Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 11, 2013

David C Pack Says He Is Not Stupid Enough To Set Another Date - Kind Of.....

No New Date

None of this new understanding speaks to when the prophecy will be fulfilled. I will certainly never repeat such a mistake. Those who believe the prophecy and are waiting on God will understand how important these elements are once it is fulfilled. Remember, you can wait in God’s Church for this fulfillment—or outside. It has been inspiring to see how many have come with us beginning in the summer and continuing to present. They know the prophecy is correct and the other two prophecies that quickly FOLLOW are drawing closer daily. 
 Notice how Dave attempts to prove his church is growing by stating how much attendance was at his feast sites.  While they might have church hopped to one of Dave's sites, they did not join up.  If they all had,  Dave would be gloating about it.
The number of new people keeping the Feast with us at Headquarters this year was 19%. The number keeping the Feast in Lake Placid, New York, this year was 22%. The number keeping it with us in Destin, Florida, this year was 16%. The number in Branson, Missouri, was 27% and the number in Salt Lake City, Utah, was 29%.


  1. Isn't next Passover a date? Isn't this what it is all about? Dave made a mistake in timing and it's next Passover. Passover seasons have dates don't they? Did I miss something?

  2. You didn't miss a thing! Must be alzheimer's kicking in. He is setting another date which will be another failure. He lives to entertain his mind and the way of lasciviousness. Welcome to the synagogue of satan!

  3. You would think he might have learned about the pitfalls of setting dates from the abysmal failures of his mentor! On top of everything else, he is apparently a slow learner as well. Yup, just the kind of person I'd look to for guidance!


  4. Dave just needs to go ahead and change the name of the Restored Church of God to the Kicking the Can Down the Road Church of God.

    It's never about the premise being totally bogus and ridiculous. It's always about the "timing" isn't it. It's been about the "timing" since the New Testament was written. Everyone gets the message right in their own minds, but then learns they are off in their "timing."

    Dave says,

    “Emphatically, if we—in our dedicated enthusiastic zeal to get God’s warning of the end of mankind’s world before this sick, sick world—do, even though we intend not to, appear to set a date, I feel I do not need to apologize! No one but the enemies of all good will accuse!”

    HWA 1972

    There are plenty of “enemies of all good” accusing God’s Church today. I see them exactly as Mr. Armstrong did—as no more and no less.

    In other words HWA didn't apologize and Dave doesn't have to either. It's the timing. Self absorbed minds never apologize.

    No one is accusing "God's Church" That was also a HWA line when folk were accusing him. Dave needs to be accused and not excused. He wants everyone to excuse him.

    Dave gets to hide behind his brain dead members and advisors. He hides behind his miniscule organization.

    Come out , come out Dave, Let's you and me have a public discussion. Since you're so awesome you should be able to beat me down in mere minutes...

    Or maybe join a panel discussion on Christianity and the New Testament with those who actually have done their homework and let's see how far they let you get with your "announcements."

    You only thrive in a very closed world Dave. Between your ears.

  5. Mental institution or prison?

    Which do you think is the best fit?

  6. As for the expansion of growth, the percentages are way up for those who have been learning what a crock of baloney Davey Pack is.

    Exposing him for the con he is, is making strides as never before and the stats indicate impressive growth in this area.

  7. Not only that, Dennis. Like one personality profile type, he is now attempting to power his way out of a situation that he has instigated and created for himself. Apparently, using a parallel from Happy Days, he thinks he's the Fonz of Jesus. And, Weinland does the same thing. He sits in the penetentiary refusing to admit that he did anything wrong. They watched HWA do this and win during a properly imposed receivership process, when the truth was not even on his side. Come to think of it, Rompin' Ronnie is probably totally amazed that he is actually in prison. The river flows long and is fairly deep in some places over in Egypt.


  8. The number of new people is 19%? 19% of what number? Throwing out percentages doesn't mean anything without the base number.

    Oh, and by the way, Pack, 5 out of a hundred is not 20% - it's 5%.

