Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Eric King Says First Humanoid Apes Were Fallen Angels and Meteor Craters In Arizona Caused By Fallen Angles Hitting the Earth

Now please understand. During the first earth age there were animals that were not brought back in the seven day re-creation of the earth. Dinosaurs existed on the first earth age. When the war broke out [about 65 million years ago] the dinosaurs started to attack each other, plants started to die, everything became corrupt. God preserved the bodies of all life on the first earth age as fossil fuel. God is very detailed in His great plan! He always thinks ahead!-

Many of these first earth age cities now lie under the oceans. The original bodies of the fallen angels are buried under the ocean. This helps us to understand this Scripture: “And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell [the grave] delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.” [Revelation 20:13]-
Early beings during the First Earth Age

God began to create many life forms over a long period of time. The angelic beings [IB’s] who once had the opportunity to inhabit glorified bodies and take care of our planet were now left going through the process of exchanging body for body and witnessing the effects of their sinful rebellion.-

The angelic beings wished that they could have remained the care takers of creation. About 47,000,000 years ago God created the lemur-like creature. These had forward facing eyes and were small little fella’s. They loved to climb things. And then about 30,000,000 years ago monkeys of all sorts were created. God placed most of them in what latter became South America and Africa. These creatures had hands and feet and good brains. The angels were hoping that God would create a more usable body for them. ~5

Did you know that the craters in Arizona were caused by the fallen angels hitting the earth when they battled with God?

If we want to know when the angelic rebellion occurred all we have to do is find the time of the dinosaurs destruction. We now know that this angelic “super war” broke out around 65 million years ago. When war broke out in heaven we have Lucifer and his angelic horde leaving their physical bodies and trying to war with God in heaven. They were eventually cast back down to our planet and they left four giant craters when cast down. One of these craters can be found in the state of Arizona.-

When they were cast down much of our planet was destroyed including the dinosaurs. The earth became covered with dark clouds and many things died.-

So now the angelic host that had fallen lost their capability to take back their regular glorified physical bodies so instead God began to create a host of animal like creatures that they became stuck in. Simply put, these angels were placed in physical bodies which resembled ape like creatures. They could stay invisible and get by but they missed their first glorified bodies so they tried out all sorts of animal like creatures. This was the beginning of their punishment.-


  1. Science Fiction.

    The problem is that it's not only not very interesting / very boring science fiction, but it doesn't have much science to it.

    We suggest that King go and take the Analog / Asimov's Clarion Workshop to hone his writing skills to make his stuff more interesting as well as scientific. There are experts who could gruel him through the process in 6 short weeks.

    Otherwise, he can only sell this crap to an unsophisticated moron captive audience.

    For those with cable TV, may I suggest the Science Channel, BBC America, maybe SyFy (although I have my reservations) or even the Weather Channel for more interesting and scientific entertainment.

  2. WOW! King should have this peer-reviewed and printed up in some big scientific journal. Probably win the Nobel prize or be committed to the neighborhood insane asylum - it's a toss up...

  3. All writers need an editor. And I don't mean a spell-check function. I mean a sanity-check function. Someone to tell you when to just STFU, you know, for your own good.

  4. King has failed to provide us with his sources for this material. Uhhhh, Eric, there are these little notes normally found at the bottom of the pages of a research paper. They are the references for the quotes from widely respected sources which you used to authenticate and substantiate your statements. Otherwise, people could assume that you had made everything up, which would indicate that it might be valueless except as opinion, or fiction.


  5. The man is a fool. I used to sit and listen to this stuff from mental patients when visiting such institutions. One told me I was an angel but didn't realize it. Now that was true. lol

  6. Hopefully, he'll go off ranting about Lake Titicaca.


  7. King is about as nutty as L. Ron Hubbard but nowhere near as good at grabbing and holding the attention of gullible people.

  8. Shouldn't Meteor Crater be in the shape of an angel instead of a square? When humans fall onto the snow, they don't leave impressions of a square. :)

  9. "King has failed to provide us with his sources for this material."

