Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 17, 2014

David C Pack Sends New Superfantabulous Letter To The Entire Church of God. Woo Hoo!

David C. Pack is back today with a new letter to the "brethren" that he was humiliated in front of this past Feast of Tabernacles.  When his epic prophecy of a grand reunification failed to happen, Dave went sulking off with his tail between his legs into utter silence.  He quickly became the laughing stock of the entire Church of God.

Ever the narcissist he is, Dave had to announce last week that he was writing a letter to be released today.  If he was a humble servant leader, he would have just written a letter and been done with it, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he had to announce that he was writing one.

Today he writes his most superfantabulous letter EVER!!!!  Brethren, it is LOADED!!!!!!!!!!

For five years, starting after 2009, I have written an Open Letter about The Restored Church of God to all of God’s people. This will be the longest and most inspiring of the five. You will want to read every paragraph—each one is loaded!
He then starts in on the wretchedness of humanity, as if we have not heard that before.  He is incapable of talking about the beauty that surrounds him and that exists in this world. Instead he describes the current state of hte Church of God.

The Church of God is utterly failing-in EVERYTHING!  Never before has the COG been filled with sooooooooooo many problems. Each year that goes by, more and more issues arise.  The COG is getting worse and worse.  Splinter after splinter  arises with more and more self-appointed leaders.

As 2014 arrived, 2013 had brought one proof after another that humanity is utterly failing—in EVERYTHING! Never before has the world been more filled with problems. With the passing of time—and now another year by man’s calendar is upon us—come ever more issues, not less—NEVER less. Existing problems grow collectively worse instead of better—all of them. Each day brings new stories of disease, poverty, war and rumors of war, terrorism, crime, crises, violence, natural disasters, hunger, immorality—indeed amorality—religious confusion, oppression, political upheaval and corruption, financial woes, division between and within nations, and so much more. At every turn, man is botching and mangling ALL of his efforts to solve the world’s greatest problems—problems that only the arrival of the KINGDOM OF GOD can solve. No world leader and certainly not any pope can bring this.
 Dave then proceeds to call all the various splinter groups out as blithering morons who are incapable of doing anything as mighty as he is.  No one can be as magnificent and superfantabulous as he is.

The year 2013 was truly like none other for The Restored Church of God! God’s Work is BOOMING—and in almost every category! Yet ALL the organizations (small, medium and large) that formed from the Worldwide Church of God in the wake of the apostasy grew very little or not at all in 2013! In fact many declined in size and income, and in virtually all well-established categories of measuring fruit. (One medium-sized group just imploded, with many of its ministers leaving in recent days.) God is supplying no fruit in their organizations—and since He is NOT leading them, the growth never comes. But The Restored Church of God DOES have the fruit—TREMENDOUS fruit!—that the other organizations lack.

Dave still for some reason refuses to release how many people actually joined up with him.  None of the splinter groups are recording huge loses to him, membership wise.  If he is going by web statistics, then they can be interpreted many different ways, such as what Bob Thiel has done to legitimize his miniscule "work."  Dave has already been proven to be a lair, why should we trust him with statistics?

Dave realizes that most in the various COG's look at him as a complete fool and knows that they will ignore his most vital superfantabulous message. Shame on them!

If you are in the United Church of God (UCG), Living Church of God (LCG), Philadelphia Church of God (PCG), Church of God, a Worldwide Association (COGwa), or any other splinter or sliver that came out of the WCG, this will be among the most important reports you will ever read. But think as you read. So sadly, great numbers of brethren have become content to let their leaders do their thinking for them—and with ETERNAL LIFE at stake! This letter will not help such ill-informed, easily seduced, “obedient” people.


  1. Dave says:

    "great numbers of brethren have become content to let their leaders do their thinking for them—and with ETERNAL LIFE at stake! This letter will not help such ill-informed, easily seduced, “obedient” people."

    Dave has evidently never heard the concept of "the eye that sees cannot see itself." Amazing the man can an say such a thing after all his Clarion Calls and Prophetic blunders where he gives sure fire reasons why he is correct and everyone needs to believe and base their lives on it.

    He has a church full of ill informed and obedient people

  2. "But The Restored Church of God DOES have the fruit—TREMENDOUS fruit!"

    Boy, do they ever.

  3. Dave's 2014 Annual "State of the Disunion Address."

    Wait, why is sending a letter "about" RCG to people who don't give a rat's ass about him or his tiny also-ran church organization?

    Translation: "For five years, starting after 2009, I have written an Open Letter about MEEEEE to all of "god’s people...anything I write is the most important thing you will ever read, because I say so." Maybe it's actually Dave's 2014 Annual "Obvious Sheep-Stealing Attempt."

    In the "the world," where the women dress like whores, and the men think that "sheep-stealing" is immoral, Dave's morals are even worse than "the unconverted."

    "The year 2013 was truly like none other for The Restored Church of God! God’s Work is BOOMING—and in almost every category!"

    You don't say. Any increase in people willing to subjugated under your heavy and abusive yoke? No? Hmm.

  4. Davey writes:
    This will be the longest and most inspiring of the five. You will want to read every paragraph—EACH ONE IS LOADED!

    I think Dave is LOADED!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  5. UT, The Reigning Being of Being Banned by Banned by HWAFriday, January 17, 2014 at 4:52:00 PM PST

    Davie said, " This letter will not help such ill-informed, easily seduced, “obedient” people."

