Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gerald Flurry Destroying All CD's Sent To Congregations and Tells Members That Offerings Will Be Required On All 8 Days Of Feast

Gerald Flurry seems to be going into melt down mode.  Kind of like Davey pack is doing.  Six Pack knows that this idiotic rantings can cause the PCG great harm if this words make it out to the press. 

Six-Pack is recalling all sermon CD's and destroying them.  Once they are played in church they are to be immediately handed over to the Pastor who then makes sure it gets back to HQ.

Bob Thiel had this letter on his blog that he says was sent to him:

Did you know that Flurry made a announcement in The Church that no one could have  any children any more .As He said it’s time to go, any moment, and He wants all the people to tell  all of their familys… that are in some of what He calls “Off Shoots” He wants them all back..?

…a  CD  just was distributed in all Churches, of the [PCG] “of course.”.. They are to tell ALL , The family members and “all others” that left and in “THE OFF SHOOTS”.  “That it is time” for all to return to “The True Church”, as it’s time to go very soon now.. They are not allowed to have anymore children, if they do it’s possible they might be put out and unable to go to the Place of Saftey… This is what I heard,  one could never have the proof as He has all the CD’s  destroyed after hearing them..  [ Look on Exit and Support ].. for more details.. Flurry, forbids any “CD”S going out”.. If he finds some one tell anyone anything “There marked”…
I also hear that He told His congregation that they are expected to have “offerings” “every day” at The Feast.. INSTEAD OF THE FIRST AND LAST DAY.. Can’t you just imagine what a hard ship it would be, for people that have big familys, that can barely afford to go in the first place..  He has told every one on the out side.. That THE TEMPLE is mostly payed for and they are doing very well.. But in secret He is begging the members for more money saying the work is really down..  There are also mention of more building being built.. For what I wonder…?… He has only a few students there..  also TURGEN , is talking about buying Him a jet.. [no anouncement was made ] There just throwing around the idea just now..  If the end is near, why is He still building..?.. I thought MR. Armstrong said get the people ready., not get rid of them ..as He is doing. He will put you out for the slightest thing… …..He is putting no money into getting any work out..  He is only building on at His compound.. and putting it on the backs of those poor people that can barely make it now….With all Obama has done  no one can afford such luxury as Flurry expects…


  1. I'll believe this when I hear it... sounds pretty far out to me. There would be an uproar if Mr. Flurry started asking for offerings every day at the Feast. But then again I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case. Seems to me a person can dig up a scripture and misapply it to just about anything. Whoever wrote that letter really needs to learn how to write properly. ESN really needs to refine the credibility of their sources...

  2. Bob Thiel has proclaimed, on more than one occasion, that the PCG isn't a "true Church of God". Little does he know, the PCG is the very definition of a Church of God, making her the mother church to all her harlot daughters; including the UCG, and all the way down to the little sassy sister ContinuingCoG.

    Stop being disrespectful to your mother, Bob.

  3. Here's a suggestion: Instead of calling it Herbert Armstrong Auditorium (or whatever), call it "The People's Temple".

    This will get everyone in the mood for the Place of Safety (is it in Guyana? There could be some remnants of a previous camp there...).

    And members of the PCG, put your house in order (or more like on the market and sell it so you can give it all to the Flurrys) and prepare to die.

  4. COGwriter could never make it as a writer for theTrumpet.com.

    Bob frequently refers to the Egyptian Islamist president as "Dr." Morsi. If he gives evil Mohammed Morsi respect by calling him a Doctor, imagine the respect his own Ph.D requires from his followers.

    Bob's amateur mistakes would keep any COG proofreader working overtime.

  5. That would be awesome if the bank came and repossessed "Herbert Armstrong Auditorium" and auctioned it off to a real estate developer who instantly tore it down. That would be so sweet.

  6. As a cult moves closer to the brink, they generally do become more secretive. PCG appears ripe for some sort of stressor at this point.

    I don't know whether this "gathering" effort has come as a reaction to Davey Pack's latest batch of prophecies, but PCG and RCG most definitely do share more similarities between themselves than either of them do with any of the other ACOGs.

    All manner of conflicting signals coming from both camps. I believe that the end is indeed near, but it is the end only for these two imploding groups, and praise God for that!

    "This CD will self-destruct in ten seconds! Good luck, Mr. Flurry!"


  7. This whole thing is truly disturbing and yes, the Jim Jones church camp in Guyana does come to mind.

    Don't drink the Kool-Aid or whatever brand of instant drink is served at the "place of safety". Better yet, don't drink the wine or anything else that gets served...might ought to avoid the food too.

