Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mr. E.W.King Clears Up The Misunderstanding of Earth ‘Eras’ and Paleolithic Man

God's greatest gift to the church, after Bob Thiel, of course, is Eric King.  King knows everything about everything.

Mr. E.W.King clears up the misunderstanding of earth ‘eras’ and humans. COGSR ministries is dedicated to bringing you the whole truth and nothing but the Truth. Please read and share:

What is “Paleolithic Man”? This phrase for man comes from what is known as the Paleolithic Age, Era, or Period. It is referred to as an age of prehistoric human history. It tells of a time when the human mind was in its earliest development. Actually this period starts from prehuman existence with certain ape-like creatures that God created who began to learn how to use their hands or limbs by making tools. We see other animals doing this today such as the raccoons and the ocean seals. We find animals learning how to do this as early as 2.6 million years ago. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not claiming that these creatures were human beings, they were not. They were animal species which have now gone extinct.-

About 7,000,000 years ago God decided to create some very interesting beings. He created Sahelanthropus Ttchadensis. We have given this species the nickname “Toumai”. These creatures were the first to look like modern man in many ways but still fell short. These creatures exited for some time and developed a form of communication amongst them selves. God was taking pleasure in all of His great acts of creation. God loves to create!-

When we get to about 4,400,000 years ago (before modern man) we find the creatures known as Australopithecus Afarensis. These were some of the first human-like creatures to spend more time on the ground and outside of sheltered areas. One from this species is popularly known as “Lucy”. She walked upright and began to use her hands to do other things than just walk. After her came Homo Habilis and some others.-

COGSR has discovered that our universe was created 13.7 billion years ago. We learned that our galaxy is called the Milky Way Galaxy and was formed roughly 13.2 billion years ago. We learned that our solar system (4.6 billion years old) and our planet was formed and created by our Almighty God and that it was originally created to be inhabited around 6 billion years ago. We learned that God created IB’s [angelic beings] to inhabit and take care of our planet as “care-takers”. We learned that these angels failed and rebelled against God during what we call the Permian Period and the angelic war ended with what we call the KT extinction event at 65 million years ago. The angels had traveled to heaven and tried to war against God [Jude 6]. As a result they were cast back to our planet which caused great devastation and the destruction of the dinosaurs. When the IB’s hit the Earth they caused four great craters.-

We learned that after this event God continued to create through additional periods. At the end of the KT extinction event God proceeded to create again. We can start this new phase of creation with strength around 47,000,000 years ago. This brings us up to the last ice age which ended roughly 10,000 years ago. We understand that the first 4000 years of this time helped melt the ice and prepare the way for the Garden of Eden and the creation of the most recent and last human couple, Adam and Eve.-

When we reach what is known as the Pleistocene era around 10,000 BP we begin to see the groups of the first humans [who come from one of the Nine first Mothers], before the creation of Adam and Eve starting to make homes and use dwelling places such as caves to hide from the changing weather and wild animals. We find cave art painted on the walls of some of these caves. These early humans were beginning to learn how to live in a “fallen world” [Corrupted by the angelic Rebellion]. This era of development is what some call the Paleolithic era.

You can read the rest of his bullshit here:   Paleolithic Man and your Bible


  1. "You can read the rest of his bullshit here: Paleolithic Man and your Bible "
    And you can read the following bullshit comments below...

  2. The same old 'make up stuff as you go' without a shred of evidence, as usual.

  3. The boy simply is taking establish paleontology and adding the "God did it" to keep it in the realm of all things Bible. He no more knows what Deity did what and why than anyone else. I do tip my hat to the fact that at least he has broken out of the Genesis box, sorta. I don't have a hat however to tip. He watches a lot of Youtube on human origins and so badly wants to fit it all together theologically. Good luck.

    The hominid story is fascinating and does not need a supernatural force to have brought it all about. Many were cousins of sorts with whom we shared common ancestors. Humans as we knew them seem to have come on the scene within the last 200,000 years which is a tad more than 6000...

    A good read of "Your Inner Fish" by Dr. Neil Shubin , who discovered Tiktaalik, the amphibian with fins and feet, lungs and gills along with some nice teeth that lived in both water and on land. I got to hold the original Tiktaalik skull. Awesome. (360 million years old)

  4. Oh boo hoo Anon@4:16. Is somebody mad that we are mocking Kingeypoo?

  5. Like Dennis, I felt that Eric did a great job of thinking outside of the Armstrong mold on this topic. But, such speculation really cannot be called truth. And, the rest of the man's theology is still basically Armstrongism.

    If you want to be a purist, we can only know the things we have seen and experienced in our own lifetimes. And, some of that is not always all that clear. Anything that happened prior to our own existence is based on clues, evidence ( which is subject to interpretation), and history (which is usually written from a particular point of view). At best, we can try to make educated guesses or decisions.

    The claim to have "all the answers" is one that honest theologians or Christians will not make. If someone makes that claim, unless they are divine, you know that they are simply another narcissistic guru.


  6. My favorite is how he takes credit for the discoveries of WMAP as though they were his "discoveries" which came to him as he sat at his computer and "god" spoke to him...

  7. Didn't Hoeh go this same route around the beginning of the 90s?

  8. I don't know specifics about Hoeh in the '90s, because I left in '75. But, I do know that once the old man died, Hoeh seemed to come into his own as a person, allowing the parts of his personality and intellect which he had suppressed for HWA to come front and center.

