Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 2, 2013

UCG Ambassador Bible Center Shenanigans

Silenced is reporting about a UCG ABC student who was kicked out of the "school" because she had to miss classes to take care of her father.  Lovely act of Christianity there gang! Putting the love of Jesus Christ into action I see.  Keep it up boys!

UCG’s no-frills, drama-infested Bible school selling otherwise free information has claimed another victim as its negligent ministry continues to care about all the wrong things. Notice that in the past, students have eloped, abducted classmates, had mental breakdowns, gotten into angry fights, slept around, partook in underaged drinking and been involved in many other instances of rampant “un-Christian behavior” while still being allowed to graduate from ABC.

But commenter “Deborah” reports she was expelled from ABC for the unpardonable sin of missing classes to address family crises. Note also the lack of accountability, communication, competency and honesty on the part of the ministers running this “school.”
Hi – I was recently expelled from ABC for life for too many absences. My dad was hospitalized, and then lost his job due to his illness and my husband needed my help. I missed too many classes to be able to graduate. Rather than contacting us to inquire as to what was going on, the administration made the decision to terminate my enrollment and banishment me from the school for life. I have the letter on official letterhead.
Read the rest of her story here:  More ABC Dramas


  1. 'Deborah' wrote, "I was told by their Dean that they’d decided to write us a check refunding 50% of our tuition. I politely, but firmly told them in no uncertain terms that I was not for sale..."

    Well, that's the problem right there!
    She has a bad attitude!
    The UCG only wants people who are TOTALLY for sale.

    Someone has already informed LifeNets--NO COWS FOR HER!

  2. This situation confuses me.

    Im sorry that the lady in this story was going through tough family times. It happens.

    Im not sure that she understands that if you miss classes you are not going to graduate. This should be self evident.

    However she appears to have fallen through the cracks of a bureaucracy, that sounds like it had conflicting authorities and information conveyed to her.

    Im surprised that she turned down the offer of a 50% payback. Take the money . If she is thinking that she will sue for 100%, she will soon learn that attorneys are expensive, and it is not worth the time, headache or hassle.

    One thing she is correct about is this statement:

    "The real problem with the COG is a lack of good faith and due process. Too many people in positions of leadership will lie to support the position of the group on a subject or for the sake of the work; and too many people in membership will continue supporting groups despite obvious administrative abuses in order to have a place to go to church."

    Fill in the word "church" above, with any of the other following words, "company", "political group", "charitable group", "sports team".

    I have come to see that in ANY group of people, the same games and crap goes on. Organizations that may have been started with the highest of ideals of service ALWAYS devolve into self preservation , bureaucracies, political, and sterile groups. ALWAYS.

    It is the human condition. Get used to it. Sanity is found by learning to disconnect, and find personal salvation with your God on a one on one basis. It will not come from a nebulous group with a corporate logo. Love and salvation is not found on a mob basis.

    So why church at all? It beats looking for friends down a the Silver Dollar Bar for the most part. There are a few profound individuals I know at Church. There always has been. I have yet to find though a "profound" corporate organism. I would argue though that UCG is the most advanced and progressive of the lot. I will not argue though that UCG is still not immune from corporate dehumanization, or bureaucracy.

    I think finding Loch Ness or Big Foot would be an easier task than finding the "perfect church"

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  3. It's not like it's a big loss, "Deborah". I mean, what can you do with an ABC "diploma"? Tack it up on your wall and show it to all of your cult "friends", or use it to wipe your ass? Consider yourself lucky that you no longer have to be proof-texted to death! As long as you stay in the UCG cult, the "ministers" are going to run every bit of your life anyway.Good luck!

  4. Well, don't blame Ralph Levy. He's running COGWA's pointless "institute" now.


  5. "'The real problem with the COG is a lack of good faith and due process. Too many people in positions of leadership will lie to support the position of the group on a subject or for the sake of the work; and too many people in membership will continue supporting groups despite obvious administrative abuses in order to have a place to go to church.'

    Fill in the word 'church' above, with any of the other following words, 'company', 'political group', 'charitable group', 'sports team

    Or fill in the words "too many people in membership" with the words "Joe Moeller".

  6. Take it easy on Joe. He's one of the nicest people who show up here.

  7. ABC= Already Been Castigated. What a bunch of tards. They only refunded 50%, what is this?

  8. The UCG is an organization run by a group of jerkwads who lied and cheated and plotted secretly while collecting paychecks from the WCG, and biding their time til when they could leave there and announce that their own church was established and ready for titheslaves to protect their salaries and retirement funds.

    That some would want to join them is a testament to Man's gullibility and the difficulty of shedding a deeply inculcated cult indoctrination.

    That the UCG's membership was recently cut in half over who owned a few cows in Africa, is absolutely hilarious!

  9. what I cannot understand is why this person refused to take the 50% refund..... I would love to get some of my AC tuition fees refunded for my useless degree which wasted an important part of my life with idiocy when I was brainwashed or retarded or not fully mature (probably all 3). Money is more important to these people than some kind of point she might have been making about not being for sale or whatever.

  10. What is really hilarious is that after two major schisms (Hulme and COGWA), they still call themselves "United".

  11. The only "shenanigans" I've ever seen UCG admit publicly regarding ABC was when students covered President Clyde Kilough's office one weekend with aluminum foil.

    Maybe I should have realized that was the tip of the iceberg?!
