Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Is God Getting Ready To Resurrect The Two Witnesses?

Words fail me................from Yahoo

Portrait of the Two Witnesses

The Plain Truth is only seven
messengers are sent to God's Church
by Jesus Christ in Heaven.
Finds a thorough Revelation search.

The Two Witnesses are the last
two prophets and last two lampstands.
The sixth apostle now past,
no-one claims to be the seventh man.

No eighth apostle is prophesied.
With God all is possible please learn.
He can resurrect those who died
The 6th and 7th can return.

Like the dead saints rose in Christ's day,
to witness in Jerusalem,
To end the complete Falling Away,
God can restore their mortal limbs.

Rising to measure God's Temple
For their miraculous ministry
Resurrected they'll assemble
And witness from the Holy City.

Zerubbabel with Joshua
Whose repentant heart then turned
To his human and divine fathers;
Will garner the fruits their labors earned

The Endtime Elijah and son
1260 days of work begun
Laodiceans must their lesson learn
The hearts of Judah they'll also turn.

What greater hope could there be
For members who've lost their way
Than to see God's love and mercy
Forgive a contrite GTA?

The sixth apostle had a sign
He reached more nations and men
Than all Bible prophets combined
He must be one of the greatest then.

In Revelation chapter three
Christ evaluates this man A-plus
Thus all contrary views are just,
uninspired human theory.

A Johnny-come-to-late to be
The final Elijah could never
Restore all things in the soon to be
Greatest time of Trouble ever.

So when all this comes to pass
The doubters will know at last
A prophet was among them all along:
Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong.

---poem & digital art by Geoffrey R. Neilson---
Cape Town
3 July 2013


  1. An incestuous child-rapist.

    A raper of coeds and other men's wives.

    If those are God's chosen Two Witnesses, then I will do the ethical thing and choose the Lake of Fire.

  2. Wow. Quick, somebody email this one to Jimmie Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin! This could be the next Stairway to Heaven!!!

    Surely, I jest.

    MT Humbucker

  3. Serious Question: (Sort of) - Is prophesy kind of like telling the future? Is it like those people in carnivals that "read" chrystal balls and tell you what is going to happen to you? Is it something like what happens on the psychic hotline? I saw Miss Cleo, on the Psychic Hotline out of Florida a lot back in the day. Were the Armstrongs sort of like her? I never really bought that "telling the future" stuff. I'm not sure why all these church people think anyone can tell the future. You can make a guess, yeah. But at least half the time you are probbly wrong. Or if the guess is based on evidence, you might be right more of the time. Like I would guess that it's going to get dark here pretty soon and that tomorrow morning it will be light again. Is that prophesy or just a good guess? Any thoughts about that?

  4. At last count there were at least two dozen two witnesses from the Acogs -- no resurrections will be necessary.

    Besides, it's gong to be awhile.

  5. I remember as a child when first hearing about the Two Witnesses, thinking to myself -- "Oh Boy, HWA & GTA, and the rest of the big shots are in big bad trouble when these two show up!"

    The only thing HWA ever really offered on the subject, was that they would be a Tom Dick or Harry. In other words, he never gave a rat's ass or a flyin' frak about any true identity concepts. However, the child in me is still hoping someday they will tell all the remaining COG leaders to get out of their way, in a big way.

  6. Don't worry. This is a joke on humanity.

  7. now why would these two particular fools/sinners have to be resurrected, when there are millions and millions of living similar idiots to choose from.

  8. The Armstrongs had a lot of "one of the two witnesses" types show up at their offices in Pasadena, but oddly enough, although they always rebuffed these "gentlemen" and sent them on their way, they never even hinted that they themselves might be the fulfillment of this prophecy. It seemed at least debatable from the description in Revelation that the two witnesses might be supernatural, not human beings. That didn't stop the brethren, however, from speculating that GTA's two younger sons, who are deaf, might be miraculously healed to be the two witnesses. Taken in a 1955-75 context, this Neilsson poem would have been seen as misguided or possibly even heretical.

    HWA did liken himself on different occasions to Elijah, Moses, and the Joshua who led the Israelites into the covenant lands. He also wore the "Apostle" label, using it to amplify his authority. GTA, to my knowledge, eschewed titles. He wouldn't even wear the title "Dr." because he didn't want to appear to be upstaging his father.

    To my knowledge, the only splinter leaders who indulged in the foolishness of identifying themselves as the two witnesses are the Weinlands.


  9. Another question: As far as telling the future, who do you think brought in the most money ----- the Armstrongs or the Psychic Hotline? Oh......and which were more accurate in their predictions?

