Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dave Is Not Happy With Aaron Dean and Other COG Ministers Telling Members To Stay Away

Dave's quick and easy Great Reunification, is not going as smoothly as he had hopped and we still have over 26 days left!.  With Aaron Dean's recent comment telling members to stay away from Dave things have gradually gotten worse.

Various COG ministers are telling members to ignore the lunatic rantings of Dave.  Little do these very same ministers know they will be automatically cutting themselves off from preaching ever again.

It has been fascinating to see which ministers in the splinters will not even wait to see if they could be wrong in disagreeing with the explanation in these announcements. Rather they are speaking out against the meaning of the prophecy, thus choosing to end their ministry—choosing to give themselves no chance to continue serving God’s people. This is because they have gone on public record against how Christ is regathering His flock (recall Matthew 12:30-32)—and because they do not want to give up their positions of power. Such men should have read and believed the “Attention Ministers” section at the end of each of these announcements. A little patience and humility would have served them well. But, we are all the “captains of our own ship.” This prophecy will soon prove this at a profound level.


  1. When Pack's prophecy fails he will try to spiritualize it away and blame the members for believing what he himself said and act as though he bears no responsibility for their disappointment.

    His comment that any COG minister outside of RCG criticizing his "Special Announcements" are ending their ministry I find fascinating.

    It suggests to me that maybe this bizarre prophesy of his is partly a desperate attempt to further isolate his followers from the other COGs by dramatically announcing all other COGs are accused by (Pack's) God.

    Little does he know that his false prophesy will quite likely provoke a mass defection from RCG.

    That is what happened to HWA when World War II ended without Christ's return as he confidently asserted. He fled to Pasadena, abandoning his congregation in Eugene.

    That is what happened after his prediction that the Great Tribulation would begin in 1972 failed. This disappointment helped set the stage for a mass defection in 1974 in which about 2-3000 members, including about 35 ministers, defected. Many other acts of resistance against HWA's tyranny also occurred in those times.

    From what I knew of him before these "Special Announcements" I honestly thought Dave Pack would be smarter then making up false prophesies. He seemed to me quite unsavory but I just assumed he was smart enough not to do something like this.

    I was wrong. Pack is just astoundingly deluded.

    Fourteen years of being leader and being surrounded by sycophants has made him lose his mind. No one has the confidence to tell him he is wrong. Michael Venish tried to stop this trend and was disfellowshipped for it. Why would the sixteen dare contradict him after seeing Venish's fate?

    I fear for RCG members. Pack is disregarding their interests saying such crazy stuff. It's a bad sign.


  2. David C Pack:
    God's New Rep on Planet Earth

    Foolish Aaron Dean has just bought himself an express ticket to the Lake of Fire.

  3. Yes, Aaron Dean sure has gotten feisty after recovering from his rattlesnake bites.

  4. Like Dave knows about patience and humility! HaaaaH! What a hypocrite! What he really wants is for ministurds to kiss his skinny white butt and tell him how glorious he is. The man is psycho! I can hardly wait to the day he runs out of lies to tell, when his currently mesmerized little flock see him for the kook that everyone else can see that he is. I'd be willing to ratchet down the contempt that I have for him if he would earnestly fess up to being a lying cheating trickster and ask for forgiveness...that'll be the day!

  5. "It has been fascinating to see which ministers in the splinters will not even wait to see if they could be wrong in disagreeing with the explanation in these announcements."
    Why would they need to?

    "Rather they are speaking out against [my] meaning of [what I've decided is] prophecy..."
    Seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do.

    "...choosing to end their ministry..."
    Oh, if only. You've done a lot of speaking out and it hasn't ended your "ministry."

    "...they have gone on public record against how Christ is regathering His flock..."
    And when I say "Christ," I am, of course, referring to moi.

    "Such men should have read and believed the “Attention Ministers” section at the end of each of these announcements."
    Reading is one thing, but beleiving is something else entirely.

    "A little patience and humility would have served them well."
    It would have served you well too, but it's too late to cry over spilled milk now.

    "But, we are all the 'captains of our own ship.'"
    Why are you steering yours toward the rocks then Dave?

    "This prophecy will soon prove this at a profound level."
    What prophecy? Your silly self-aggrandizing misinterpretations of 2,500 year old writings do not constitute prophecy, your impotent god doesn't exist, and everyone can safely ignore your obscene rambling rants.

  6. According to this surname genealogy database...


    The surname "PACK" has this meaning...

    "The medieval given name may also have derived from the Middle English "paske", Old French "pasque" meaning Easter, and would have originated as a nickname for someone who was born at Easter"

    Pack is therefore, by name, the Pagan Birthed Messiah!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  7. Say, that picture is a reminder: Are any of the ACoGs planning a cruise this year?

  8. What would any sincere shepherd attempt to do? I do not agree with Aaron's theology, but I do not doubt his sincerity. He is simply trying to protect what he considers to be God's sheep from a rabid wolf. What else could the wolf possibly expect?

    The difference between Dave and other predators is that Dave expects to commandeer the entire flock, while your typical predator feeds on the weak, the sickly, and the stragglers.


  9. Hey, Joe.

    It is also interesting that you don't call a group of wolves a flock or a herd. You call them a pack!

