Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Seven Different COG's Will Be Having A Feast In Branson And None Will Speak To Each Other

Remember the years of one COG site in a city with sometimes up to 15,000 people?  Well those days are gone, along with a "one" COG.  Now there are hundreds and hundreds of COG's all pretending they are the best ever.  Imagine what it is going to be like in Branson, Missouri this year with SEVEN different COG's all holding God's most important Feast days in their own  insular little groups.  All of them preaching about a Kingdom of God where the world will be unified.  Are they too dumb to see what is wrong with this picture?

Talk about awkward moments in restaurants and casino's!  Everyone is going to be watching which group eats some shrimp or some bacon. What's a poor parent to do when their kid wants to play with another kid from another COG.  Ghastly days!  What a dilemma!

According to feastgoer.org, at least 7 COG’s are going to be united in one city but divided and not meeting together in Branson  from the largest UCG to some smaller groups – it looks like if Florida’s got the biggest city to site capita, Branson’s got the biggest cog-in-city capita. Well, it’s for good reason – if you like shows and entertainment. They’ve got the silver dollar park, and what seems to be countless shows with stars, singers, and entertainment. I checked what’s going on in September in Branson – and no wonder! You can be on The Price Is Right Live, literally countless shows and singer tribute shows, hey, might as well just show you the whole huge list to choose from!
From:  Preparing For The Feast, COG-Wide, and Luau’s seem to be OK with COG People Despite their ORIGINS??


  1. Yet another example of lack of originality. You would almost think that someone would conclude that uneasy encounters in the market or restaurants could ruin peoples' feast. The everyday citizens of Branson are probably fixin' to learn a new word that will probably be said a lot: Laodecean.


  2. I these folk in Branson can humble themselves and share the common hopes instead of the common differences while there, they can give Dave Pack pause as to who Haggai was "really" talking to.

    Boy oh boy, would them sharing at least one service in good faith together make him somewhat upset.a

  3. It was stated that: "...Now there are hundreds and hundreds of COG's all pretending they are the best ever. Imagine what it is going to be like in Branson, Missouri this year with SEVEN different COG's all holding God's most important Feast days in their own insular little groups. All of them preaching about a Kingdom of God where the world will be unified..."

    Imagine? I imagine if one looked hard enough they could find all sorts of gospel, Kingdom of God (K/G) messages...variety if you will.

    One could possibly hear about a K/G being established on earth aft the beginning of some 1,000 year Mickey Mouse Millennium, and then hear about the takeover of Jerusalem after that MMM when Satan is loosed out of that bottomless pit. What kind of a K/G would that be? And war is again learned!!!!

    One may hear of a K/G being established on earth some time after Satan is loosed from that pit and war is never learned anymore. And what kind of a K/G would that be?

    And one may possibly hear who knows what as a K/G gospel message between those two periods of time...regarding both sides of the Mickey Mouse Millennium.

    Such variety available!

    I was in Branson, MO last year and I found that brethren of United Assoc, cogwa Assoc., the living group, etc., and others could talk to one another amongst themselves. It's the hireling cog ministers that separate the sheep and strive to keep them separated from each other. I see the sheep striving to do the best they can with what they have.

    Such is life...


  4. There still is time for the Branson 7 to set a wonderful example of proving they are not just trying to grow members. This would be a test and would separate the lone wolves who want to be over their church with no accountability or oversight and those sincerely wanting to heal the breach and trail of tears inflicted on the COG by the Tkaches.

    Out of 7 I'd think 3 could share a service and 4 would refuse showing their true colors.

    It would, however, be tough to be in Branson singing "We are not divided..all one body we..One in hope and doctrine, one in charity."
    It might be best to ask song leaders to avoid that one for now.

    For better or worse, Churches (Especially the COGs) add to themselves by subtracting from others and multiply by division. The unchurched public probably never has heard of them.

  5. "We are not divided... all one body we... we are one in faith and hope and charity!"

    Offward Christian soldiers!

    Have great war games at the Feast!

    And between the battles, be sure to eat, drink and be merry, spending lavishly on your Church Corporate Convention (CCC) to satisfy the lusts of your flesh, the pride of life and fill your eyes and ears with the gala celebration of being carnal.