    Oh, and a time, times and a dividing of time is not 2520 years - it's whatever number a cult wants to make it and it sure didn't come out to 1975 AD, did it?


  9. "I will certainly never repeat such a mistake."--DCP

    Never say "never."

  10. DennisCDiehl said...

    Dave just needs to go ahead and change the name of the Restored Church of God to the Kicking the Can Down the Road Church of God.

    Calm down, Dennis, remember your blood pressure...

    Yeah, it's the "timing"..."this generation" can mean the generation Jesus was talking about - which was his own - or it can mean any generation that you might be living in...just like "shortly", it can mean shortly for you or shortly for your 99 x great grandson's generation. Just whatever a cult wants it to mean.

  11. All these so called Prophets... Gerald Flurry, and the rest...if there was REALLY an end time prophet, why would God keep it so well hidden? Sort of like the birth of Christ, as Herbert W. Armstrong taught. Why Christ's birth so well hidden if God really wants us to celebrate it. Same goes for "hidden" prophets!
    I still say Flurry beats them all in believability as far as past HWA members are concerned. After all, Flurry just confiscated Armstrong's books, etc. convinced former members (members that saw easy positions and money), and continued HWA's teachings. GREAT SCAM!

  12. ...all the PCG abuse made me an unbeliever. Hope their proud of their results. Still haven't gotten my child support orders changed, and my son is almost grown. Should have gotten them right in he first place but didn't, thanks to the PCG and Brian Davis pressuring me to sign papers. Brian Davis's kids aren't wanting for nothing, for sure. Aren't they SPECIAL!

  13. The percentages Pack lists are not only meaningless without the original stats to which they refer, they also fail to rise to the HWA 30% model, his classic formula for annual growth. If that is to be seen as the indicator of God's direct involvement as HWA always professed, then Pack once again earns himself a failing grade, and this, after blowing off possibly the second worst stinkbomb in the history of Armstrongism.

    If the level of comments here are any indicator, the greater community outside of our normal regulars here is largely ignoring Pack. If anything, his screeds this time around are equally incendiary, so scratch that as a control factor. It appears that he is well advanced in his journey down the path which Ron Weinland has carved out.


  14. Let's put this in a different framework, and see how it plays.

    What If someone at work bragged about his guitar playing, one thing led to another, and he invited the whole office or crew to hear him play at a local club on open mike night? As you all sat down at the tables with him, he bought everyone a round of adult type beverages, and prepared his instrument. Then, when it came his turn to play, he started a tune, made a mistake, and said, "Wait. Let me try that again." So, he starts again, and once again flubbs it. And, something happens every time he attempts to play. How long would you, and for that matter, the audience and entertainment manager, indulge him, before it becomes evident that he cannot play, has no place on the stage, and boo him off the stage so that the next person, who can play, is able to take his or her place on the stage?

    Dave realizes that critical thinkers are now booing him off the stage, and instead of apologizing for flubbing it, he labels them as enemies of all that is good. Going back to our musical analogy, he's like the punk rockers who used to walk into a club while the band was on break, tough their way to the stage, pick up the band's instruments and take over the club to play their own very unlistenable and amateurish music. Boo, Dave. Just Boo!



  15. Britain W. Stevenson said...

    "I still say Flurry beats them all in believability as far as past HWA members are concerned."

    No, he does not have any believability at all. He is a fraud.

    Gerald R. Flurry was just among the first of the Satan-sent, Satan-directed impostors to seize the opportunity of HWA's death to try to abuse and destroy former WCG people and to do it all in the name of HWA and of God.

    Gerald Flurry copied Jules Dervaes' writings called The Letter to Laodicea and came up with something that he called Malachi's Message. Gerald revised it half a dozen times over the years and yet said it was delivered by a mighty angel and that it is the “little book” mentioned in the biblical book of Revelation. Gerald now deserves to get the plagues mentioned in Revelation for adding to that book, as pointed out in Revelation 22:18.

