Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gerald Flurry Humiliates Dave Pack By Purchasing Property At Former Bricket Wood England Campus (UPDATED)


Poor Davey Pack. Imagine the humiliation going through Davey's mind this week when Gerald Six Pack Flurry announced he plans on buying the Bricket Wood Campus.

Gerald already has a bigger campus property, a bigger auditorium and genuine HWA artifacts, while Davey has nothing.  Davey's campus property is smaller, it has smaller buildings and his proposed auditorium is half the size of Flurry's.

This is from Exit and Support Network.  While some stories there are at times less than credible, this one has been coming in from different sources today.

GF Plans to Buy Bricket Wood for a College:
July 15, 2013
Did you hear about how GF is planning on buying Bricket Wood in the UK? It was home of the WCG Bricket Wood college campus [sold in 1976]. An announcement was made in the UK congregation. They indicated that they want to build a college there. They may have already purchased some portions and are in negotiations for more parcels. They are interested in purchasing the old WCG head house also. Looks like they have plenty money to invest in this. --UK

Gerald Flurry Announces That PCG Plans on Purchasing Bricket Wood:
July 16, 2013
"Yes" it is true. Last Sabbath, Gerald Flurry announced that the Bricket Wood property [in  Hertfordshire, England] was up for sale again, and PCG plans on purchasing it. At the PCG Youth Camp at Headquarters, this was announced to staff and campers. GF said the land would be used for a college. We have not heard yet what property has actually been purchased. --Anonymous

Several readers here have contacted me  with more information concerning Bricket Wood.

It is no rumor that Flurry is doing this. PCG has already purchased several lots on the campus, including the main building and a cottage that HWA used. 

Six Pack plans on starting classes there this January.  That remains to be seen though.  Certification needs to be obtained from the government in England.  Given Gerald's "cult" status this may prove to be little hard for him.

There also may be backlash from neighboring residents and businesses when they find out another Armstrongite cult is moving back in, particularly an American cult.

Since HWA originally wanted this campus to be for all black students, is this the racist policy that Six Pack will emulate here too? This idolatry of Herbert Armstrong seems to know no end.

Gerald was not able to buy everything on the old property at this point in time.  He is in negotiations for other parcels, including the former natatorium and track area.  Local residents fought to keep control of the woodlands and they prevailed.  They are listed here:  Hanstead Wood

More on Hanstead Park here

Flurry is also buying into an area well know for its naturists groups and Wiccan groups. Gerald Gardner, considered the father of modern Wicca started his first coven here.  Fun times will be ahead for those "innocent" American "students" of Six Pack's.  Naked pagans running through the woods on Samhain should be delightful!  Paganism and Armstrongism, what a perfect fit!


  1. Gotta raise them ruins baby!

  2. Maybe he could head up to Stonehenge and raise those runes!

  3. Flurry's new hymn:

    "I'm too sexy for Dave Pack, too sexy for Dave Pack, too sexy for Dave Pack!"

    Seriously, where did this come from? Predictable, but still totally unexpected. It doesn't mean anything to me, or have any greater implications, but it certainly would be considered to be a coup amongst Armstrongites. A real bomb shell for sure.

    How does one choose an ACOG these days? By whether you get to have sex, or keep a liveable portion of your income, or do or don't have snoops in your life? By whether the end is coming next year, or in 2018? By what leader has surrounded himself with the most herbal artifacts? Or whether you plan your F/T to be conducted in the presence of demons? By strictest interpretation of the classic doctrines, or reform and elimination of the ridiculous ones? Whatever you think, Flurry has just upped the ante.

    More obfuscation and confusion on the horizon, Minerva! Hit the brakes, and turn hard left! Oh, praise The Lord I'm no longer part of this crap!!!


  4. I wonder why the splinters can't take a different path than the tried and failed path? Don't they realize that building 'headquarters' that look like millionaire vacation resorts instead of building churches is what went wrong long ago? Hell, they should try pouring money down a new rat hole instead of an old deserted rat hole.

    That old auditorium project that bankrupted the WCG (and never did get paid for) will come back around to bankrupt the splinters too if they want to repeat history.

    But, hey, maybe it's for the best. Some people have to learn the hard way more than once.

  5. Not sure how PCG can afford to buy Bricket Wood, given the inflated land prices in Europe compared with the U.S.

    Yet I'm reminded of a United Methodist minister I heard years ago, who said: "Ministry can be a very competitive business."