    Or you could go to Oregon and be miserable, living in primitive conditions camping out. Watch out for the bears and mosquitoes, ticks and fleas... and don't let the bedbugs bite as you demonstrate your abilities as superb Old Testament Pharisee Christians who are lost... um... of the lost 10 tribes that were too proud to ask directions back to Jerusalem and thought they could find it on their own.

    No wait!

    You're all Gentiles.

    Or if we're talking religion, Philistines, then.

    Scratch that.

  6. Where in Florida are the masses going to amass? Live there, just want to know what to avoid.


    As predicted in the book of Haggai...

    Seven unified groups, laying aside all their differences, prejudices and past hurts...

    Gathering together at the Branson Theater in unison, as they all sing together with the aging Tony Orlando and Dawn , in harmony, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree" with the following lyrics...

    We're comin' home, We've done our time
    Now we got to know what is and isn't mine
    If you received my email tellin' us to let it be...
    Then you'll know just what to do if you still want "WE"

    If you still want "we"...


    Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
    It's been fifty three long years
    Do "we" still want "we"?
    If we don't see a ribbon round the old oak tree
    We'll stay on the bus
    Forget about us
    Put the blame on we
    If we don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

    Bus driver, please look for thee
    'Cause we couldn't bear to see what we might see
    We're really still in church prison, and brotherly love it holds the key
    A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set us free..

    We posted and told them this:

    Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
    It's been fifty three long years
    Do "we" still want "we"?
    If we don't see a ribbon round the old oak tree
    We'll stay on the bus
    Forget about us
    Put the blame on we
    If we don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

    Now the whole damn church is cheering
    And I can't believe I see
    A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the old oak tree
    We're comin' home...

    Well, its a nice fantasy at least!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  8. It's the 7 churches of Revelation!!!

    It's about to unfold Brethren!!!

    Run for the hills!!!!

  9. There are MANY more than just 7 FOT keepers groups going to Branson.

    I was going to write a Letter to the 7 Churches in Branson Minor but there are too many! :)

    Have the best Feast Ever everyone...

  10. "Seven Different COG's Will Be Having A Feast In Branson And NONE Will Be Anything Like the Biblical FOT !"

  11. If it's true that the Armstrongite god is not the author of confusion (and I'm not saying it is true) then doesn't the fact that the COG's are now cast into such utter and abject confusion as this Branson business speak volumes about the powerlessness of this so-called god?

  12. We went to TNlast year and split our time between the UCG and COGWA sites. The sites were just 3 miles through a mountain pass apart, but no one but us would cross. People sent their greetings to those on the other side of the mountain through me. What crap. So glad we are done with that. I don't recall singing onward Christian soldiers but i think we did sing One Faith One Love at both sites. AAAAAAWKWAAAARD.

  13. Nothing like that Kingdom of God environment in Branson. It is second only to Las Vegas in spirituality.

  14. Jud 1:12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds [they are] without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

    Amo 8:10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only [son], and the end thereof as a bitter day.

    Isa 1:14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear [them]. ("Your" not MY)

    Psa 35:16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

    Isa 5:12 And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands. (Their not MY)

    Mat 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
    Mat 23:6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,

  15. There is no "Kingdom of God environment" on earth. The son himself said his kingdom/government was not of this world. This is a lie from HA/Pack. I never heard this in all the years I attended the protestant churches. We looked to the kingdom to come, never considering it being here yet. All churches are governed by men. The foundation is to be the son, but not happening. There is no love, mercy or judgment. They can keep all the feasts and pay all tithes, etc., but they are missing a lot (lukewarm).

  16. I side with "Anonymous" John here, at least for the last part.

    I also was in Branson last year, and went determined to cross denominational bridges where I could. I went to one small group's opening night hymn sing (since UCG and COGWA didn't have night services), and was up front with the band by the end of the night.

    I also went to a COGWA dance mid-Feast, which had people attending from various groups. If my group hadn't set rules requiring me to be present at its services every day, I would have crossed over more.

    May God's Kingdom come to put all such divisions away.

    P.S. Maggie, I was told by a motel manager in Branson the Silver Dollar City owners put a lot of pressure on local officials to keep the town "G-rated" in activities. That's why casinos are in K.C. and St.L., not around Branson.