  10. Oh dear I think all these people who seem to reverence the Armstrongs and hold out hope that God will resurrect them to be the 2 witnesses are seriously deluded! This guy is for sure the mayor of crazytown bananapants!
    For one thing is it recorded ANYWHERE in Scripture that God resurrected someone from the dead to fulfil the role of a prophet?!?!?! So why do these naive and blind fools think God must choose 2 dead white men when He undoubtedly will choose 2 LIVING men to witness against the Beast & False Prophet when the time is at hand?!?! Otherwise you'd think there'd be far more worthy candidates He'd raise from the dead to fulfil the role like Moses or Elijah for instance!

  11. How does God "get ready" to resurrect the Two Witnesses? Does he fill them with saline solution, put them on a slab connected to electrodes and raise them through the roof in a thunderstorm?

    How long does it take to get ready?


  12. this is the same guy that uses numbers to show how great HWA was...the Journal was full of his letters.....he's clearly a man follower.

  13. Anonymous said...
    So why do these naive and blind fools think God must choose 2 dead white men when He undoubtedly will choose 2 LIVING men to witness against the Beast & False Prophet when the time is at hand?!?!

    MY COMMENT: What does being a white man have to do with it? What color will the "living men" be? What makes you think one won't be a woman? That would sure piss off us macho "church of god" men, wouldn't it?

  14. Steve Kisack said: "What does being a white man have to do with it? What color will the "living men" be? What makes you think one won't be a woman?"

    Well I'm sorry, but is the color of HWA/GTA a touchy subject? They were white men after all weren't they? And tbh like the title of Moore's book, they were "stupid white men" at that! They taught "doctrines of devils" twisting the Scriptures to conform to their own misguided and ill-conceived American-centric notions brainwashing generations of young and naive people the world over with dogmatic inane assertions!

    Re the color of the 2 Witnesses, however, I simply don't know. Only the Almighty knows that and it's His business to know not mine. I can only speculate that they'll probably be of Jewish or European background so maybe white, brown or a blend? Olive perhaps? They could even be products of a mixed marriage seeing Christ had Rahab and Ruth as part of His physical ancestry?

    Re the gender of the 2 Witnesses, however, I doubt they'll be women. Seeing that the miracles the 2 Witnesses perform as testimony against the Beast and False Prophet parallel with those of Moses and Elijah (Rv 11:5-6 cf. Ex 7; 1 Ki 17:1; 2 Ki 1:8-15) leads me to believe that they'll be men. It's as simple as that. So either they'll be 2 living men at the time of the end whom God will choose to fulfil the role of His 2 Witnesses or else if He chooses to raise 2 men from the dead I reckon who'd be more fitting than Moses and Elijah? Women have rarely been called to witness as a prophet against national leaders in the Bible. Of course I could be wrong about this entire interpretion of mine, so I can only wait humbly on the Almighty to mercifully correct me and reveal His Will in His time. And I very highly doubt that they'll have been tainted by any ACOG group! So it's laughable that these ACOG splinters all keep shouting out "Look at me! Look at me!" "Pick me! Pick me!" "I'm a prophet! I'm a prophet!" "I'm one of the 2 witnesses! I'm one of the 2 witnesses!" Like I said "Cwaaazytown!"

  15. Anonymous said...
    Steve Kisack said: "What does being a white man have to do with it? What color will the "living men" be? What makes you think one won't be a woman?"

    Well I'm sorry, but is the color of HWA/GTA a touchy subject?

    MY COMMENT: It must be a touchy subject with you. You're the one who played the race card, not me.I just asked, "What difference does it make what their race was?

    They were white men after all weren't they?

    MY COMMENT: Yes, but what does that have to do with it? Why did you bring it up?

  16. Steve said: "...It must be a touchy subject with you. You're the one who played the race card, not me. I just asked, 'What difference does it make what their race was?'"

    Nope. Not playing any "race card" mate. Just using "white" only as a describing word just like "dead" and "stupid." After all if they'd have been black, red, yellow or purple for that matter I would've said exactly the same thing i.e. "dead black (or red or yellow men or purple etc) men." That's all.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Steve said: "...It must be a touchy subject with you. You're the one who played the race card, not me. I just asked, 'What difference does it make what their race was?'"

    Nope. Not playing any "race card" mate. Just using "white" only as a describing word just like "dead" and "stupid." After all if they'd have been black, red, yellow or purple for that matter I would've said exactly the same thing i.e. "dead black (or red or yellow men or purple etc) men." That's all.

    MY COMMENT: Sounds a little prejudice to me no matter how you slice it. Why would you have to "describe" someone as "dead white", or "dead black", or "dead purple"?
