Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Dave Pack's Enormous Money Issues Can Be Solved

Since Dave is a people counting person and a money worshiper, this would be a perfect fit for him. Perhaps he can offer classes at his new school on Christian gambling.


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  6. Hey, since God is so awesome and powerful that he turns pagan rituals into HOLY things (Santa, Easter Bunny, Voodoo, etc), WHY NOT have "Christian Card Cheaters for Jesus", too???

    In fact, the Holy Spirit just gave me a word - that "Purse-Snatchers for Jesus" are coming soon!

    (The Holy Spirit assures me that he will make sure that 'God's purse-snatchers' are nothing but "Spirit Filled Christians" with the power to discern whether little old ladies on the street need to have their purses snatched or not.)

  7. Ah, a wonderful spontaneous unintended allegory or metaphor!

    Dave is already doing this, only his congregation are the losers!

