Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 14, 2013

James Malm: Do Not Associate With Ejaculating Men, They Are Unclean Untill Sunset

James Malm, Armstrongism's Chief Pharisee has been attempting to control all aspects of his cult members lives. Now he is stepping into the bedroom.  When men ejaculate they become unclean until sunset.

The seed of men is considered unclean because it is an issue from the man and he and his wife are to wash and be unclean until the sun is set.

Beware of ejaculating men, put that sin out of your lives and make yourself a perfect Bride.

The collective bride is to remove all blemishes of uncleanness and sin to make herself pure, holy and ready for her marriage to the Holy Husband Jesus Christ and to enter the Holy Family of God the Father.

We are to work diligently to learn sound doctrine and to excise error!  We are not to associate with any unclean thing and that means far more than vicarious sin:  It also means that we are to turn away from proven false doctrine, prophecies and teachings of men, as the spiritual pollution and uncleanness of sin which separates us from God!


  1. Simple solution: Do it just before sunset.

  2. Blowing one's nose would be an "issue out of a man or woman, so would be spitting. Just stay in bed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you will be OK.

  3. Is he proposing some sort of warning signal? Like a special tassel that lets people know a member has ejaculated, and is therefore unclean? Do you get excused from Malm's sabbath services for uncleanness?

    I can see where this is going! If the man has the tassel and his wife doesn't, Malm's people will assume that he spanked the monkey. Studs in Malm's congregation will be strutting around every day wearing four or five tassels as if you couldn't tell by their bleary eyes that they haven't been getting much sleep. There will probably be red tassels for if a couple couldn't control themselves during the time of the wife's uncleanness, and maybe blue ones indicating uncleanness by reason of oral sex.

    Some aspects to daily living are intended to be personal and private. Armstrongism has always had a bad pattern of intrusiveness, and micromanagement of personal matters. Malm is about the worst example of this that I've ever seen.


  4. This is unbelievable. Even HWA, the old pervert, didn't descend as far as this foolishness.

  5. LOLLLL... I'm going crazy reading all this lunacy!

  6. Jack off, spank the monkey, whack the chili just before sundown! A solution!

  7. This is a congregation of sexually starved malew members. Not too far from the priestly celibacy and teaching that sex outside of procreation is sin by Roman Catholic Church. Either this church will be full of sex scandals including homosexuality, pedastry, and incest or we have here males with poorer spatial skills and suffer from decreased exploratory ability, reduced attractiveness to the opposite sex, they may even smell differently from their peers. This is a congregation of psychotic and neurotic cases and sex-obsessed members, unable to express properly sexual desires because of continuing repression and sense of guilt. I would be afraid to even shake hands with the members of the congregation because sense of touch as you know has its erotic interpretation. I wonder how their members would take a crammed rush-hour commuter train without getting an erection especially as the train moves in rhythm.

  8. It's clear that the one qualification that isn't necessary to join an Armstrong group is sanity....

    In fact, sanity will keep you out of the group (yet another double entendre).

  9. Got to say that Im with Malm on this one!

    I avoid being around men while they are ejaculating to my full ability and at all costs!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

    PS- Malm is getting more and more peculiar at a faster pace. Total meltdown is very close.

  10. At least Malm declares men unclean this time. Usually he lays burdens on women.

    My advice to Malm's disciples: It's always sunset somewhere!

  11. Wow! I'd hate to be a high school teacher then! You'd more than likely have your entire class of young testosterone-filled males absent pretty much every day of the school year for "uncleanness"!

  12. Where did all this "unclean" crap originate? It had to arise from the bronze age madness of the Middle East. A bunch of ignorant goat herders sitting around dreaming up ways to make life a complicated rigmarole. It's insanity in the extreme.

  13. "Where did all this "unclean" crap originate?"

    In the Bible. Therefore, it's the "Word of God", LOL!

    My wife is now in the 'back 40' acres of my ranch, but after she gets over her period I may let her back in the house again.

    OOPs! one of my daughters just got raped, so it's time for another wedding, as per the "Word of God"!

  14. I am a former member of WWCG. I have came to realize some (maybe many) were possessed at church or leaving. Look how many acted strangely. You may not think that you have problems but if any of you are depressed, nervous or sick in other ways, you may very well be possessed. What is the answer? For myself, I am starting therapy. Love to you all.

  15. I say that masterbation is right for many males...how else are they to work out tension? God had given a specific command to one man who did not obey Him. Other than that, I do not know if He ever forbade masterbation.
