Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dennis Muses: In a multitude of actual counsel there could have been safety.....

2013 Making It Mean What It Never Meant Award

Awarded for the Most Ridiculous Theological Misreading and Misuse of Scripture for 2013

the golden turd photo: Golden Turd Golden-Turd-Award.jpg

Presented to David C Pack of the Restored Church of God for successfully making the obscure Minor Prophet Haggai mean what it never meant, could mean or ever will mean.

 This evening marks the official end of these ridiculous speculations and analogies gone crazy and the dawn of a new day in the history of the Churches of God.  Truly, truly Sabbath, August 31, 2013 was-is-will be  a Sabbath like no other. 

It was on this day enlightenment came to a few more "I'm stuck in this seat and can't get up," brethren giving what they have not got in exchange for a  church that returns precious little to them but embarrassment, humiliation, fairy tales disguised as sermons, theological nonsense and large bills yet another small fundamentalist religious school and fabulous "Headquarters." 

I am pleased to present this award on behalf of thousands who have watched this theo-drama unfold over the past few months and hung in there to see it through.

The Bobs - Best of Online Activism

Let those with ears to hear and eyes to see just go ahead and use them at this time to free themselves once and for all from the religion pretending to be spirituality and human imagination and reasonings masking as Biblical insights and truth.

We wish Deacon David C Pack  no ill will but that he would repent and fill in his 35 question Ex-Apostle Rehire Forms as soon as possible.  It may take a few seconds to get an answer, so please be patient.


Lessons of the Year

Proverbs 11:14

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of (Genuine) counselors there is safety.

1 Corinthians 13

New International Version (NIV)
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, (which Restored Church did not have, could not fathom and moveth not) but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

(One might substitute "ministry" for the world "love" in the above)

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

 While disturbing at times, it's been an enjoyable adventure in seeing just how far aberrant theology can go. 


  1. I am admittedly impatient to hear the Great Excuse. -RSK

  2. Thanks for all the coverage that you have given on this subject. Now, we can only hope that RCG will start losing members.

    Pack/RCG should have been going in reverse a long time ago. His B.S. has gone on long enough. Now, it's out there for all to see....once a false prophet, always a false prophet!

  3. People who don't listen have the worst judgment in the world.

    Not to worry, since there won't be any significant consequences... for the moment: All things shall go on as they have from the beginning -- false prophets will arise and speak great swelling words as they always have and get away with it without any negative results.

    For the moment.

    Of course, occasionally a cosmic accident will occur and there will be collateral consequences as in the case of Ronald Weinland, but even there, it's no more than 42 months and we're all good again.

    Let's just say that if you're an Olde Testament Christian Pharisee, you might expect Olde Testament Christian Pharisee consequences -- take your pick: Stoning, burning at the stake, beating (more modern methods could include firing squad, lethal injection, hanging from the neck until dead).

    Yes, perhaps Judas Justice is best.

    You brazen sons of Satan have absolutely no fear, do you?

    Well then, until the next tax audit....

  4. Perhaps the angels sent to Sodom and Gomorrah can be sent to Wadsworth today.

    Even if they are ministering spirits who've seen and hear it all pretty much, it's doubtful they could tolerate more than a minute or two of Pack's sermon today before the slaughter began.

    Where's Loki when you need him.


    The Annual COG "GOLDEN TURD AWARD" brought to you "in living color" on WGN Television! ...

    Nominees are arriving on the red carpet in Hollywood ahead of what is likely to be one of the most unpredictable Golden Turd Awards for years.

    Host Rod Meredith, (a previous "Turd" winner himself), is due to kick off the ceremony at the Dolby Theatre at 17:30 Los Angeles time (01:30 GMT).

    Among the first nominees down the red carpet was Audra Weinland, who is up for a personal performance award, and who, if her husband Ron wins the prize, will accept it on his behalf.

    Ever humble, "I'm not going to win the Turd tonight. I just don't think it's my year," Weinland told WGN.

    Performing acts during this years show include Ross Jutsum, along with a reunion of the 1983 Young Ambassadors and even a surprise guest appearance by the lovable UCG puppet "JELLY" .

    Although no one church group is expected to sweep the various awards , Dave Pack is the Las Vegas line favorite to win the coveted "Biggest Turd" award of the year.

    Pack and his wife have just arrived, and have exited their limousine. Pack is dressed in black tuxedo, with a top hat and tails, and his wife is wearing a magnificent gown bought from the exclusive Harrods of London. Mrs. Pack has gone for a natural look it appears, while wearing neither make up or apparently not even wearing a bra.

    OH MY!!!-- An interloper has crossed the velvet ropes and has made a direct line towards Dave Pack!...

    Pack has been hit directly in the face with a pie tin, it appears, .... it appears... to be a TURD PIE!

    Police reports are now coming in.... it is being stated that the perpetrator of the pie throwing incident is one... DENNIS DIEHL ,from the "BANNED website".

    THIS JUST IN!, ...Apparently Diehl will be set free on his own recognizance , based on California's "Stand Your Ground" law. Law enforcement was seen shaking his hand and asking for autographs!

    Your Reporter On The Ground...

