Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Christ Will Not Return Before September 7, 2021

Jeff Neil, leader of the TRUE Worldwide Church of God says that Jesus Christ cannot return until 2021.  Bob Thiel and E.W. King have been seen going into fits of rage.....

Several months ago, the Jews began constructing their altar. Google it and see. As soon as they commence a seven year covenant to offer animal sacrifices on their altar, we will be encouraged to believe that Christ will return, possibly on the Feast of Trumpets, exactly seven years and 45 days later. Taking into account the 45 extra days for which the Angel said those who wait will be blessed, the return of Christ is therefore not likely to occur before the Feast of Trumpets, September 7th, 2021. In the meantime, let us watch and see if the Jews indeed commence their animal sacrifices between June 28th and July 28th, 2014. Keep being diligent and faithful servants of Christ, watch, and let no man deceive you nor take your crown!


  1. Good to know. This will help enormously in scheduling my time for the next 7 years.

    Glenn Parker

  2. Well, I think it is undeniably true that no jesus will be returning before September 7th 2021. It's equally likely that no jesus will be returning on or after that date either.

  3. Keep being diligent and faithful servants of Christ, watch, and let no man deceive you nor take your crown!

    Interpretation: Hey Stupid suckers!
    All I want is your money. So give it to me!

  4. I look forward to the day of the uber-glorious news of The Return, and am prepared with guns and ammo and Bibles.

    In fact, I've set my computer to alert me when a news item says something like, "He's Baaaaack! ... and he's pissed off and has a sword in his mouth!"