    Later, Gerald gave a five part sermon series collectively called “That Prophet” in which he claimed that he (rather than Jesus) was the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19. He appears to have had to flip-flop a bit on this and admit that Deut. 18 was about J.C., but he still kept for himself the title of “That Prophet.” In fact, Gerald kept so busy coming up with around 30 different nonsense names, titles, offices, and positions for himself that it took him about 20 years before he even realized that HWA had taught that the church was led by an apostle and to finally take that title too.

    Eventually Gerald ordered all PCG members to cut off all contact with friends and even family members who had been in the WCG but had not come over to his PCG, or who had left the PCG or been expelled from it. The idea of someone in the power and spirit of Elijah turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers as prophesied in the real biblical book of Malachi 4:5-6 got perverted by Gerald trying to do the exact diametrical opposite.

    Gerald bought the copyrights to 19 of the writings from the WCG, including HWA's last book called Mystery of the Ages, but then edited it so that it would not expose his own doctrinal changes.

    The PCG people are typically an ignorant and wicked bunch who neither remember nor know what was really taught by HWA. Of course, Gerald has forbidden them to listen to anyone other than himself and to learn the truth. They are taught to close their eyes and cover their ears and rant away satanically about all the "evil Laodiceans" out there, until they don't even realize how vile is their own conduct.

    HWA had taught that God's government was for the good of everyone, and that Satan despises government except as Satan himself harshly and in hate employs it. Each of the fake PCG "ministers" that Gerald set up when no real WCG ministers went with him gets to pass off his own satanic abuse as the "government of God." Old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators remain in good standing in the PCG while their victims get kicked out. This is the exact diametrical opposite of the way things should be.

    The whole purpose of the PCG is to do evil to former WCG people in the name of HWA and of God in order to make HWA and God look bad so that people will hate HWA and God when they finally get tired of the endless evil in the PCG.

  16. HWA lied when he said the church never set a false date. He tried to make it sound like it was all a misunderstanding or false accusation. Go back and read the stuff the WCG published--which they withdrew from print to hide their errors. They blew it and lied to cover it up.

  17. I think this entire prophecy is built on DCP's belief that after the apostasy there would be a group which "prophecies again"----meaning doing the exact same the HWA did. He is reinforced that this "short work" will be bigger than the previous work. So there has to be something that God is doing that will bring in more numbers and dollars to the "Work". So he is constantly searching scripture and trying to tie anything in to this future "big work" that has to occur within the confines of RCG.

    I think he is using a lot of human reasoning to try and justify this.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Britain W. Stevenson said...

    "I still say Flurry beats them all in believability as far as past HWA members are concerned."

    No, he does not have any believability at all. He is a fraud.

    Gerald R. Flurry was just among the first of the Satan-sent, Satan-directed impostors to seize the opportunity of HWA's death to try to abuse and destroy former WCG people and to do it all in the name of HWA and of God.

    Gerald Flurry copied Jules Dervaes' writings called The Letter to Laodicea and came up with something that he called Malachi's Message. Gerald revised it half a dozen times over the years and yet said it was delivered by a mighty angel and that it is the “little book” mentioned in the biblical book of Revelation. Gerald now deserves to get the plagues mentioned in Revelation for adding to that book, as pointed out in Revelation 22:18.

    Later, Gerald gave a five part sermon series collectively called “That Prophet” in which he claimed that he (rather than Jesus) was the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19. He appears to have had to flip-flop a bit on this and admit that Deut. 18 was about J.C., but he still kept for himself the title of “That Prophet.” In fact, Gerald kept so busy coming up with around 30 different nonsense names, titles, offices, and positions for himself that it took him about 20 years before he even realized that HWA had taught that the church was led by an apostle and to finally take that title too.

    Eventually Gerald ordered all PCG members to cut off all contact with friends and even family members who had been in the WCG but had not come over to his PCG, or who had left the PCG or been expelled from it. The idea of someone in the power and spirit of Elijah turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers as prophesied in the real biblical book of Malachi 4:5-6 got perverted by Gerald trying to do the exact diametrical opposite.

