohio been visited or even called by the ministry? I can tell you that many have not. They told me so. They are refused any type of mercy or encouragement at all. The Ministerial Manual states that you should "err on the side of mercy." Not so with the bloody Jehus that have care of the flock in the North West.

    I just pray that God will clean out this mess!" --Anonymous PCG member, Cincinnati, Ohio area

    P. S. (from a 2nd email) Cal Culpepper is now securely headquartered in the Cincinnati area in a new home. Greg Nice is now living in Cal Culpepper's former condo.


  10. Fear and Dread in PCG:

    "There is a little heal clicking Gestapo-like informer in Cincinnati/Dayton area. He is a relative newcomer to the PCG--but by hook or crook has insinuated himself into the sound duties, Spokesman Club, and apparently the good graces of the ministry. He has personally turned several people in to the PCG ministers. Not only gossip but downright falsehoods and exaggerations. More than one of his victims was suspended because of this weasel."

    "Yes these good Christian informers will smile and shake your hand at services and then turn your posterior in at the soonest opportunity."

    This evil in the PCG sounds like biblical prophecy for today from the book of Jeremiah:

    "'Their tongue is a deadly arrow;
    it speaks with deceit.
    With his mouth each speaks cordially to his neighbor,
    but in his heart he sets a trap for him.
    Should I not punish them for this'
    declares the LORD."

    (Jeremiah 9:8-9, NIV)

  11. Gerald Flurry is not guiltless in the above situation from Exit & Support. It is the direct result of his self-aggrandizing, heavy-handed, "I am that man" bullshit. This kind of reprehensible treatment of people is indefensible. We are all equal in God's sight, and Flurry and his Gestapo are nothing more than corrupt, evil dictators lording over people with threats of fear and intimidation. It is incomprehensible to me that people remain in that fraudulent organization. They should be heading for the exits in droves.

    Those unprincipled suckups at the Edmond Sun should show some spine, pull their advertising dollars from Flurry's sham concert series, and turn their attention instead to the abuses being perpetrated by that Hitlerian wannabe. Shameful.


  12. "I just pray that God will clean out this mess!" --Anonymous PCG member, Cincinnati, Ohio area

    The same situation exists in the PCG in Canada. The top cliques will gossip, lie and slander to get rid of whoever they don't like. Telling the truth and being honest is of no interest whatsoever to these people. At the same time, the most sexually immoral old people are allowed to stay, and even strongly supported. It is the exact opposite of the way things should be.

  13. More guesswork from Flurry's continued game of "Bible". Because Germany was involved in WWI, and WWII, they were permanently branded by HWA, and forever more by his followers as being the Assyrians, with no historical, linguistic, or genetic evidence to support this. It's just like when HWA proclaimed that the messages to the 7 churches in Revelation were actually eras, and branded CoG-7 as being Sardis!

    The problem with people believing that someone is actually an apostle is that when that person comes out with ridiculous theories, the people who believe he is an apostle take that just as if God Himself had stated it!

    Somebody does need to thwart and destroy Iran's nuclear program for the safety of the rest of the world. But, it is far more likely that this would be accomplished by Israel than by Germany.



  14. Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. pretended to be Herbert W. Armstrong's faithful follower, but it was all just a deceitful act. Over the years, Joe Sr. slowly managed to slip in many doctrinal changes and much error that the unsuspecting people were expected to go along with in the Worldwide Church of God.

    Likewise, Gerald R. Flurry then pretended to be Herbert W. Armstrong's faithful follower, but it was all just another deceitful act. Over the years, Gerald Flurry slowly managed to slip in many doctrinal changes and much outright evil that the people were required to accept or else get expelled from the Philadelphia Church of God.

    The insurmountable problem is that Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church was a complete fraud from the very start. It simply never was, still is not, and never ever can become, a true Church of God. All the people who ever went to Gerald's Philadelphia Church just wasted their time, energy, and money supporting something that was inherently false and evil.

    Gerald Flurry is an impostor, and his Philadelphia Church is a fraud. Ultimately, Satan is behind it all. That is the simple, basic reason why the evil in that organization will only increase to try to destroy everyone within it.

  15. The same situation exists in the PCG in Canada. The top cliques will gossip, lie and slander to get rid of whoever they don't like. Telling the truth and being honest is of no interest whatsoever to these people.

    Canadian PCG ministurd Fred Dattolo seems to have done a great job of covering up his Global/Living past. He must live in fear that Flurry will somehow find out the truth about Dattolo's exit from Living.

  16. Uh, Anon 1:52, could you please define "a true Church of God?"

    Didn't think so.

    Problematic, isn't it?


  17. Unhelpful Deacon said...
    Uh, Anon 1:52, could you please define "a true Church of God?"

    Didn't think so.

    Problematic, isn't it?

    Yes, I could.

    Not a problem.

    A true Church of God would be one that God is behind, and that has the truth of God and the fruits of the spirit--in stark contrast to evil organizations like Gerald's Philadelphia Church, which acts like it was directly inspired by Satan to try to abuse and destroy people who still believe in God.