    Personally, I wouldn't fly in a chartered airliner with these folks if you paid me.

    1. They only allow the single men to bring 100% juice for special activities. ;-)

  8. In thinking through some of the recent unprecedented ridiculous behavioral patterns in the ACOGs (even by Armstrongite standards), I can really only conceive of one rational explanation: Certain ones appear to be demonstrating extreme commitment in the face of imminent demise, a demonstration of false strength which they hope will be persuasive in causing others to return and join them. It is another extreme, an object lesson in how to force others to listen. More manipulative fear motivation from the wonderful people who brought you 1975 and the Germans, yes, another presentation of the National Broadcorping Castration!


  9. Looks like Flurry has gone into meltdown. I can only hope it will turn out to be as spectacular as the fireworks displays tomorrow.

    There's an old joke about the dumb guy who when asked if he wanted his pizza cut into 4 slices or 8, he said 4, "because I'd never be able to eat 8 slices.

    Along with other pet doctrine controversies, there's the longstanding debate over whether the church should collect offerings 7 times instead of the 3 times the bible said. Herbert never had a leg to stand on with this one, and it's pretty obvious that he figured he'd collect more money by soliciting it 7 times rather than just 3. Taking up an offering twice instead of once during the same convention doesn't actually make a lot sense anyway. Taking up an offering 8 times makes no sense at all.

    They can say they're going to take up an offering 8 days in a row, and can even say that you're "required" to give one every single day. But what most people are probably going to do is take that same money that they had already mentally divided into 2 offerings, and instead divide it up into 8.

  10. Head Usher, that pizza joke was actually Yogi Berra telling on himself in a sort of way. His humor was pretty self effacing. He was known for the 6 or 8 slices joke, and said make it 6 I am not that hungry. Anyway. Interesting stuff to be sure in the house that Six Pack Built.

  11. Expect more flurrious and flurried pronouncements from Flurry aside from no more bearing of children - sell all you have and give the sale to the church, have a luggage with your set of clothes and other personal essentials that you just pick up when the signal is given that it is time to flee, have a ready passport, better still, get a Jordanian citizenship so that you can have access to Petra without the hassle of having a visa. God will take us to the place of safety through the wings of an eagle, so it is best also to take care of an eagle, or perhaps several eagles. Take up lessons on jungle survival,first aid, and a host of other relevant courses like economic botany to identify desert plant species that can be used as food. Learn how to produce fire, especially on the Sabbath. Have only sex on the Sabbath. Check the food you are eating to make sure there are no unclean elements like artificial food color, preservatives which includes vinegar and sugar. If you are diabetic or had a heart attack, or you have cancer, don't get any medication but just use natural pain relievers, soap and water, and various herbal concoctions, fruits and vegetables. If your prostate enlarged to the point that you can't urinate anymore, don't go and see a doctor. Just endure it until you die. You are not alone because the last Emperor of China who died at the height of the Cultural Revolution also experienced the same thing. Anyway, you will be the ruler of this world, so experience what the deposed rulers experienced. How silly the whole Flurry and the HWA - WCG remnants and their supporters can be, and expected to be in the months to come. P.S. Don't forget not only daily offerings, but we have also the Days of Unleavened Bread, Unleavened Deodorant, Unleavened Beer, etc, in short, Days of Everything Unleaven

  12. This would be all so much more entertaining if "CD's" referred to "Certificates of Deposits".

  13. If the PCG still owes on Armstrong Auditorium, it'd make sense that there'd be a lien to the bank filed on the property in the public records of Logan County, OK. I checked and the county's online records STINK, as in, "nothing found" but the county site admits their records are lousy. The physical address of the property is 14400 S. Bryant Rd., Edmond, OK. Someone locally with a bit of time on their hands might want to wander over to the tax assessor's office in Guthrie to do some research.

    I'd do it, but 1,000 miles is a long way to go for a day trip.

  14. Flurry will soon shock his members and the entire world by announcing that it is time to flee to the place of safety, and directing them to go to the nearest mall.


  15. RUMOR MILL...

    Flurry to ask for offerings EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR!

    and 366 of them in "leap year" too.

    Also rumored from both Pack and Flurry... new interpretation that says tithing was actually meant that YOU keep the 10% and you give the rest to the church.

    Glad that these loose ends are all tied down now!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  16. "ESN really needs to refine the credibility of their sources..."

    That's an understatement.