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  6. Dave should have his congregation nominate and appoint someone who will bring reform to rcg (no longer deserves to be capitalized), and he himself should walk away. He has shown beyond shadow of a doubt, by this fiasco, that God is not inspiring or guiding him, and is not using or speaking through him. He has spoken presumptuously, and is unfit to lead.

    People on stage are deeply affected by the looks and demeanor of the people in their audience. I would encourage rcg members not to mask your disappointment. No fake smiles today! Over the coming months, let your faces reflect that you are totally disgusted and no longer have any confidence in David C. Pack, a self-made man.


  7. I would love to be a fly on the wall of the hall of administration assembling today at RCG (reprobate cunning guide)and hear all the excuses to the pack of lies. I wonder what is going on in my ex-friends mind, probably giving excuses himself. May God above have mercy on these souls that are looking for more than the word of truth.

  8. Pack it in. The Pack of lies. Gives new meaning to the term six Pack? UCG deserves a few turn awards too.

  9. anon noted:

    "I mean "Dennis Muses: In a multitude of actual counsel there could have been safety....." is kinda boring."

    I don't profess to be the honed and spiffy writer. I feel on this site, those with the WCG background will completely understand the different levels meant of that line. HWA, Weinland, Meredith, Pack and most other one man show types in the Wild World of God churches never ask for advice and never take it when given. This scripture has ALWAYS eluded them in their wisdom falsely so called.

    So it fits this theological debacle fairly well as something that could have been preventative.

    Moeller, you're nuts lol. I did take special care and actually chaged much of the article to award the bad idea not the person. I am uncomfortable "attacking' a person whose actual motives and sincerity or lack of it I don't actually know. It is ultimately Dave's terrible theology and the whole idea behind it that is the turd winner. That just works better for me and still get to make the point.

    Also, it must have been another Diehl...I can't afford to fly to the Golden Turd awards lol.

  10. It is now late in the afternoon in Ohio. If there is anyone out there who could share what Dave had to say during his sermon today, I am sure we would all love to hear your thoughts.

    Let your conscience guide you in this. We don't want to see anyone get themselves in trouble, but surely there must be some rcg members or some of their teenagers who are planning to make some changes in their lives as a result of this fiasco.

    Thanks in advance.


  11. Mr Venish has a new video out (Dreamer of Dreamer Exposed). Very brave of him.

  12. Wow Dennis!

    Love your new pic. You bear a striking resemblance to Lt. Commander Data from Star Trek!

    Just thought I'd note that. :)

    And as far as Pack goes, just throw that failed prophecy right in there with all the other "prophesies" Armstrongism has produced and had to throw out! This "haggai" one fits right in, right at home with the rest of them.

  13. Here is another little tidbit.

    It's just a matter of time until Dave's ego compels him to phone Microsoft, Apple, or various TV production companies about filming commercials and episodes using his new buildings as a backdrop. The fact that this has been done on the old AC 'dena campus must certainly have entered his thought processes.


  14. Dennis, don't take anon's criticism seriously. We got spammed, and Gary let it through for what reason I don't know...

  15. I don't take anything as criticism. Dave Pack just has been a symbol to me of all that is horribly wrong with COG ministers in their training and theological education. It is why Dave can free wheel his way through some book and see himself in it. Absolute garbage and delusion on his part. This now has been amply proved.

    The pic was taken in Tyler at my debate with Art Mokarrow. I remember I was being asked by Dixon Cartwright about how I thought it went or something. Thus the look up lol. "It was fun" I think is what I was about to say or just said lol

    Just watched the Clemson/Ga game as much as I could not being a sports fiend, I did good. Getting aquainted with someone and going to Episcopal Church tomorrow again with her so another guy gets the message to leave her alone. lol He sits behind her so I expect some injuries tomorrow from an incoming Common Book of Prayer from behind lol.

    I am glad this Dave Pack BS is over now. I am interested in the fall out if there is any, which I hope there is. Any explanations he offers will be doozies!

  16. Head Usher: You are right, that one slipped through. Usually they don't get that personal. Deleted it.

  17. Dennis, the best fallout I can think of would be a splinter. If indeed this Haggai member grab thing of his was based on severe financial needs, then it is likely that rcg could not survive a splinter involving significant numbers. We can always hope!


  18. Dennis - Is it OK to wear a helmet in the Episcopal Church? Maybe you could get a Clemson or South Carolina football helmet to ward of the blows from the guy behind you. By the way, I have thought in the past few years that you look like you are the real father of NY Giants quarterback Eli Manning. Either that or you are a long lost Manning brother yourself, except that you probably can't throw a football worth a damn.

    Glenn Parker

  19. The thing is that no one alive will likely see that ever come to be.

    With the way things are now, it'll be a very long time
    before true peace becomes a reality. Well, I guess there will be some eventually.
    See, the jews have been kicked out of more than 190 countries until now.
    Next stop ...Palestine

  20. I can think of at least 3 ways that Trump's wall can be illegally gotten around by an immigrant.

    How many can you think of? Think of all the ways there are to rob a bank....
    Shouldnt we still try to stop it? Think of all the ways there are
    to rob a bank.... Shouldnt we still try to stop it?
