Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 11, 2013

David C Pack: The Great Church Reunification Can Be Accomplished Cheaper At Passover Than The Feast Time

We wrestled for months over our August 31 date.

I guess even with the company of 16 great accomplished theologians like Dave had in his presence they still could not come up with the right date.  So why believe them now?

It all boils down to money.  The great reunification will not need to happen where church members will be wasting Dave's money on hotel rooms for a feast site.  Now they can join Dave and turn that money over to him.  Slick move Dave!

We can conclude that the Haggai prophecy was always speaking of a SPRING event, NOT one in the fall of the year—the period preceding Passover, NOT the one preceding the Fall Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles. And also ask: how much more sense does it make that the Church will be reunited a little before the easier-to-assemble-together time of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread versus reunification just two-and-a-half weeks before going to completely different Feast sites for eight days when people would have long before made plans and given deposits to attend somewhere else? We wrestled at our Headquarters for months with how this would work, including the Church being reunited on a Friday and then having to turn around and keep the Sabbath together in hundreds of new places just one day later. We knew God would defeat the confusion, but we recognized that additional miracles would have to happen in the wake of the great ones that brought His people back together for this to occur smoothly.


  1. It's like a bunch of people in the Real World wearing Star Trek uniforms debating how the Federation is going to reunite with the Cardassians, and then waiting for it to actually happen - AND ACTUALLY BELIEVING IT.

    Not much difference, aye?

  2. Dave currently imagines that..

    "We wrestled at our Headquarters for months with how this would work.."

    Not according to your original proofs Dave. According to them they all agreed with you on the timing and you said so , to the man. Dave is lying and redacting truth

    In Dave's original unedited due to crop failure screed 21-Why Unification NOW! (The current edition says "SOON!") David C Pack says...(these points have been deleted from his new edition of the old proofs of NOW, before it became SOON)

    "15) Next, for those who will see the value of how to pursue spiritual matters, there is this: After fervently seeking God about it, not one reason the prophecy is off this year ever emerged in the minds of even one of our 16 Headquarters ministers! I (we) have NEVER prayed about, studied over, meditated on, fasted about and counseled with other ministers regarding a subject more than this one—in fact no other subject is even close!

    16) Similarly, as questions emerged throughout our pursuit of truth with the many details of the prophecy, so many of these details kept coming clear as direct answers to prayer. And these were often immediate.

    You may have wondered how all this would work as anyone thinking about it would have. We did. But you cannot say this to give the impression you had doubts anyway so it's all good now. You had no doubts in your original screed. You stupid and short sighted statements , YOU have edited out. However, I have them and you did not sound one bit like you were wrestling with anything that now makes you able to distance yourself from your cock sure stupidity.

    Anyone left following this one man show needs to have their heads examined. You will regret it someday I promise you.

  3. Regret they will! My ex-friend stated that it was RCG or nothing and that he was putting his salvation at stake (which he is doing). I am sure he will turn out to blame God and not man. Very sad. God tells us not to trust men.

  4. What boggles my mind is that Dave uses a phrase about making more sense when he is talking nothing but nonsense himself. What would make more sense would be for Dave to obtain therapy and get into a more honorable profession such as selling health food supplements, or teaching swimming.


  5. Anonymous said...
    It's like a bunch of people in the Real World wearing Star Trek uniforms debating how the Federation is going to reunite with the Cardassians, and then waiting for it to actually happen - AND ACTUALLY BELIEVING IT.

    I say:
    That in this scenario that this makes Pack one of two things:

    Pack is the "Q"

    and his church is the BORG!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  6. Here is how the perverse "logic" works.

    King David sinned (murder and adultery), so David II (David Pack) can lie and God will forgive him. Actually, lying is necessary to prevent upsetting the little infants of God who can't handle the truth.

    David II is squeaky clean compared to David I (King David) who danced naked, murdered, was a "bloody man" who liked war, acted like a madman (he was a faker too), married multiple women, and committed adultery.

    Dave II is such important part of God's plan that he can lie and get away with it. God needs him.

    Reality: Anybody who follows either David has some moral confusion in their lives.


  7. Anonymous said...

    "Regret they will! My ex-friend stated that it was RCG or nothing and that he was putting his salvation at stake (which he is doing). I am sure he will turn out to blame God and not man. Very sad. God tells us not to trust men."


    It is possible to sincerely believe in God and the Bible without carelessly believing in David Pack's latest wrong date guess.

    This reminds me of the ignorant, lazy, stupid, and wicked people from Gerald Flurry's satanic PCG cult. They are so ignorant that they do not know the biblical things that they ought to know, they are too lazy to search out the things that they ought to search out, and they are too stupid to listen to any other source than the PCG about important eternal life and death matters like one's salvation, but then in the end they are so wicked that they reject God and the Bible when they finally realize that the PCG is full of evil.

    This also reminds me of one man who wrote a book claiming that the Bible was of pagan origin after he finally discovered that the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic church came from paganism. It did not even occur to him that the RCC and the Bible teach completely different things.

  8. Why would a harvest festival be before the harvest anyway? I mean, here in the real world, it's only just now harvest time. Something is f'd up with that. Hmmmm, must have been the grape harvest and they were drinking up all the old wine to make room for the new...

    Oh, and "Passover" - a Jewish holy day commemorating something that never happened and neither did the "Exodus" that followed. Why celebrate made up history? Ever since real archeology has shown that the exodus didn't happen, why would anyone believe in ten plagues on Egypt that real history shows never happened either?

    It's all bunk - all of it, and the New Testament is based on it. Shouldn't that say SOMETHING to sensible, rational, intelligent people?

  9. "We knew that God would defeat the confusion...."

    Um....no, Dave is still preaching
