Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dave Pack: God's Most AWESOOOOOOME Prophet Say There Are Over 30 Reasons Why August 30 Will Happen But Most Are Too Stupid To Understand Them

Here we go again, yet more dumbass points given as proof that three COG leaders will die this August and all of their members will be unified under Davey.  Why do  COG leaders have to incessantly have long lists of "proofs" to legitimize their stupidity?  All it does is provide fodder for people to easily disprove their rantings as lies.

Now comes a series of reasons Haggai’s prophecy will be fulfilled this year. They are summarized, with only a very little detail added. More could be said of each, but the descriptions given will suffice to those willing to think just a little about them. Realize there are over 30 more reasons—many of them very powerful—that I have left off the list because some will be covered later or because they would only be recognized as proofs by our Headquarters ministry (involving various miracles, some big). Readers would be largely unable to appreciate them as proofs:
Remember brethren, you are tooooooooooooooooooo stupid to recognize "truths" and only those ordained have the mental capacity to see them as true.

I have to wonder what goes through the minds of these ass kissing emasculated "men" in Wadsworth as they sit around the table drawing up plans for the reunification this fall.  Is there at least one man in that group that thinks in the back of his mind that Dave is crazier than shit or are they too concerned about their paycheck and sit there bobbing their heads up and down in agreement.


  1. The old "I'm operating on a much higher plane than you, but for the purpose of communicating with you, I'll try to come down to your level." routine. This is Basic Guru 101.

    Fascinating how these guys always follow Herb's example of advancing your leadership by insulting the sheep.


  2. In-House Reason #29) Pack claims not to be a prophet, in fact, his office outranks that of any mere prophet, therefore he's far more knowledgeable of future events, than two real prophets put together. -- and besides, the Restored Church of God is the Most AWESOMEST Thing Ever!

    In-House Reason #30) Because Mr. David C. Pack said so!

  3. My prophecy is sure and will come to pass. Mr. Pack is mentally ill or an outright liar and fraud.

  4. I don't recall if it was Einstein or Feynman, but some famous scientist of the 20th century said if something is too complex or abstruse that it can't be explained to a nine-year-old in a way that makes sense, then it's probably wrong.

    All these claims about nobody being able to understand either because they're too stupid, or because "you can't understand unless god 'opens your mind' to receive 'the truth'" is the biggest old timey crock of bullshit. That was Herbert's stock and trade bullshit.

  5. just remember....if it is of God there is nothing we can do to defeat it...

    if it is of man, it will collapse on it's own.....

    we'll just sit back and watch ;-)
