Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dennis Muses: Esoterically Speaking

Thanks for Asking
Radio Interview on Esoterically Speaking

(Fast Forward to 16:50 for Start of Interview)


  1. I wish Dennis could be interviewed on prime time tv so that folks could hear this message of truth and reason. Maybe someday the delusions suffered by the brainwashed will be gone and we can move forward in civilization. First, though, the Dave Packs of the world must be revealed for what they really are; deceivers and sociopaths who suck the life out of simple minded followers. This whole religious thing, the Armstrong thing especially, helps only the leaders. It is an ancient scam.

  2. "At hand"..."yesterday is gone, today is almost over, and tomorrow isn't promised."Do you know if you will wake up tomorrow?

  3. "At hand"..."yesterday is gone, today is almost over, and tomorrow isn't promised."Do you know if you will wake up tomorrow?

  4. Anonymous said...
    "At hand"..."yesterday is gone, today is almost over, and tomorrow isn't promised."Do you know if you will wake up tomorrow?

    I prefer awake one day at a time...

  5. Good hearing your voice for the first time, Dennis. You also know your stuff on NT, etc. Well articulated.

    Then there's the astrology... Unless we find a mechanism whereby stars (and planets), being at varying vast distances from us, having no appreciable gravitational effect on us and having only the merest pin-prick of their light even managing to reach us, can in any way affect our personalities and actions, much less our fates, I don't give any credence to astrology.
    Although if people want to put their hope in something like that, fine. It's just very very unlikely and almost certainly a big waste of time.
    Also the idea that consciousness precedes life or succeeds death. Again very unlikely.

  6. Good points in the interview, Dennis.

    I enjoyed the following things, (though not necessarily confined to the following)-

    * Melted "Gingerbread House", lol!

    * In ancient Sumerian mythology the Serpent was the Wise Councillor to the Woman

    * "For women, being stoned to death was quite adequate. It was not a problem for the men of that time."

    * Insight into Arthurian legends and virgin births

    * Paul's wanting others to, Let's all behave ourselves, and showing he was certainly not a team player

    * People adding a motive to what you say because they are hell-bent on "demonizing" your point of view

    * Rejecting organizational compliance

  7. As good at speaking as you are at writing. Nice job.

    "All the seasons[?] were born of virgins, so I'm sure at that time if somebody wanted to, could say 'Well, so was our god' ... Men and women give birth to important men, virgins give birth to gods ... When a virgin gives birth, in all cultures, it's always to a god, never to a human being."

    Question for Dennis:

    Actually, I've been thinking about how all religions are manmade, and all religions are, in some form, astrotheological allegories, with your own spokesman avatar thrown in to make it plausible that the gap between platonic perfection and earthly imperfection is bridgeable. There are so many common patters and similarities between different cultures over long periods of time because everybody was trading with each other, and everybody was also looking at the same sky. But of course, having believed everything except xian nonsense to be nonsense, I am, in truth, pretty ignorant about everybody else's nonsense, so that makes it pretty hard to compare various nonsenses to see the patterns that are the hallmarks of nonsense.

    I went to Wikipedia after finishing listening to you, and looked up their "miraculous births" page, and noticed Zoroaster's birth, as well as refreshed my memory about the Osiris-Isis-Horus myth as being closer parallels. I think it's interesting how we could point the finger at Catholicism and its many extra-biblical pagan motifs such as Mary's pagan "queen of heaven" title, and not see the other three fingers pointing back at us, and the many biblical pagan motifs. Trying to shove it down or excuse it with "satan stole god's thunder by prefiguring his plan (and god wasn't capable of stopping him)" seems so absurd as obviously 11th-hour desperate posturings. A day late and a shekel short.

    So, I know about Joseph Campbell's epic tome. Would you recommend that or something else as a place to begin attempting to trace the pagan/astrotheological sources of the mythological patterns I know so well in the bible?

  8. HU: ""All the seasons[?] were born of virgins,"

    It was "all the Caesars were born of virgins"

    You might try "The Suns of God" and "The Christ Conspiracy" by Archaya S as a start to all the history and background of astro theological thinking. ALso a good search on the Net will bring up some interesting sites and information




  9. HU: ". Men and women give birth to important men, virgins give birth to gods ... When a virgin gives birth, in all cultures, it's always to a god, never to a human being."

    " old Barren women give birth to importent men, young virgins give birth to gods"
