Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ambassador College Fine Arts Hall Demolished


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 You can see the insides have been stripped of all wall coverings, lights, etc.  I was lucky enough to snag some of the Czechoslovakian crystals off the chandeliers in the Recital Hall before they trashed them.


  1. Painful a bit to see part of life experience crumble. A good symbol I suppose, of how life is as well as fleeting ideas that serve no purpose anymore.

    Got married under those crystals. I watched them sway and tinkle during earthquakes and aftershocks during classes.

  2. Isn't there a scripture somewhere that says:

    " Though an Angel from Heaven or the Demons of hell, Yea verily God Himself or Jesus, who is the Christ, tell you what will come to pass with the WCG, they would not believe even if someone rises from the dead."

    Yeah..it says that somewhere, I just can't find it right now.

    No wonder the guy asked for a drop of water to cool his tongue. Mine still overheat in this flame.

  3. Tithe payers money down the drain.

    Does anyone know who got HWA's money after he died? We know that he didn't leave it to GTA, so who got it?

    Pack says/implies that he left nothing behind when he died, but one can surmise that this is just another of Pack's lies.

    The last salary reported amount that I am aware of, is $200,000 per year that HWA claimed was justified as he was a CEO. Strange considering that even Peter said that he himself had no money.

  4. Ecc. 1:2--

    ...vanity of vanities; all is vanity

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  5. Wow, it's really nice to see "the house that herb built" being demolished in so many ways!

    Most people have left herb's nutty teachings by now, and the most gullible ones who remain in the offshoot churches can only help but notice that those "churches" continue only with infighting and splintering.

  6. Whether there were windows in them or not, I always thought that honeycomb thing was an odd look for a building. There's no accounting 1960's tastes. That's when we first dabbled in post-modernism I guess, and ugly was chic. Not unhappy to see it go away. Is the "Science" building next?

  7. Don't worry, the CoGs will build some more buildings with tithe money. Need to hurry though because Jesus is coming any day now - it's the final gun lap I tell ya. I'm sure Jesus will be impressed by those CoG buildings, probably even make them his world headquarters in the kingdom age.

    People seem to forget there already was a kingdom of God on earth, yeah...they called it "the kingdom of Israel". Jesus and Paul are not talking about a physical, on the earth, kingdom, folks. We already had one of those. Otherwise, why NOT "lay up for yourselves treasures upon the earth"? Won't you be back to claim them?

  8. Surely they must have replaced the carpet I ruined when I picked up and threw the lecturn during my attack speech back in 1968. But if they didn't, the demolition erases an embarrassing event at Embarrassing College!

    You got the crystals? Way to go! Problem is that in the ACOGs, that's like winning the lottery! Now you'll probably need to change your phone number and email!


  9. I have a copy of HWA's 1981 income tax form. Federal adjusted gross income, $421,052. Deduction for medicine and drugs $208.00. Contributions, $46,589.
    1980 Income taxes: wages, salaries, etc. $387.755. Contributions: $37,427. Notice, he claimed donations LESS than 10%.
    BTW, 1980 Ramona Armstrong earned $38,308.08 from WCG.

  10. Anonymous, I don't guess you could be persuaded to post those income tax forms? And...dare I ask...where did you find them?

  11. What a beautiful sight to behold! I only wish the auditorium would be paved over too.

  12. BB said,
    "Surely they must have replaced the carpet I ruined when I picked up and threw the lecturn during my attack speech back in 1968. But if they didn't, the demolition erases an embarrassing event at Embarrassing College!"

    Care to share?

  13. LOL!
    It's clear that no jerkwad "herbie-splinters" like the UCG and others will be removing the large portraits of Herbert W Armstrong that occupy prominent places in those cult's headquarters, anytime soon!

  14. No. I'm just thankful the lecturn didn't injure any of my classmates, since it bounced and cartwheeled through the class and came to rest against the back wall. Ain't you guys glad I didn't want to be a minister?


  15. You... threw that lectern OUT to the audience, and not to the side?

    It literally bounced and cartwheeled?

    You didn't throw that, you HEAVED that!!! Man, I wish there were video recording equipment back then!!!

    I can see it now. Right after the lectern was repositioned and you sat down...

    "Well, thank you for that inspiring message, Byker Bob, we certainly do appreciate your enthusiasm and energy. And certainly, we're thankful no one was hurt."


  16. I don't recall how I came across HWA's tax forms. What would his salary be in today's dollars? Why would he need that sort of salary when his housing, transportation, etc were covered by the church? One Fri p.m. in the AC Gym he defended his salary by saying that what he received is typical of a CEO of a similar size corporation. The difference, of course, is that the WCG was a church, not a for profit corporation. The income came from many who sacrificed modest incomes. As Stanley Rader said, "It is not what you own, it is what you control." Shirley Armstrong lives in a lovely home in Texas. She and her son Mark receive less than $55K a year in salary. How do they live on that? I suspect everything is in the name of the church. They have the use, but perhaps not ownership. All the benefits, none of the responsibilities.

  17. The impulse took microseconds to act upon,and I certainly did not plan this while preparing for or rehearsing the speech. There was plenty of room between myself and the class, but when I picked the thing up, turned it upside down and smashed it, kind of like Moses, it landed unevenly, and the laws of physics gave it a sequence that I certainly never visualized. Classmates were literally diving between the chairs!

    Totally spontaneous, and the instructor's comment was that it had been an "A" speech until I lost control, and that it was very fortunate that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong had just left town for Europe. I never heard another word about it. Amazingly, in what we all know to have been a ratting orientated environment, there were a few strategic instances when people found it in their hearts to go into protective mode on my behalf. It's also entirely possible that at Ambassador College, smashing a lecturn might have been seen as a forecaster of a career in the ministry.

    Ohh, here's another little tidbit. The previous semester, I went after big tobacco, and as a prop, went to El Rancho and bought a pack of Camels. I mean it wasn't as if I never smoked while attending AC. But for the beginning of the speech, I stood at the lecturn, tamped the pack, opened it, pulled out a cigarette, actually lit it right there in the classroom, did a couple of deep inhales, and then launched into some bad statistics, and crescendoed into the attack. That freaked some people out pretty badly, as well, but not on the same level as the lecturn incident. I hope none of the students at Flurry's college are reading this, and decide to use this style to attack premarital sex!


  18. Income from 1980 would be worth about 3 times as much in 2013 dollars, based on US CPI since 1980.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  19. Wow, I hope that the anti-abortion people in Congress who claim that rape doesn't result in pregnancy don't resort to Byker Bob's "speech" tactics!

  20. "Totally spontaneous, and the instructor's comment was that it had been an "A" speech until I lost control."

    Did you at least get a "B", or were you knocked down more grades for podium throwing?

    A more 'Moses-like' act would have been to leap into the air as HWA's plane was leaving and grab it by the tail, and smash it down into a ball of flames.

  21. Always the same. How much did HWA make? Oh, he lived like a king. Got to fly in an jet plane. On and on. What have any of you done with your lives. Built any colleges? Opened any minds to Biblical understanding. Why not just condemn David and Solomon as well. If any of you to know Hwa left what little he had to the Church and Ambassador. If you want to know who 'got' away with the money, read Stephen Flurrys book 'Raising The Ruins.' Read about the Tkach era. Trashing historical buildings, judging men you don't amount to. Well why not go after the real chamber of horrors and tear it down? The Vatican!