    Gerald bought the copyrights to 19 of the writings from the WCG, including HWA's last book called Mystery of the Ages, but then edited it so that it would not expose his own doctrinal changes.

    The PCG people are typically an ignorant and wicked bunch who neither remember nor know what was really taught by HWA. Of course, Gerald has forbidden them to listen to anyone other than himself and to learn the truth. They are taught to close their eyes and cover their ears and rant away satanically about all the "evil Laodiceans" out there, until they don't even realize how vile is their own conduct.

    HWA had taught that God's government was for the good of everyone, and that Satan despises government except as Satan himself harshly and in hate employs it. Each of the fake PCG "ministers" that Gerald set up when no real WCG ministers went with him gets to pass off his own satanic abuse as the "government of God." Old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators remain in good standing in the PCG while their victims get kicked out. This is the exact diametrical opposite of the way things should be.

    The whole purpose of the PCG is to do evil to former WCG people in the name of HWA and of God in order to make HWA and God look bad so that people will hate HWA and God when they finally get tired of the endless evil in the PCG.

    October 12, 2013 at 7:21 PM

    To Anon...
    I know all this. I was there. It's all on my FB page. Nothing new to learn, Thanks!

  19. Britain W. Stevenson said...

    ...all the PCG abuse made me an unbeliever. Hope their proud of their results. Still haven't gotten my child support orders changed, and my son is almost grown. Should have gotten them right in he first place but didn't, thanks to the PCG and Brian Davis pressuring me to sign papers. Brian Davis's kids aren't wanting for nothing, for sure. Aren't they SPECIAL!

    October 12, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    ...I guess you need to be more explicit in your blogs for some people...

    Britain W. Stevenson said...

    ...all the PCG abuse made me an unbeliever. Hope their proud of their results.

    I meant "an unbeliever" as far as the PCG goes!I really feel I was SAVED. Thank You Brian!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. “The number of new people keeping the Feast with us at Headquarters this year was 19%. The number keeping the Feast in Lake Placid, New York, this year was 22%. The number keeping it with us in Destin, Florida, this year was 16%. The number in Branson, Missouri, was 27% and the number in Salt Lake City, Utah, was 29%.”

    What a weird way of reporting numbers – so weird that it is meaningless.

    For example if it was stated that the number of new people attending at a particular site was 20%, this COULD mean, last year we had 100 people attending, this year 25 new people came along, so we had 125. 20% or 1 in 5 was new. I am sure Pack would like people to think that was what was happening, but clearly it’s not, as surely he would be claiming a 25% INCREASE in attendance, which sounds better that 20% new.

    But it can mean many things. Suppose of last years 100 attendees, 20 died/left/ were disfellowshipped, and 20 new people attended, by being born into the organisation, or a genuine new attendee. We still have 20% or 1 in 5 as new, but a growth of zero.

    But it could be far worse than that, and still appear positive – suppose of last years 100 attendees, 60 died, were disillusioned and left, or were disfellowshipped, and these 60 people were replaced by 10 new people. Again we have 20% new and 80% old, but the 100 has gone down to 50. Half the numbers, but still 20% new people.

    A meaningless way of reporting – and also a way of making a disaster appear positive growth.

    What is the reality – who knows – nothing can be gleaned from this way of reporting...

  22. Questeruk, the monster Dave Pack has created for himself is that even if he reported statistics in a clear, unambiguous manner, the fact that Dave is the source renders them not believable. Hype is a driving compulsion with him, his own words indicate that he knows that he frequently misunderstands God, and we have the testimony of those who could no longer walk with him due to profound ethical and humane differences.

    If he really wants to be of service to God, he should step aside and allow a messenger who has the witness of God behind him fulfill the commission. Unfortunately, there is no such person to be found rising from the ashes of Armstrongism. This is a case in which "any" man is not better than "no" man. These self-appointed apostles and prophets are either knowingly or inadvertently administering God-aversion therapy rather than simply remaining silent while clueless. They are absolutely killing people spiritually.