    That's what COGs are all about: baiting the gullible, easily seduced ("You know you want it; no, you can't have it). Some COGers get off on being dominate while others spazz over playing the obedient role.

    Pack is trolling for any who'd give it up to him; but, most of the would-be seduced have already spent it all on an earlier Dom.

  6. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a mans character, give him power." -Lincoln

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  7. "Loaded". Oh the possibilities

  8. Dave wrote: "...So sadly, great numbers of brethren have become content to let their leaders do their thinking for them—and with ETERNAL LIFE at stake! This letter will not help such ill-informed, easily seduced, “obedient” people..."

    I wonder when Dave Pack will ever finally get away from his brand of "Fear Religion," with that fear of losing out on ETERNAL LIFE, that he likes to hang over our heads? I think I will believe the apostle Paul on what he wrote to us in Titus about that LIFE:

    "In hope of ETERNAL LIFE, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;" Titus 1:2

    "That being justified by his grace, we should be MADE heirs according to the hope of ETERNAL LIFE." Titus 3:7


  9. Yes, this was a load of CRAP! Given enough time RCG will implode too. RCG has many ex-members already. I am one of them. And I personally know at least 40 others who left. I'm sure that I would know more, but once you leave their organization you are pretty much cut-off.

  10. great numbers of brethren have become content to let their leaders do their thinking for them—and with ETERNAL LIFE at stake! This letter will not help such ill-informed, easily seduced, “obedient” people.

    Dave Pack

    Freudian Slip there....

  11. "Tremendous fruit". So what this false teacher is saying is that all those televangelists, etc., are also doing the work because they prosper, making millions from their members and donors with jets in their back yard. Pack, why do you do so many fundraisers if God is blessing you? Why is there a donation button on your site? Why do you write letters to first time donors explaining what you were able to do with that donation, manipulating them to send in more money? We can tell a book by its cover! Your cover is obvious!


  12. Anonymous EX-RCG said...
    "RCG has many ex-members already. I am one of them. And I personally know at least 40 others who left."

    In one of his sermons DCP said that several hundred people from the PCG had joined his RCG but that one by one they had all left his RCG too. They probably checked their assets at the RCG's door and later left the RCG without them.


  13. "Come see what you may have thought was gone forever! You CAN have it all back. Thousands know this!"--At end of DCP's JAN. 16, 2014 letter

    NO, he is NOT talking about your assets that you handed over to him! Those really are all gone forever! You CANNOT have any of them back! Thousands know this! More will learn it later.

  14. 2Cr 10:12
    For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

    2Cr 10:17 But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

    Mat 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

    Mar 4:18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,

    Mar 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.


  15. "Our income crossed well into the eight-figure mark, and, for instance, significantly exceeded COGwa's announced 2013 income of $10.3 million, despite its being several times our size...Ask yourself WHY"--From DCP's JAN. 16, 2014 letter

    It just sounds like the average RCG member has to give SEVERAL TIMES AS MUCH MONEY as the average COGwa member.

    Yes, indeed, ask yourself WHY?


  16. "Yet, critics say we don't even print our literature, claiming it is only available "online." Countless thousands know otherwise! So could you! Just ask for a free Real Truth subscription. Then note its extraordinary quality compared to what your group produces."--From DCP's JAN. 16, 2014 letter

    The reason critics say that is probably because DCP in his Clarion Call sermon/satanic fit got very angry and actually SHOUTED that he had no use for former WCG people who requested hard copies of his literature.

    The RCG policy was not to send its regular literature to former WCG people. The only thing they would send was their Splinter Explanation Packet (SEP)--if that. DCP preferred that even the SEP literature be read online so that it would not cost him any money.

    The regular RCG literature was available only to new people, and even they would get cut off if they were not quickly impressed to send in some money.

    One of DCP's books--available online--said that some people have offered to purchase hard copies of the RCG's literature. Of course, the RCG cannot do that. Its literature is not for sale. It is all "free." The word games, the mind games, and their incredible ultimate cost are much higher than any "free" literature should ever be.

    Maybe DCP will now finally send a "free" hard copy of his magazine to former WCG people who can now finally compare its quality to the quality of the magazines that they have been actually receiving for around two decades. It is doubtful that DCP suddenly has any use for former WCG members, but he probably has some use for their money.

    Just remember that former WCG member who once said, "Never touch anything that says FREE. FREE cost me $60,000. I humbly submit this so you will remember it."


  17. "With many BIG First Commission plans in place, we expect record Church growth to occur in 2014--and almost certainly far beyond what we have ever seen before."--From DCP's JAN. 16, 2014 letter, (bolding added)

    The "we expect" is not a current fact. It is a "forward-looking statement" that might not come to pass as expected. DCP's Haggai/Zechariah prophecy that failed in the fall of 2013 has now just been moved forward to the spring of 2014. That is the reason for the "we expect."


  18. Personally, I like the idea of one true Church of God doing a great work on earth, and spreading the truth of God everywhere.

    I just do not understand why the RCG has to deceive people to get them to join it, tries to take everything they have, and then spits them out destitute.

    It would be so much nicer if there were a church with healthier long-term teachings and ways, instead of always full of wrong short-term prophetic guesses and merciless plundering of its members.

    Who wants to be responsible for supporting or recommending a church that is guaranteed to destroy such a high percentage of those who try it?

  19. "The year 2013 was truly like none other for The Restored Church of God!"

    Well Pack certainly got that right, the 30 August Coming Together prophecy must have been the most embarrasing failure in the history of the COG!
