Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dave Pack: Future Imperial Auditorium Will Recapture The Elegance Being Torn Down In Pasadena

The arrogance of Dave knows boundaries.  He is so desperate to relive the glory days of the Church that he thinks all that he is doing glorifies that past.  Herbert is rolling in his grave right now at the thought!  All of this is to deliberately stick it in the face of Meredith, Flurry and UCG. It is nothing about glorifying God, it is all about being able to impress COG members to leave their groups and come to Dave with their money.  Plain and simple!  Why can't any of these morons ever come up with anything original?  They all have to copy names, abbreviations, building designs and mannerisms of HWA and the old WCG.

Then there is the Student Center. Although timing of construction may change as the need arises, the plan is to begin construction in late 2013. This facility will contain Ambassador Center, which will provide the training for those who will serve in leadership positions in The Restored Church of God. Located on the north side of the main courtyard, the Student Center, along with the Hall of Administration, will create a “framework” of sorts for the magnificent future Imperial Auditorium—the centerpiece of the entire campus. The soon-to-be-destroyed three-building “courtyard” in Pasadena will soon be back. All of this will be wrapped in trees, spectacular gardens of every design, as well as a lake, a stream with three waterfalls—the pumps were turned on 30 minutes ago with 20 gallons per second going over the initial six-foot waterfall!—and other water features, all interwoven with uplit walkways with sitting areas. In short, these final two absolutely beautiful buildings will further capture the elegance of the former Pasadena, California campus of the Worldwide Church of God—so much of which is now sadly being either dismantled or sold off to separate private interests.


  1. Gary, somebody hacked you. If a person tries to access the Dennis Leap article, they get rerouted to Oprah Winfrey's site. Can't imagine who would do such a thing!


  2. Maybe he was one of the guys in the ex ex-gay group..............just sayin.....

  3. those pesky metro-sexuals......sheeesh

  4. More to the topic at hand, for some reason or other, every time I hear the name "Imperial" I think of a bunch of ministers kids peeling out all over Pasadena in their dads' hot Chrysler products as they go around to score and do drugs. That's one of the Armstrong franchise names that's been burned, and some people are just too stupid to realize it.


  5. Odds are Dave Pack heard about the demolition from this blog, NO2HWA.

    Wouldn't that be ironic.