    Case in point here...


    Gerald Flurry to put in an offer on the...


    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  7. Does anyone recall the name of the college campus that the apostle Peter bought?
    I know he wanted it to be better than the ones the other 11 bought.
    I can't recall the names of their HQ either.

  8. Most likely, if Davey heard this bit of news over the weekend or in the past 24 hours, it took his breath away momentarily. But, considering what he actually said was going to happen, the three prominent deaths of ACOG leaders, most likely by this Elul, or possibly by next, he has probably recovered and quickly slipped right back into his ego-filled world view.

    However, this Flurry thing has introduced a new wrinkle into possible future strategies of the ACOGs. They may attempt to purchase or gain control of any number of the prophecy and legacy elements of Armstrongism. We joke about the coming fight over Petra, but it is entirely possible that one of these groups might attempt to prove that they are the true remnant by signing some sort of lease for it, or other commitment with the Arabs. At one point in the early 1970s, it appeared that HWA was leading up to exactly that through the door opening friendship which he was cultivating with King Hussein of Jordan. He stated as much at one Friday evening Bible Study. If one splinter succeeds, how might that influence people's choice in splinters? To most of us here, if Flurry or Pack got it, we'd be anticipating another Jonestown. ACOG insiders, otoh, would probably immediately conclude that the holder of the conch had been revealed.

    I'm certain that if Flurry succeeds in obtaining significant holdings in Bricket Wood, and does start an HWA College there, it can't help but attract other splinter group members from throughout Europe. And, as I stated elsewhere, people from all of the splinters who are interested in keeping HWA's legacy from being destroyed will probably help him fund it.


  9. This is yet another scheme that Flurry has come up with to try and physically appear as much like the old WCG as he can. This keeps the long-time PCG members duped. The primary works of the PCG are Flurry's books, building projects, and the dig in the Middle East. How do these things help members grow spiritually? Very simply...they don't.

  10. Oh I definitely love this news. Can I recommend to flurrible flurrying Flurry? He should also buy the tomb of HWA and the relics thereat. When he has the bones, send them to the fake Philadelphians (foolish, can legitimately changing your surname to Rothschild make you a legal heir to the Rotschild wealth? Can claiming to be Philadelphia Church of God make you spiritually Philadelphia? Ha ha ha ha! It makes me laugh out loud). Flurried flurrying Flurry should also make effort to buy HWA clothes, briefs, and other personal belongings like toothbrush, comb, razor, nailcutter. Lastly, he should put up a wax maniquinne resemblance of HWA, put it in an altar-like place with 24-hour 6 days a week light and sound effects (close this altar and keep the whole place dark every Sabbath and Holy Days). The sound of course should be a continuous re-run of HWA radio messages and church sermons, especially those that pertain to sending money to the church.

  11. Mary Magdalen said...
    Does anyone recall the name of the college campus that the apostle Peter bought?
    I know he wanted it to be better than the ones the other 11 bought.
    I can't recall the names of their HQ either.z'

    Peter had a college called Denial University.

    Mourners of Judas started Betray U. in his honor.

    Paul had No Cut U. in Tarsus and Menot U. in Jerusalem.

    James raised up Healing U. and Jew U.

    Thomas got to China to start Sen Mee Sum U.

    John started Hallucination University.

    All disappeared into history. In our times we have Knock Off U with two campuses. One in Edmond, Ok and a satellite campus in Wadsworth Ohio.

    I was thinking of starting my own college and am toying with.

    Bug U.

    Watchin' U.

    Sen Sum Un U.

    Whatsamatta U.

    And one that I best not name out of respect for the audience's good taste and I should not announce at this time or ever. Besides, it would be infringing on Furman University's logo here in Greenville.

    I live in a town where the two colleges, one dropping religious affiliations in the last decade are FU (Furman University) and one that is a midlife religious crisis factory, BJU (Bob Jones University)

    I hope that answers your question about Peter :)

  12. Mary Magdalen said...
    Does anyone recall the name of the college campus that the apostle Peter bought?
    I know he wanted it to be better than the ones the other 11 bought.
    I can't recall the names of their HQ either.z'

    Peter had a college called Denial University.

    Mourners of Judas started Betray U. in his honor.

    Paul had No Cut U. in Tarsus and Menot U. in Jerusalem.

    James raised up Healing U. and Jew U.

