Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 5, 2013

Wadsworth's Balaam the Ass Says the COG's Will Be Reunited On August 30


And His Talking Donkey

Balaam stands in infamy as the paragon of apostasy.  His worldly lusts lured him into the power of Baal and brought upon him the ultimate symbol of pastoral asininity, a reprimand from his donkey.  Through his counseling Israel fell for the bait of Baal, the alluring Midianite women, and brought upon the Client Nation a national curse.
Davey Joshua Balaam Pack writes

Recall that Haggai 1:14-15 states that “all the remnant of the people…came and did work in the House of the Lord of Hosts, their God, in the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.” Elul is the sixth month in God’s sacred calendar. It is August 30 this year in the Roman calendar. Also notice that this date in Haggai does not reflect the pattern of the other three dates mentioned in that short book, dates that Haggai received a message from God. Rather, it describes an action that occurred on a particular date. And this particular date is consistent with people being reunited by the Feast of Tabernacles. (It is also consistent with other scriptures describing things GOD is going to do in a particular month, which you will learn more about in three and four weeks when these postings are projected to end.)

Since the Feast of Tabernacles is NOT a required convocation for Christians what is Balaam's point?

Thankfully I can predict with 100% accuracy that August 30 will come and go with no major COG event happening.  We can be guaranteed Balaam Davey will make some asinine announcement that God has delayed his timing, but other than that Balaam Davey will be exposed as a liar.


  1. I actually slushed and struggled through Packs announcement on his page.

    No proof of anything, and constant input about "private interpretations" that were revealed to him and his headquarters staff.

    20) Of interest, God revealed to me during ELUL four years ago my role as the modern Joshua.

    21) Also of interest, I and The Restored Church of God learned about the New Testament remnant last ELUL (August). Let’s ask: Would timing of when we were shown the prophecy not be tied to its unique timing of fulfillment during the very next available ELUL?

    Yet not one word on HOW God supposedly gave him this knowledge , or for any mechanism for anyone to test it, other than his own self proclaimed revelation, and us supposedly believing this on "faith in Pack".


    Did God speak to Dave, did he use the Urim and Thummin, or divine dice or what? Even Moses had the ability to make a cane into a snake, and also could provide proof with the leperous hand.

    Pack vaguely claims some "headquarters miracles" that are proof, but again, does not allow for any inquiry or investigation of such.

    I have been too kind in this Pack discourse actually. Pack is a charlatan, snake oil salesman, who is a spiritual QUACK! Gypsy fortune tellers do a better job than he does.

    When Aug 30th comes and goes, he will say, much like Ellen G. White, that the door of the "Investigative Judgement" has been closed and that the only COG members will be at RCG. Of course Flurry already beat him to the punch by pulling that same gig several years ago.

    The three leaders dying will be interesting to see how he explains. Lets make sure we hold his feet to the fire on this one.

    As far as Im concerned... Pack is on Crack!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  2. Joe,
    I tend to draw the conclusion that Pack is truly deluded, rather than knowingly trying to deceive.
    Never having met the dude, I'm just going by his announcements but really, they contain no logic whatsoever, and the mark of a psycho-self-deceived megalomaniac, who really does believe he is the center of prophecy, if not the entire plan of god...
    But then again maybe he's just a disingenuous snake oil salesman.

  3. Michael, I think the stricter adherents to Armstrongism are going crazy, because Herbie's stuff isn't coming to pass, doesn't look like there is any way it can come to pass because the so-called church has been fragged and nothing is happening in Europe, and they're beginning to realize the unthinkable, that they've wasted their entire lives and most of their opportunities and resources. It's not a pretty picture, but all of this became totally predictable after 1975, and should have been underscored by the death of HWA.


  4. Bob,
    Sounds about right to me.
    Desperation. The magic events are not happening. So, predict more magic events to keep the fantasy alive...

  5. Byker Bob said, "I think the stricter adherents to Armstrongism are going crazy, because Herbie's stuff isn't coming to pass, doesn't look like there is any way it can come to pass because the so-called church has been fragged and nothing is happening in Europe, and they're beginning to realize the unthinkable, that they've wasted their entire lives and most of their opportunities and resources. It's not a pretty picture, but all of this became totally predictable after 1975, and should have been underscored by the death of HWA."

    MY COMMENT - Nail meet Hammer! You hit the nail on the head, Byker!

    If they would just listen to the words of HWA in his final years, that is all anyone would need. Available on You Tube are clips of HWA making it clear that the "Work of God" would end with him!

    There is also a clip of a 1980s World Tomorrow telecast which I have seen where HWA says "if you don't see these things come to pass in the next 10 to 15 years, you will know I was a false witness and the truth was not with me".

    It's that simple, folks. Byker Bob hit the nail on the head.


  6. the people that are going crazy are the "man followers"..those that thought HWA was an Apostle, that the Church has one man at the head, and HWA was it and are now looking for his replacement.....

    the whole idea that the Church is God's government on earth is doing great damage to many people...

    those of us who understand that men are just men, and are keeping our focus on God and His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, are doing just fine in the mental department.

    I pray for all of those misled souls.......
