Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Book by Former COG Member: Coming Out of Hell: A Journey From Chaos to Redemption

I continue to be fascinated by the number of books that are coming out by former Armstrongites detailing their journey out of the cult.  Some go in agnostic and atheist directions, some have went into native American spirituality, some into Catholicism and Lutheranism, and others into a deeper relationship of Jesus in other branches of Christianity.

This one has been out a while, but this is the first I have heard of it.  Another one for my ever expanding collection of books about Armstrongism.  I am now at 85+ books by former members and critics.

Barnes and Noble says:

Every person on Earth experiences sin and brokenness. But even embracing a new life in Christ does not automatically resolve the pain and bitterness of past struggles and abuse. In this remarkably candid and uplifting book, psychologist David Bonnet bares his soul, using his long battle with depression and even longer involvement with a powerful cult to show how victory in Christ can transform a shattered life.

Coming Out of Hell is a gripping story of deliverance from the deception, manipulation, and shame of cultic involvement. It takes an inside look at how individuals and families in the grips of spiritual, emotional, and financial chaos can find healing by submitting these wounds to Jesus Christ and finding peace by living in His presence.


  1. It's tragic when people leave the COG cult to remain trapped in the wider Christian cult and delude themselves into thinking they are free. It's not as destructive but it's still a mind control group.

    Why would anyone go back to that paganized fraud? They should know better. People just can't handle the truth that EVERYTHING (well, almost) in society is bullshit. A drowing man will grasp at straws.

  2. So far what I have seen of atheists on here is that they are just as judgemental and spite filled as they were in the WCG, if not more so.

    Leaving religion apparently has not brought most of you any peace. If you attitude is indicative of the "all knowing truth" you now posses I don't want any.

    Your nastiness and self-righteous judgmentalism accomplishes nothing but make you look foolish.

  3. Frank, keep watching. Some of the atheists who comment here are tolerant and genial.

    And some who reject religious belief most stridently are still reeling from the realization they were lied to by the COG(s) they once trusted. It takes a while to get over the anger and disappointment, and coming on here to express it may help them reach equanimity.

    Like you, I find zeal to be one of the least attractive human drives, no matter what value system it is connected to. Let us hope both theistic and atheistic zealots can just chill out and get mellow.

  4. Retired Prof: I agree with you. Zeal is destructive no matter which way it is coming from. Most of my friends are atheists and/or agnostics. We have wonderful conversations about God and what it means to be a "good" person. They are better "Christians" than some of the Christians I know.
