Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Paranoid Philadelphia Church of God Covers Camera During Spokesman Club

Notice the camera up in the corner covered up with a rag.  God knows that things discussed in a Spokesman Club meeting are HIGHLY confidential!  Of course this is the PCG after all....probably a night of attack speeches on not associating with filthy disgusting family members who no longer attend PCG.  Or, were they scared of the demon possessed Masons watching them.  For a cult that hates Masons with such a passion they sure love to fork over thousands of dollars a month to meet in their faculties!


  1. Too funny! That only gets rid of the obvious video feed. If someone were really skilled at surveillance or security, there would be additional devices besides this marker, ones that you cannot see.

    I just hope there are plenty of cameras in the bathrooms of the facilities in which they hold their sabbath and holy day services, so that when they beat their children, it is duly recorded.


  2. Oh, and here we have a picture, published on an anti-ACOG site, of people who actually believe they are avoiding surveillance! My side aches from laughing!


  3. Before condemning those who don't like Masons, you should do some research on Masons. They are far from harmless.

  4. One wonders why they had a camera there in the first place. A rented facility?

  5. PCG destroys sermon tapes because they don't want anyone outside the PCG to know what GF is ranting about.

  6. LOLLL!, This is funny as h...! And look who's center stage. None other than Andrew Hessong (seated next to his wife). This is the >future-god-being< whom along with his accomplice brother-in-law >BRIAN DAVIS< were continually harassing me and accusing me of dumb sh.. until they finally did what they set out to do...Get rid of little ol me and my thirteen year old son. The real secret reason was because...I kept winning the annual pine car derby race and they couldn't stand for a woman to beat them. Andrew Hessong is an avid Nascar fan, but what's funny, his PCG pine car derby race car NEVER EVEN PLACED while I was there. This is hilarious seeing these people still believing Satan is attacking them after all their Satanic abuse they continually get away with. Look how serious they appear...and the reg over the camera, HA!HA!HA! Poor Things!

  7. And speaking of Masons...While I was in Washington State back in 2005, Tacoma PCG met a Masonic Lodge in Orting. I thought this was ironic even back then a newcomer. Every Sabbath, the minister would be standing at the podium with the big ol letter "G" hanging above his head. I was thinking..."Was this planned?"...LOLLL

  8. I do not believe that it is a camera that is covered up .

    It more likely is the delivery vent for a potential use of...

    ZYKLON B ! ...

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  9. How do you know it's a camera? You can't actually see it.

  10. BB, use your head. Need I say more?

  11. 4:36: Go back to listening to Flurry's sabbath tape for this week nameless, gutless, wonder. You deserve it!


  12. Anonymous said...

    How do you know it's a camera? You can't actually see it.
    March 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM
    Anonymous said...

    BB, use your head. Need I say more?
    March 2, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    RITFLMAO...Stop it, I'm going to die laughing...hahahahahahahaha!!
    ...and Andrew Hessong in the picture, hahahahahahahaha!!

  13. This is nothing like where smelly socks ended up after the sacred footwashing ceremonies of the WCG.

  14. That doesn't make any sense... most security systems have audio mics separate from the camera, so I can't imagine what they think they're covering up. Maybe they just did it to shut one particularly paranoid member up or something.

  15. I was attempting to join and went to my first service and when I saw the symbology that was all over the building I did as God commands...FLEE
