Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It Is Now One Day After Jesus Came and Took Control of David C Pack's "church"

Last Friday, apostle David C Pack, leader of the worlds most superfantabulous Church of God EVVVVVVVVER, announced that Jesus Christ was coming on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 to take control of the church.

So far not one single thing has happened.

Jesus is not running Dave's cult.

Nadda, nothing, zippo.....

Is this the first of Dave's lies to be exposed? 

Oh wait, I know the drill....Jesus Christ came spiritually and is now running the church.  Jesus Christ now speaks directly to Dave in his fourth third floor office, in his upside down office building.

What will Dave say when The Three do not die by September 1?  Will they have instead died spiritually?


  1. Upside down office building is right. I love it. If he is following in Herbie's footsteps why did not he build a fourth floor? Was he too cheap or was money running out?

  2. Funny, I thought Christ was always in control of his church. At least that is what my bible tells me.
    I guess Dave reads another version.

  3. I'm thinking that the only way we could positively know that Jesus had taken control of RCG would be if He found a more humble and truthful individual to replace Dave, corrected the erroneous doctrinal elements, and blessed RCG with a truly commanding presence. Unless and until those things happen, then it continues to be Dave simply pretending. Those are actually good criteria to apply to any of the other ACOGs, as well.


  4. You have to know the first draft had to have had at least 4 floors...

  5. Maybe it has a basement dungeon for "re-education" purposes.

    Wouldn't that make it "four floors" total?
