Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 5, 2013

Davey Pack: Jesus Was Kicked Out of the Church in 1992

“This people” (recall Hag. 1:2) assumed they were spiritually “okay” after leaving the WCG. They thought they had “done the right thing.” But they were not okay. Therefore, God allowed them to go on to follow rebellious leaders not chosen by Him. This happened because they were not close to God as they should have been. As I have explained many times before, when Jesus Christ was put out of the Church in late 1992 (through the God Is…booklet), most brethren did not recognize what had happened—they did not seem to miss the true God! Of course, they went on to reject God’s government and many of His truths, falling into a variety of false doctrines (more all the time) and deplorable spiritual behavior. These people (brethren) also assumed they were doing God’s Work as Mr. Armstrong taught—many also thinking they were following God’s government—all believed they were standing for the truth—all believed they were still in God’s Church! But they found themselves in many groups, and chose to conclude that God’s Church now consists of multiple organizations.

Joshua Davey fails to realize that he is just another in the 700+ splinter groups to form. He is exactly like those he condemns.


  1. Jesus Christ was PUT OUT of the Church? That is the most theologically ignorant piece of ridiculousness I've ever heard.

    The Bible says "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." and yet Pack said Jesus was PUT OUT of His own Church? NO! Even a novice biblical scholar understands that this is basic Christian understanding, and yet a small paperback book supposedly "puts Jesus out"?

    And people actually believe this "doctrine"? Give me a break! What a bunch of absolute bull!

    NO Christian would ever accept this teaching, it's totally anti-biblical and anti-christian.

  2. 1992??? What's this stuff coming out of this Pack dude's head??? The Kool Aid must be darned powerful stuff over there in Wadsworth!

    HWA booked a huge appearance engagement by Jesus for early 1975. What more dramatic proof could our Lord and Savior possibly offer that He had absolutely nothing to do with Herbert W. Armstrong, or the WCG, than to not honor Herbert's commitment on His behalf, and to leave ol' Herb in the embarrassing position of backpedaling, and making all manner of excuses? That pretty much says it all! Herbert never had the witness of God supporting him. He was not what he said he was, which makes him a charlatan!

    Since Pack claims to be a teacher of and preservationist of Armstrongism, he is echoing a false work also without the witness of God to support him. Jesus did not leave WCG in 1992. He never had anything to do with the damnable heresy in the first place. Pack and Six Pack are both false teachers who cannot be trusted for spiritual guidance leading to eternal reward.


  3. "Of course, they went on to reject God’s government and many of His truths, falling into a variety of false doctrines (more all the time) and deplorable spiritual behavior."

    God's government? Gimme a break!
    Falling into a variety of false doctrines? Gimme a break!!
    Deplorable spiritual behavior? Gimme a fuckin' break, Dave!!!

  4. This premise contains not one whit of truth of the matter in it. Everything after the last period is BS.

    Joshua Pack:

    Let’s recall again. Previous announcements explained why Haggai 1:15 describes this event as happening “in the second year of Darius the king.” For those who believe this date pertains to the Persian King Darius (who lived over 2,500 years ago), remember that the modern Zerubbabel is also described as the “son of Shealtiel” and Joshua as the “son of Josedech.” Let’s reason together. The modern types of these two men are obviously NOT sons of these two fathers of long ago. The Bible is obviously speaking in code about what are two modern leaders. Mr. Armstrong knew the ancient Zerubbabel having been born to a man named Shealtiel had nothing to do with his prophetic fulfillment of this role. The same would be true of the modern Joshua regarding the irrelevancy of the ancient figure Josedech."

    Dave has to address the spedificity of who Zerub/Josh were in Haggai and of course they historically were neither HWA or DCP and yes brethren, all dates given were for then. Dave has to address this problem in Haggai and he does it badly.

    "The Bible is obviously speaking in code," is just Dave's opinion, which is incorrect btw, because he so badly wants to make a glorious analogy that refers to him.

    HWA was NOT any type either so it follows neither is Dave or anyone else.

    I'm surprised at Dave's 25 "proofs" They are childish assumptions and pleadings that , to me, reflect a deterioration in Dave's mentality. Something is coming to the surface here in David Pack and it is not Joshua the High Priest.

  5. DCP says. "But they found themselves in many groups, and chose to conclude that God’s Church now consists of multiple organizations.'

    Since the Apostle Paul wrote, lived and died long before any Gospel was penned and his Jesus was hallucinatory in nature by his own admission and never quotes any living Jesus, it is clear "the Church" has always consisted of multiple organizations.

    James had no use for Paul nor did Peter. John had no use for Peter if you know how to read John. James "show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works" book was a direct challenge to Paul's book of Romans and why you can never quite tell if Paul is for the law or against it. Depended what part of his writings you read.

    Of course Paul had no use for any of the Jerusalem Apostles (Galatians 1-2) and i'm sure like the Apostle Joshua C Pack would also say, "I learned nothing from them."

    Neither Dave nor the vast majority of the ministry in the COG or any fundamentalist church pastors understands the politic of the New Testament. They were all just one big all speaking the same thing bunch of guys as far as they can tell.

    The FIRST reason churches split is over leadership and the "leaders" who simply must force themselves to the top anyway they can onto the people with all their machinations.

    While entertaining, Dave Pack's views of both himself and what he thinks he knows about how God thinks and what he was, is or will do is extremely dangerous to those who follow blindly and without a critically thinking bone in their body.

  6. Sorry. Sorry.

    Herbert Armstrong kicked Jesus out of his church back in the early 1930s.

    The big mistake here is assuming that Armstrongists are Christian and they're just not.

    Want proof?

    Just look at what happened to Herbert Armstrong's legacy: Where is it? Go back and look at the pictures here that shows the destruction of Ambassador College in Pasadena.

    Without the alpha male sociopath personality to hold it all together, entropy set in and the empire crumbled.

  7. It's clear now: The real unforgiveable sin is being stupid.

  8. Anonymous said...
    The Bible says "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Even a novice biblical scholar understands that this is basic Christian understanding...
    And people actually believe this "doctrine"? NO Christian would ever accept this teaching, it's totally anti-biblical and anti-christian.

    MY COMMENT: So is the false doctrine of "I will build my 'church', and the gates of hades will not prevail against it.".

  9. One is reminded of Jesus' statement that a corrupt tree brings forth corrupt fruit -- the RCG is just one poisoned well out of so very many.

  10. Make up your mind. Did Jesus get kicked out or did God disfellowhip us? If God disfellowshipped us because Jesus got kicked out, we're back to Weenie God again.


  11. I am so thankful for this site. Even though I may not agree with every article or comment. Their are some very brilliant articles and comments given that prove Pack to be the jackass that he truly is. This is the best and most informative site for anyone seeking the truth about the corruption in the COG.
