Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 15, 2013

HWA The Worlds Best Father

Mr. Armstrong's teachings on how to be a good father were Spot On!

HWA worship never fails to deliver.....................

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  1. Gag! I think I am going to throw up.

  2. Umhmm...that "daughter being one with the father" thing...quite literal for poor little Dottie. Perhaps she would have an opinion about Herbvert as a father role model.

  3. How can they lie so blatantly? Even if we remove Dorothy from the table, there were some pretty serious things that happened with Richard, and Garner Ted. WCG used to teach that Fathers Day was created by the greeting card industry, which had no authority to create special days to rival the OT holidays.

    More idolatry, typical of the Armstrong movement!


  4. Oh yeah, the famous little HWA in a comically oversized bow tie picture. That was supposed to be the comic relief moment in some film that got trotted out every FoT, yet there was a group of crusty oldsters in the congregation who really HATED when people laughed at it because we were being so disrespectful of the "apostle".

    I guess true CoGers were never happy unless they weren't happy.

  5. It's known as passing on the worst of the DNA....

  6. Here's wondering if Weinland's children will show up at prison to wish him a happy Father's Day.

    They should, you know, since daddy gave them such nice things from PKG blood money.

    It's a Commandment: Honor thy father and his money!