    Thomas got to China to start Sen Mee Sum U.

    John started Hallucination University.

    All disappeared into history. In our times we have Knock Off U with two campuses. One in Edmond, Ok and a satellite campus in Wadsworth Ohio.

    I was thinking of starting my own college and am toying with.

    Bug U.

    Watchin' U.

    Sen Sum Un U.

    Whatsamatta U.

    And one that I best not name out of respect for the audience's good taste and I should not announce at this time or ever. Besides, it would be infringing on Furman University's logo here in Greenville.

    I live in a town where the two colleges, one dropping religious affiliations in the last decade are FU (Furman University) and one that is a midlife religious crisis factory, BJU (Bob Jones University)

    I hope that answers your question about Peter :)

  13. Can you imagine Hoeh U. instead of A.U.?


  14. The Apostle Paul noticed a dramatic lack of tips at No Cut U. in Tarsus, but being all things to all men, he noticed a sharp drop off in tips at Me Not U. in Jerusalem as well, but in a different way that he could not explain.

  15. Reminds me of the guy that circumcised elephants at the zoo here in town and for the circus. He complained the pay was lousy, but did admit the tips were big.


  16. Another shootout at the Not OK Corral.

  17. I am tempted to send money to flurry just so he can out spend turd packer. They can both over commit speculated income then go broke and fold. "2 birds with one stone", "The enemy of my enemy is.... useful".

  18. We need a spreadsheet to list who bought what-
    Things like properties, rights to HWA's craptastic writings, candelabra, piano, prayer rock, and the popsicle stick from Switzerland that held Herb's penis erect.

    Maybe Davey can buy the Elephant Train from Pocono, and ride to the 'Wadsworth armstrongist-family court' on it to sue Six-Pack for making a chump out of him.

    Will 'Six-Pack-Flurry' finally put the Bricket Wood campus to use as HWA originally intended (for "negro students only")?

  19. I hope Flurry can manage to buy the Bricket Wood property. It would turn into a huge money pit for him.

    Glenn Parker

  20. "I plan to buy it!" is so easy to say.

    Whether or not he WILL buy it remains to be seen.

    Maybe it's just another ploy to get members to send in more cash.

  21. My two favorite schools are Mental State University and STFU. Many ministers are proud alumni of Mental State. I heard that Waterhouse attended STFU briefly but he flunked out.

  22. Wait a minute.

    Is it or is it not true that he may have said recently that "the end was so close" and the members were possibly to "stop having children" and the time to flee is "near"?

    Yet he just bought a COLLEGE CAMPUS?

    What. The. H........

    IF the above is actually what he said, and he just bought that college, all I can say is there are NO words.

  23. I'm hoping Flurry starts a men's intercollegiate soccer team. That way, other schools will be able to go to Bricket Wood and kick against the pricks.

  24. So, now we know at least one of the reasons why GF and his daughter were making secret trips to the UK over the last few years. PCG membership is always the last to know the big details of GF's insane plans, even though they're the ones who will pay dearly.

    All of this madness, just so GF can impress a dead man.

  25. One thing about it, members don't HAVE to give Flurry their money to buy stuff they don't need.

    Jesus did not say, "sell that thou hast and give it to me". He said "to the poor". Poor old Gerald Flurry? No.

    Giving to a good cause is one thing but giving to make some preacherman rich and famous is quite another. Yes, it is your business when someone wastes your donations on things other than that which the donations are intended.

    It's called "misappropriation of funds" and it's against the law. So, do members of Flurry's cult want to be guilty of helping Flurry break the law?

  26. At a time when all of the PCG married women are wondering why their hand lotion just isn't lasting as long as it once did, and are stressing out over having to spend 2 hours per day blanket training their infants, the news of the purchase of the Bricket Wood facility must be providing some much needed encouragement and validation.

    Flurry most definitely has a sense for the dramatic, and had to have been sitting on this news for months, just waiting for an opportune time to maximize it into epic bombshell proportions. What better time to break the news, just as another of the Armstrong false teachers thinks he has successfully stolen the stage?

    I believe he will stick pretty closely to what HWA actually did, rather than going with the earliest speculative plan. That means the college will probably have a continental, or international quality to it, but the student body will be predominantly cultcasian.


  27. Trumpet chief is just RAISING THE RUINS......We will be supporting Mr Flurry, the Laodicean can join up if you want or remain lukewarm if you like.......