    No need to!
    When Christians who have the Holy Spirit make claims that seem to be a big stretch of the imagination, what's the need for backup or sourcing or proof that can be evaluated?

    Heck, why subject these kinds of claims to actual scrutiny, because the "evil secular media" will either ignore it or refute it, anyway.

    It's a spiritual thing, for only special and chosen people who have the Holy Spirit, and eyes to see and ears to hear.

  10. LOL Dennis. Like a snow angel. Or like Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, or Wile E. Coyote. Except instead of a snow angel, it would be an Earth Angel. The Penguins knew about this, and they wrote a coded song about it. The Four Seasons made it famous, but they changed the words and everybody thought it was about a girl, but it wasn't. It was really about how a fukkin' angel caused Meteor Crater in fukkin' Arizona! Here's the original words:

    Earth Angel,
    Earth A-A-ngel,
    Won't you be tru-ue?
    You fell in Ar-i-zoh-oh-na,
    Then I fell for yoo-ou.
    I'm just a foo-oo-ool,
    Who needs to believe in yoo-oo-ou.

    Earth Angel,
    Earth A-A-ngel,
    Made by the cre-a-tor,
    But you ree-be-e-elled,
    Then you made a crater.
    I'm just a foo-oo-ool,
    Who needs to believe in yoo-oo-ou.

    Earth Angel,
    Earth A-A-ngel,
    Please be tru-ue,
    If I'm Saxon or an A-A-ngle,
    That means I'm a Jee-ew.
    I'm just a foo-oo-ool,
    Who needs to believe in yoo-oo-ou.

    Only problem is, Meteor Crater was made only 50 thousand years ago, not 65 million years ago. But hey, what's 64,950,000 years between friends, right?

    "Simply put, these angels were placed in physical bodies which resembled ape like creatures."

    OMG!! Does that mean that I could be infested with thet— I mean, uh, fallen angels? Or worse, that I could BE a fallen angel? Maybe I'm not human at all! Maybe I'm just infecting this physical homo sapien body!

    You're right, Allen, this guy with his Science of Christian Thought bullshit has nothing on L. Ron Hubbard except for salesmanship. Let's hope E.W. doesn't hook any movie stars. If Tom Cruise and Vinne Barbarino are susceptible to bullshit like Scientology, you never know what strange thing might happen. Apparently, success, money, power, and influence do not create a hedge against becoming one of those who are born every minute.

  11. ......and Mr. King....apes aren't "humanoids" They were here first and that makes us Apeoids. You are a hairless ape with a consciousness that is relatively new to the species...Apes and chimps are our cousins. We did not come from them but rather shared a common ancestor 5 million years ago.

    Around here the ignorant "preachers" assert "I didn't come from no chimp because why then are there chimps still around today?" In this they are correct, they did not, but the speak and reason like them at times.

  12. Just how is Armstrong different than Scientology (except for Sabbath, Feasts, unclean meats)?

    Except for the name on the door it's Science Fiction and not very good Science Fiction at that.

    Can't you just see the SyFy made for TV movie now: The British Israelism Lost Tribe. Lots of action, romance, monsters, Bronze Age period costumes, oppressive bad guys (who might be aliens -- not sure until the end), explosions, falling rocks, meteors, maybe a space alien or two -- you know, a typical unwatchable SyFy monster movie (marginally better than sitting through a 90 minute sermon).

    Armstrongists are all insane, even if it's only Folie à deux (Hint: You get better when you get away from the mad man -- like Ewww King, Davey Pack, Roddy Meredith, Davey Malm, Gerald Flurry, John Rittenbaugh, Rotten Ronnie Weinland, Ysreal Hawkins... and you follow these people because?).

  13. This is crazy!

    But not more crazy than other "stupid-crazy" Christian groups are, like the 'Promise Keepers'!!!

  14. EKing hasn't answered any of my questions! So Iv'e muted his guff! He doesn't really rate being taken seriously!
